Convergent strabismus - the need for regular check-ups

November 25, 2014

 The problem of strabismus in most cases occur in pediatric practice. It is a mistake to assume that you can not jump to the course of treatment, which may solve the problem yourself. Convergent squint, like other forms of the disease requires prompt treatment before the age of four years. Most adverse complication is loss of vision.


Congenital form of strabismus

Conventionally distinguish two basic forms of strabismus. Strabismus can be congenital or acquired. Convergent strabismus in children Strabismus in children - importance of the problem  Strabismus in children - importance of the problem
   commonly found in congenital forms of the disease. Experts have identified the existence of risk factors, the presence of which predispose to the development of the child's disease. These factors include the following provisions:

  • family history, that is, the presence of strabismus Strabismus - how to find the cause?  Strabismus - how to find the cause?
   those relatives who belong to the first and second line relationship
  • effects on the developing fetus of drugs and toxic substances (alcohol, smoking, drug use)
  • low birth-weight or premature (preterm)
  • congenital eye defects
  • genetic disorders such as Down syndrome

The impact of some of these factors can be prevented during pregnancy, a woman will live a healthy lifestyle, carry a doctor's recommendation for screening and treatment, if necessary, when the pregnancy was complicated and requires treatment.

Identification of the various forms of congenital squint, convergent strabismus in particular possible in the age of the child up to six months. Since the detection of the disease medical specialist can choose the tactics that until the child goes to school, it was possible to eliminate the existing violations.


The features of the disease

To develop in childhood esotropia is unstable. In this form of strabismus often dominated by long-sightedness Hyperopia - than it is fraught?  Hyperopia - than it is fraught?
 While hyperopia reaches medium and high. Convergent alternating strabismus in children refers to a form of the disease, which is characterized by intermittent strabismus. The expert determines the involvement of both eyes in the pathological process that formed the basis of the classification in terms of one or both eyes are involved.

A characteristic feature is that the eyes mow alternately, first one, then another.

This feature allows you to save vision in both eyes equally. If one eye is inactive, as in monolateral strabismus, it could cause serious disturbances in the form of reducing its sharpness due to functional inactivity. Despite the fact that the alternating strabismus man looking alternately different eyes, then one, then another, in the act of involving both eyes. This is the main feature of this form, which determines more favorable course.

The brain usually reads information from the eyes, which is not decimated. There is a decline in visual functions in the squinting eye, which has a progressive course. When alternating strabismus, this situation is rare, the degree of reduction is not high.


An integrated approach to initial treatment

The main result during strabismus correction should be to achieve binocular vision, eliminating the cosmetic defect. Treatment of strabismus convergent carried out in stages, with the first place should be the event to create optimal conditions for the development of binocular vision. By the similar nature of the activities include the establishment of proper lighting conditions, improving the overall health of the immune system to prevent the development of infectious diseases.

Binocular vision can be achieved through special exercises on machines, the use of which depends on the severity and nature of the patient. Esotropia is corrected with glasses, so the spectacle correction is a common method of conservative therapy. If the measures do not have a conservative nature of the desired effect, there is no restoration of binocular vision, then decide whether to surgical treatment. The operation allows you to obtain the correct position of the eye in most cases.

After surgical treatment continues to implement therapy, which is aimed primarily at maintaining the achieved results and the development of binocular vision.

In total, the whole process of treatment consists of conservative measures and prompt treatment can take up to two years. Only by restoring disturbed visual function due to strabismus can achieve stable symmetrical arrangement of the eye, so the treatment of esotropia should be mandatory.

In modern conditions, the question of the amount of surgery can be solved using mathematical modeling techniques, or dispensing operation. One of the drawbacks of traditional surgery may be incomplete elimination of the angle of strabismus or gipereffekt when postoperative developing secondary strabismus. If it is not made precise metering operation, the patient's binocular vision is completely restored. The mathematical model allows to avoid the development of these complications.

Another achievement is the use of modern ophthalmology surgery radiowave technology instead of the traditional surgical instruments, scalpel. Bloodless operations combined with minimal damaging effect on the muscles and tissues, which is an undisputed advantage of this method of treatment of strabismus Treatment of strabismus - ways of correcting violations  Treatment of strabismus - ways of correcting violations

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • strabismus

Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?

April 22, 2014

  • Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?
  • How to get rid
  • Complications

 The term "cataract" is used to describe disorders characterized by clouding of the lens of the eye - from slight to complete opacity opacity. The majority of people over 50 in the lens to some extent muddled. Today, cataract is the most common cause of blindness in the world. However, this disease can be treated surgically; cataract surgery - a very popular and effective operation.


As the cataract

The most common cause of cataracts - age: the aging of the transparency of the lens gradually decreases. (At age 65 the transparency of the lens is reduced on average by 75%, but in most cases it does not require any treatment).

A bit more often than the others, cataracts occur in patients with diabetes and in people taking corticosteroids (especially over time). In addition, the breach is particularly vulnerable to people who have had a serious eye injury, have a family history of cataracts, as well as those who have had any eye inflammation.

Very rarely there are children born with congenital cataracts Congenital cataracts - the problem of childhood  Congenital cataracts - the problem of childhood
 . Although it rarely happens, all children shortly after birth examined for the presence of cataracts.


Types of Cataract

There are the following types of cataract:

  • Nuclear cataracts - the most common type of cataract, which is associated with the natural aging process of the human body. This violation of the central part of the eye's lens, which is called the nucleus gradually becomes cloudy, yellowish, and more dense. Change view usually occurs gradually. In some cases, patients at some time may even improve near vision, but then there is a significant deterioration;
  • Cortical cataract leads to opacification of the lens cortex, or outer portion;
  • Posterior subcapsular cataracts is characterized by clouding the posterior surface of the lens, directly beneath the capsule in which the lens. This kind of cataract causes increased sensitivity to light and deterioration of near vision. People with this disorder are also visible halos around lights. Posterior subcapsular cataracts most common among diabetics and those who have for a long time took steroids.
  • Senile cataracts - a common name for a type of cataracts that afflict the elderly. Typically, senile or senile cataract begins to develop after 40-50 years, but her first symptoms most often appear between the ages of 60-70 years.
  • Secondary cataracts - a kind of cataract that develops due to any illness, injury, or surgery. This type includes, for example, diabetic cataracts and posterior lens capsule opacification after surgery for cataract treatment.
  • Traumatic cataract develops after eye injury or eye exposure to certain chemicals. Symptoms of cataracts can occur soon after injury, and a few years later.
  • Congenital cataracts. Some people cataract is present from birth. In some cases, children also found the acquired cataracts, which begins to develop shortly after birth. Sometimes congenital cataract eye does not have a significant impact on the patient's vision. However, if the vision of this type of cataract is much worse rule as soon as possible to carry out a surgical operation to remove the affected lens. Otherwise vision is likely to deteriorate, and further, that, ultimately, can lead to blindness.
  • Radiation cataract - this is a rare variety of the disease caused by certain types of radiation Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!  Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!
 . Its causes may be, for example, the impact of ultraviolet or ionizing radiation.


Causes Cataract

The most common cause of cataracts becomes harmful effects of free radicals, which age leads to more serious damage to the tissues of the body - and the lens of the eye is no exception. It can also contribute to smoking and other bad habits Bad habits - second nature?  Bad habits - second nature?
 Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, steroids and some other kinds of drugs, chronic diseases (e.g. diabetes), trauma and surgery eyes. Often, the exact cause of cataracts is not possible - likely cause of the disease is becoming the impact of several factors causing degenerative processes in the tissues of the eye.


Symptoms of cataract

Signs of cataracts depends on its type. Nuclear cataract causes a gradual loss of vision. Sometimes it happens quickly - for example, there are cases where the patient every few weeks were needed new glasses.

When cortical cataract person may see halos around lights, and split items if he looks with one eye. When posterior subcapsular cataract vision much worse, glare causes discomfort.

These types of cataract may develop both individually and collectively in one eye. If the cataract is only in one eye, a person may not notice any symptoms of it, if he continues to see well the other eye.


Is it possible to avoid the development of cataracts?

Cataracts are a part of the aging process, and in diabetic patients and in patients taking steroids, there is a risk of early development of this disorder. To avoid this, or to slow down the process should always be in sunny weather to wear good sunglasses. In addition, during operation, requiring a voltage of view, need to have regular Rest your eyes.



The most important aspect concerning cataracts - how it affects your vision. If you suspect a cataract doctor conducts a thorough eye examination, including eyesight checks. In addition, it is necessary to make sure that the patient wears glasses that really suited him. We study the enlarged image of the eye lens.

Inspect and other parts of the eye to make sure that the deterioration of sight does not have any other reasons.

Anyone who says that his vision deteriorates, regardless of age, you need to, without delay, consult your doctor.

After the conversation with the patient (in which it should be described as fully as possible their symptoms), and studying its history physician typically first checks acuity. This procedure is known to all - the patient gets a certain distance from the table on which several rows of printed letters of various sizes, and calls those letters, which show the doctor. By itself, reduced visual acuity does not mean that the person is sick cataract, but it is one of the most common symptoms of this disorder.

Then the inspection can be carried out using a slit-lamp - a special device that allows you to detail the cornea, iris, lens, and the space between the iris and the cornea. Slit lamp allows the doctor to detect even small anomalies in the structure of the eye.

In the process of diagnosis of cataracts also often carried out inspection of the structure of the eye using an ophthalmoscope. Before beginning this procedure, the doctor puts on eye special drops that extend pupils - because of this, he will be better able to consider the lens and retina of the eye. In addition, your doctor may measure intraocular pressure, and check the color vision of the patient - it allows you to exclude or identify related eye diseases.


Cataract Treatment

There eye drops or tablets, by means of which is possible to cure a cataract. The only way to improve vision is cataract surgery.

In the past, doctors were waiting for a cataract is ready for removal, is now the practice has changed. Anyone for whom cataract is a problem, may consider surgery. All depends on the needs of the patient. For example, if the deterioration of vision prevents him deal with some important activity for him, he needs an operation, otherwise it is possible that you can do without it.
