Dowry for a newborn: what you need and what you can do without?

March 25, 2014

 layette for newborn
   The birth of the baby - an important event in the family, which they say made carefully. And if earlier superstitious parents were afraid to buy something for the baby in advance, now a dowry for the newborn is usually purchased in advance. However, many parents complain that acquire too many things without which could well do without.


Advertising and common sense

Previous generations of women, even in my wildest dreams could not imagine how in the early twenty-first century will be in shops of goods for mothers and babies. It seems that the new products for babies there every day and never tired of the ubiquitous advertising to persuade young mothers in the fact that certain products are vital to the happiness of their children.

Pregnant women and young mothers are usually very suggestible. And if the first pregnancy, the impact and the lack of experience: to convince women that their child is vital to this or that detail, is a snap. And those willing to use the sellers of goods for children. The result is predictable: to buy a lot of things without which a child could easily do without. All of these things just take up space in the apartment and forced to regret the money spent in vain.

It is better not to succumb to the tricks sellers and advance a list of products that will truly need child. This list is great, but not infinite, it contains only the most important. The rest will be to buy more later, after the birth of a baby when his needs will become apparent.


Large purchases

So, without which the baby can not do from the very first days of his life?

  • Wheelchair. When buying a wheelchair is necessary to pay attention to its security, continuity, agility and weight. The latter is especially important for those who live in houses without elevators - other models of strollers are not so easy to climb the stairs. Some strollers have detachable cradle that can be used as a car seat. Do without wheelchair unlikely, even if the parents are planning to wear your baby in a sling;
  • Cot. No cribs do also almost impossible. Basic requirements for such furniture - security and reliability. Models cots there are many, some of them can last up to four years old child, while others are suitable only for children. Along with the crib mattress is purchased, it is advisable to choose a hard one side and softer on the other. In the first year of life the baby is sleeping on the hard side. Also suitable protective bumpers of soft tissue and, of course, linens and blankets. Do not do without oilcloth;
  • Car Seat. It is necessary that if you plan to periodically carry a child in the car. Sometimes car seats can be used as a carrycot stroller-transformer;
  • Sling. Today more and more mothers are children in a sling. These devices is desirable to buy or sew yourself in advance;
  • Baby changing table. In fact, you can use ordinary table, putting on him a folded thin blanket. Yet a special changing table Changing table - facilitate the care of the baby  Changing table - facilitate the care of the baby
   more convenient and safe. Instead, the table can be used swaddling board, which is installed on the bed - these boards take up little space and are inexpensive.


Clothing and home care

When buying clothes you need to focus on the season: winter baby hardly useful vests sleeveless summer there is no need to buy a warm suit. In any case, you need to purchase:

  • 4-8 raspashonok of fine cotton with a zip (buttons) on the front;
  • 2-3 warm blouse;
  • 2-3 bonnet;
  • 1-2 hats for a walk;
  • 2-4 pairs of socks;
  • 1-2 thin pair of gloves that the baby could not accidentally scratch themselves;
  • Envelope for walks or seasonal clothing. The envelope is considered to be a practical option;
  • 2-4 pair of sliders. When using a disposable diaper that this amount will be sufficient. If you use the "old-fashioned" diapers, the number of sliders to be significantly more;
  • 6-10 large thin diapers and 4-6 warm flannel diaper. In the first month of life, many babies sleep better if they are swaddled. Later on diapers can be dispensed with, unless you plan to use disposable diapers;
  • Diapers of the smallest size;
  • Scissors with blunt ends;
  • Tray;
  • Thermometer for water;
  • Cotton swabs;
  • Wet baby wipes;
  • Cream diaper;
  • Oil after bathing;
  • Comb with a soft bristle brush;
  • Plastic bottle with a nipple safe. To begin with, only one bottle - just in case. Buy a large number of bottles does not make sense if you plan to breastfeed.


Without what you can do

Some parents make purchases simply by inertia: they often do not want any child or adult. Some little things can improve the life of the baby, but if the extra money in the family is not present, a number of shopping, you can safely give up:

  • Cushion the first year of the child does not need: pediatricians strongly recommend to lay the baby on a firm and level surface to avoid the risk of sudden infant death. You should also give up the lush quilts and blankets;
  • Baby Monitor - a handy thing if the big house, and my mother could not hear the squeak of the baby from another room. But if the mother and all the time is near the crumbs, then this gadget is not necessary;
  • Bottle warmers. It is obvious that the device will only need to bottle-fed babies. Crumbs that mother breastfeeds, no heaters are not necessary;
  • Mobil on the bed. A good thing, but it is simply a newborn does not appreciate. It is better to wait until the crumb will grow;
  • Scales. We need not so much a kid as my mother, if she is not sure that enough milk, and the child is gaining weight. Scales better to rent than buy, because the need for them arises far not at all, and usually only for a short while.

Maria Bykov

Article Tags:
  • dowry for baby

The development of children from four to six months: personality!

October 19, 2006

 Toddler development
   When the baby is four months, life with him becomes more orderly and calm. Perhaps by this time child care has become for you in a familiar routine, although sometimes at the end of the day the kid starts to act up. Children suffering from colic in the first months of this age have more calm, and even restless kids let their moms and dads to sleep six hours (though not necessarily at night).

And here is where the real fun begins. This period in the life of the child is similar to the "love", because it is in four months, babies begin to show emotion and to reciprocate your love. I know that with four months of tears and smiles no reflex, and completely understood. They are not just sleeping or capricious - every action has an emotional subtext. So children are the only affordable way they express the complex feelings and attitudes of people around them.

In the first months of life depended on the mood of the baby flatulence or desire to eat, and the desire to attract the attention of adults. Now, four months, the child's life is not confined to food and Span. The rapid development of the brain (and the corresponding improvement in regulation of the digestive and nervous systems) allows the baby to take more interest in the world and the events of "adult" life. At this age the child already may feel disappointment, fear, curiosity, and joy (doctors diagnose early symptoms of anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
   and depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   even three or four months).

 The development of children from four to six months: personality!

Toddler Development: emotional attachment

Stable emotional relationship with the loving parents or persons substituting them - this factor ensuring the normal mental and psychological development of the child. For four months the baby has learned to associate your image with pleasant feelings and care, so do not be surprised, when your baby appears on the lips a smile.

You understand that the child is moved to a new stage of development, when it will be emotions - whatever they may be. At the close emotional bond that is formed between you and the baby, indicating a variety of symptoms, such as he smiles in response to your smile, relax on your hands, begins happily babbling, when you refer to it, or pat on the back and does not want you anywhere go.

 The development of children from four to six months: personality!

Toddler Development: the development of language skills

 Toddler development
 One of the most miraculous achievements of your baby at this age - the ability to make sounds, expressing his emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 . In the first weeks of life, the only way to get your attention was crying loudly. In four months, most babies are not just silent, you only need to learn to understand them. For example, it often starts with a kid trying to say open vowel sounds, such as "a" and "o". Eventually, when the child learns to treat your teeth, tongue and vocal cords, he will be able to publish a lot of funny sounds and sound "repertoire" replenish vowels. As a rule, the first from the lips of the baby flies undefined "p" and "b", and, of course, the favorite of every mother, "m", so you may find that your child says "mama". Of course, this upset Dad, but do not attribute it to his account - just are features of speech - the sounds, the pronunciation of which is needed for language and located in the throat muscles appear later.

 The development of children from four to six months: personality!

Toddler Development: Learning to talk

How do I know for sure that the child gradually learns the language, if it is not distinguishable pronounces words? In this case, the main thing - the relationship and emotional connection. Not surprisingly, the researchers say increased ability to learn foreign languages ​​of children, which is around a lot of talk at the time when they were four to six months. More often talk with your baby, tell him about the world and the objects around him, and listen to what he responds to you. It is not necessary to include Linguaphone courses, audio fairy or hold his educational toys; simply looking at pictures together and talk about what you see them, tell your child about their plans and events of the day, and show interesting items when you leave for a walk.

 The development of children from four to six months: personality!

Personal development

 Toddler development
   Now that your baby came out of the uncomprehended period and became more attentive and sensitive, you can get accustomed to it, to understand what kind of child you went - because it is the time for the first time shown its unique personality. Experts on child development is used to describe the temperament nine major congenital characteristics. Some of them can be easily determined in early childhood, such as regular (ie eats and sleeps your child is in the same time or not), adaptability to change, sensitivity, activity level, and distractibility.

For example, if a baby has improved sensitivity, noise, and crowded the company will in the future cause his excitement. Kid with a reduced level of sensitivity can become a favorite of the whole family, since the attention of many relatives did not cause him annoyance. To determine the temperament of the child, watch his actions and reactions to everyday events. Can he relax on the child seat, or endlessly Sucitu legs? Does he fear a sudden noise, or just curious? Determination of the temperament of the child will help you develop a suitable strategy for education - and improve your relationship.

Article Tags:
  • child development
