Claritin children help to cope with allergies

April 15, 2012

 Claritin children
 Claritin - a drug which inhibits manifestations of allergic reactions. Allergic reactions may be different, but in any case they are accompanied by swelling and itching. After a single use Claritin swelling and itching disappear in the night.

 Claritin children help to cope with allergies

Allergies in children

Allergic diseases in children develop in violation of immunity or innate imperfection. The body of a healthy child in response to the ingress of any foreign particles (antigens) produced in special blood proteins - immunoglobulins or antibodies, which are glued together with the antigens and eliminate them from the body. In case of violation of the immune system begins to produce too many antibodies and the body produces increased amounts of substances that contribute to the development of allergic reactions, including histamine. Recurring allergic reactions contribute to the development of allergic diseases in the child.

In some cases, a child is born with a hereditary allergy or atopy, which appears first in the form of exudative diathesis Diathesis in children - an integrated approach  Diathesis in children - an integrated approach
   in infants (correct as atopic dermatitis). But after a few years it may go in a different form (eg, in the form of allergic rhinitis). Sometimes, the child develops multiple allergic diseases such as hay fever and asthma.

Congenital allergic rhinitis Rhinitis: a runny nose - is quite serious  Rhinitis: a runny nose - is quite serious
   It appears in a child after two - three years. Acquired allergic rhinitis usually develops with frequent colds - formed an allergy to an infectious agent. And if at first allergic reaction evolved pathogens, over time it can cause allergies, any other antigens (home and book dust, particles of skin, fur and feathers of animals and so on). Thus, the antigen may be ingested by a child not only by inhalation but also through the gastrointestinal tract (e.g., dietary), the skin and mucous membranes. The substances that cause allergies can be a long time in the nasal cavity, having a negative impact on the entire body of the child, making allergic rhinitis one of the most common allergies in children.

 Claritin children help to cope with allergies

How does Claritin allergic diseases in children

Claritin - it is anti-allergic drug that is allowed to take the children after two years. It blocks histamine receptors N1- and does not allow the latter to cause allergic reactions. One of the main manifestations of allergic reactions is swelling, appearance of serous discharge and severe itching. After taking Claritin these symptoms persist or do not appear at all.

For children Claritin is available as a syrup in bottles. Upon receiving the syrup into klaritin starts to operate in half an hour and this action persists for days, however it is sufficient to take once a day.

 Claritin children help to cope with allergies

With which diseases and how to assign children Claritin

Claritin administered to children with allergic diseases and allergies, including atopy. After two years, one of the most common allergic disease is allergic rhinitis, which can occur year-round or seasonally, during the flowering herb - a disease called pollen allergy or hay fever. Claritin is well relieves nasal congestion, sneezing and itching in allergic rhinitis. It is prescribed to children from two to twelve years of age weighing 30 kg less than one teaspoon of times a day, more than 30 kg - two teaspoons once daily. Children over the age of twelve appointed adult dose - two teaspoons a day.

The same dose of the drug is prescribed with other allergic diseases. For example, neurodermatitis, which proceeds to two years of atopic dermatitis.

Claritin can give a child when he developed an allergic reaction to an insect bite or showing signs of contact allergic dermatitis.

Assign children Claritin and acute infectious and inflammatory diseases - it removes swelling of the tissues and prevents the development of allergic reactions that often accompany an infectious-inflammatory processes.

 Claritin children help to cope with allergies

In some cases, the drug should not be prescribed to children

Babies should not be prescribed Claritin Claritin - histamine receptor blocker  Claritin - histamine receptor blocker
   if you are sensitive to it and the body of the child under the age of two years. With care and individually selected dosage prescribed Claritin for liver and kidney, accompanied by dysfunction of these organs.

 Claritin children help to cope with allergies

Side effects and overdose

In children, side effects while taking Claritin is lower than in adults may appear headache, nervousness, weakness, nausea, abnormal liver function, and allergic reactions, alopecia.

Overdose of Claritin is manifested in increased side effects. In this case, the child is recommended to wash the stomach weak brine (ideally - saline) and to take the activated carbon Activated carbon - old but indispensable  Activated carbon - old but indispensable

Claritin syrup will help to remove or reduce allergic reactions in children.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Claritin

Inoculation of premature babies - carried out on an individual schedule

July 6, 2014

 vaccination in preterm infants
 Any vaccination in preterm infants carried on an individual schedule and depends on the general condition of the child, the state of the central nervous system, birth weight, the presence or absence of congenital and genetic diseases, birth injury Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?  Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?
   and so on. Also takes into account the risk of a child of a particular infection.


Features premature baby

Premature is a child born up to 37 weeks. Typically, premature babies are also LBW, ie their weight does not exceed 2, 5 kg and height - 45 cm. A viable today considered a child born at term pregnancy at least 22 weeks, and having a weight of more than 500 grams, but full-term babies sometimes have low weight and height, whereas preterm birth can have normal levels of weight and height.

Whichever weight and height was not born a premature baby, they differ a reduced adaptation to extrauterine life, the immaturity of the central nervous system, a tendency to generalization (spread of the entire body) infections and any imperfection immunity.

Imperfection child immunity is mainly due to the fact that its body has not had time to do a sufficient amount of antibodies to various infections from maternal blood.

For a number of features on the basis of examination of child doctor - neonatologist can draw a conclusion about the degree of prematurity (gestational age). This makes it possible to judge the degree of maturation of a child all organs and systems, and to decide on the possible behavior of his vaccinations.


Calendar of vaccination in preterm infants

On the basis of examination and additional tests for a premature baby is offered an individual schedule of vaccinations. Most often, the schedule of vaccination in preterm infants coincides with the national vaccination calendar, that is, all vaccines are given at the same time as the vaccination full-term children. Taps vaccination in preterm infants reduced as much as possible today because of the increased risk associated with the imperfections of the immune system and the possibility of severe infections.

However, for certain vaccines in preterm infants there are a number of contraindications.


Vaccination against hepatitis B

In accordance with the national immunization schedule vaccination premature children are doing in the first 12-24 hours after birth. The vaccination consists of three injections of the vaccine: the first day in the hospital, 1 month and 6 months after the first injection. Revaccination is carried out after 5 years. Prematurity is not a contraindication for vaccination against hepatitis B Vaccination against hepatitis B - to do or not worth it?  Vaccination against hepatitis B - to do or not worth it?

If a premature baby born to a mother, which is a carrier of hepatitis B virus, the vaccination scheme conducted 0-1-2-12 months. This will protect the baby from infection. In addition, it is recommended that the simultaneous introduction of human immunoglobulin against hepatitis B in a dose of 100 ME. Premature infants with a body weight less than 2 kg, born to mothers with hepatitis B virus carriers, should be vaccinated as normal children in the first 12 hours after birth. The vaccine is injected intramuscularly in the thigh perednenaruzhnuyu.

This vaccination is postponed, as a rule, good, however, various general and local reactions. Local - a swelling and redness at the injection site, the general - a slight malaise, headache, dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 And sometimes vomiting or regurgitation. All reactions were typically tested 2-3 days after injection.

For vaccines used in the hospital domestic recombinant hepatitis B vaccine is an analogue of its vaccine Engerix British firm GlaxoSmithKline.


BCG vaccination in preterm infants

BCG vaccine is a live Mycobacterium strain BCG-1, which multiply in the body of the newborn, leading to the development of long-term immunity to tuberculosis. BCG vaccine vaccination of healthy infants at 3-7 days of life, re-vaccination of children aged 7 and 14 years old. Contraindication to vaccination with BCG is prematurity and weight of less than 2000

BCG-M is designed for gentle vaccination against tuberculosis. It is used for the vaccination of premature infants weighing 2,000 g or more, the restoration of the original body weight in the hospital the day before discharge in children weighing 2300 g or more in the departments of nursing preterm before discharge, as well as children who did not receive TB vaccinated in the hospital for medical contraindications, and be vaccinated due to the removal of contraindications in children's clinics.

The vaccine is injected strictly intradermally on the border of the upper and middle third of the outer surface of the left shoulder. Normally, after the introduction of the vaccine through 1-1, 5 months developing specific reaction in the form of papules the size of 5-10 mm in diameter, which gradually regress within 2-3 months, leaving a small scar.


DPT vaccination in preterm infants

Prematurity is not a contraindication for vaccination against pertussis This pest, pest whooping ...  This pest, pest whooping ...
 Diphtheria and tetanus (DPT). But the introduction of this vaccine is contraindicated in progressive lesions of the central nervous system that often occur in premature infants. Therefore, such children often injected vaccine Td, not including the most reactogenic pertussis.

Vaccinations preterm infants up to one year made by individual schedule.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • immunizations
