Signs of pregnancy before menstruation physiology or mistrust?

August 8, 2011

 Signs of pregnancy before menstruation
 Signs of pregnancy, which appear before the expected date of menstruation, are usually quite vague, and every woman has manifested in its own way. However, they may well be noticed, especially if pay attention to it.

 Signs of pregnancy before menstruation physiology or mistrust?

What is the period of pregnancy is a woman at the time of the next month

As you know, the conception is possible only in the presence of two components - the egg and sperm. Sperm may be present in any day of the month, but the egg, the star appears only once a month just for a day, at this time, and fertilization can occur.

Time release egg from the ovary is called ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 It comes in the middle of the menstrual cycle. For example, if the cycle is equal to twenty-eight days, on the fourteenth - sixteenth day. Accordingly, at the time of the alleged pregnancy of the next menstruation period will be equal to two weeks. This so-called fetal or real time. It is different from obstetric period, which is calculated from the first day of last menstrual period.

 Signs of pregnancy before menstruation physiology or mistrust?

What are the signs of pregnancy before a woman can feel the monthly period

So the approximate gestational age at the time of the next month delay is approximately two weeks (at someone it will be less, someone more, depending on the length of the menstrual cycle).

So what happens to the second - the third week of pregnancy? At this time, under the influence of hormones in women will appear the first signs of pregnancy The first signs of pregnancy to delay: Eyes on intuition?  The first signs of pregnancy to delay: Eyes on intuition?
   in the form of nausea, lethargy, drowsiness, increased appetite, and increase breast tenderness. All of this can already be suspected pregnancy.

The main thing that most concerned about the woman in this period - a rapid change of mood. The mood is changing, and regardless of external circumstances and from any situations. Its annoying all or, on the contrary, are delighted. At this time, frequent conflicts at work and at home, followed by a storm of reconciliation. This behavior is caused by the female hormones play, they cause inappropriate behavior. All the time you want to sleep, it seems that not getting enough sleep, even if you sleep longer than usual, the work did not catch on, and everything that is not right.

There may be bouts of dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 Especially in a stuffy room. A woman may even faint.

Appetite usually increases, but it happens and disappears. Almost all women develop flavor changes and reactions to various odors. Everyone knows that if a pregnant woman wants something special, then there could not wriggle, to get necessary. Sometimes it's absolutely something unusual and poor future Pope knocked down, trying to find some unusual product ("I've never tried, but I really want").

Common kitchen odors may be intolerable, and the spirits that she could not stand before - nice.

 Signs of pregnancy before menstruation physiology or mistrust?

Are there any objective changes at this stage of pregnancy?

In the first place - is the breast changes: nagrubayut and they increase in size, and the nipple and areola (the areola) become darker. Dark spots may appear on the forehead and on the midline of the abdomen.

On the second or third week of pregnancy, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the reception can already identify a small increase in uterine The increase in the uterus - when the rate goes into pathology  The increase in the uterus - when the rate goes into pathology
 . The uterus becomes softer consistency. The uterus increases, of course, not due to the fact that the embryo has grown (it is still too small) - is growing uterus itself: increases mucous layer in which the embryo and muscle layer, new muscle fibers.

Of course, not all women before the onset of the next menstruation are turning to the gynecologist. For those who want to first satisfy himself in her pregnancy, there are pregnancy tests that detect the urine of pregnant women in the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin - hCG. Tests are conducted is very simple: in contact with the urine test strip or plate in the window indicates a positive or negative result. The most sensitive pregnancy tests to date in two to three weeks will already be positive. But this qualitative determination of hCG, more accurate - quantitative analysis can be made in the antenatal clinic, passing blood.

During ultrasound examination can still be nothing to see signs appear around the fourth - fifth week.

At the beginning of pregnancy is necessary to remember that at this time there is a bookmark of organs and tissues of your unborn baby. Therefore, it is important that a pregnant woman does not smoke, does not drink alcohol and drugs - it can cause a variety of abnormalities in the baby.

Pregnant women in this period to properly eat regularly, get plenty of rest and a walk in the fresh air.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • the first signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy and signs - how to protect themselves from the evil eye?

May 30, 2010

 pregnancy signs
 Pregnancy and childbirth have always been dangerous for women and children, especially in the old days when labor often ended tragically. Therefore, people tried as much as possible to protect the pregnant woman posing for her to take a number and rituals. Some of them are quite rational, they can be explained with contemporary positions.

 Pregnancy and signs - how to protect themselves from the evil eye?

Signs relating to compliance with the pregnant woman mode

At a time when there was no medical care and no one to explain to a pregnant woman, what you can do, and what not, it comes to help her folk wisdom. Here is what she advised pregnant women:

  • We can not engage in any needlework, including cook their own dowry for the baby (it should be prepared by someone else) - sew, embroider, knit, and so on, as a child on the cheek may appear birthmark; Tips to: sewing - is able to work sitting down, before it was almost the only form of recreation for women, but for a long stay in a state of sitting leads to stagnation of blood, which would adversely affect the child;
  • can not hang clothes - a long time to be with your hands up (and not just hanging laundry) is really harmful to a pregnant woman - this will increase the contractility of the muscles of the uterus and can cause miscarriage;
  • you can not walk across a log, put his legs - which means that a woman should be careful as walking and able to sit, including doing broad steps and crossing the legs - very rightly, all of which can damage the mother and, and the child;
  • you can not bathe in the bath Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures  Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
   - Begin preterm labor; it really is: hot water and steam can cause miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
   or premature birth;
  • you can not sit on the doorstep and get out through the window - a warning that a woman should beware of drafts and sudden movements; In addition, the threshold of the house was considered the boundary between the real world and the next;
  • It can not be cut and comb your hair - it is hard to find a grain of truth, a sign related to the fact that in the old days the hair attributed mystical properties; but during pregnancy can not be accurately painted hair and do perm;
  • you can not look at all scary and ugly: to fire (the child may appear on the body of large birthmarks), animals (including cats) - this is correct, can all cause stress, the consequences of which are unpredictable to a pregnant woman; and cats are the traditional carriers of toxoplasmosis - one of the most dangerous parasitic infestations for pregnant women, which can lead to the birth of a sick child;
  • can not advance to buy a crib or stroller for the baby, and if it remained from the previous baby, you can not swing - is, of course, prejudice, but if a woman is convinced of the correctness of the signs, it is better to observe, in order to avoid stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
  • there can not be surreptitiously - is very correct: there should be in a calm atmosphere, do not overeat, but do not starve.

 Pregnancy and signs - how to protect themselves from the evil eye?

All of the evil eye

Afraid of the evil eye, and now that we talk about the past times. Mental effects on humans were and are. Pregnant women are also particularly prone to them. Even just a malevolent look and accidentally cast an evil word can make a big impression on them. From the mental effects always helped rituals - it's like an anchor for which it was necessary to hold on to avoid falling under the influence of the "evil eye." The problem is that if a woman believes in these signs, they help her. Here are the "anchor": gird black woolen thread, red thread on her wrist to wear, to put on amulets, talismans, iron objects (they scare away evil spirits), knotted yarn bundles.

In order to avoid the "evil eye" had to conceal the pregnancy as long as possible - in our time, this advice is not relevant: early registration with the antenatal clinic and regular medical supervision - a guarantee that the possible complications are minimized. A pregnant woman can not be jealous, cursing her, pestering her with questions about the status and future of the child. A woman should not go to crowded places - might jinx it - is very important in our time, when there are plenty of viral infections.

 Pregnancy and signs - how to protect themselves from the evil eye?

Boy or girl?

Who will be born - a boy or a girl cared for pregnant women at all times. And if today is you can definitely tell when ultrasound about the 20th week of pregnancy, the women had previously guessing up to the birth. Here are the main signs relied on our grandmothers:

  • if the pregnancy is easy, a good appetite, it's a boy, and if a woman becomes capricious and fastidious to the food (especially if you are constantly eating sweet) - the girl; Avicenna believed that if a woman is pregnant with a boy, her complexion is better and the pregnancy is easier;
  • If a pregnant woman's belly a lot of hair, so it's a boy - it may very well be that the male sex hormone testosterone Five myths about testosterone  Five myths about testosterone
   It contributes to body hair;
  • if a woman's belly rises high, it will be a girl, if low, and bulges forward - a boy; not very accurate indication - a form of belly depends on muscle tone.

All the old signs can become just entertainment for the modern pregnant woman. Some of them are rational, others - not so that to comply and what is not - it's up to her. But today, every pregnant woman should know clearly: the most important thing for her, "a talisman" to become an obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • development of pregnancy
