The 18th week of pregnancy: The child and his mother - a single unit

January 13, 2011

 18 Weeks Pregnant
 At the eighteenth week of pregnancy, the baby's body length is about 13 cm, and its weight - about 200, he was already actively flexes his arms and legs - movement, which you may not yet feel, but soon begin to notice. His blood vessels are visible through the thin skin and ears have taken their place on the head. Around the beginning of the nerve fibers form a protective covering - myelin; This process will continue for a year after childbirth. If you have a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes have already begun to emerge. If you are expecting a boy, his genitals are already visible, although during the US until they can be seen.

 The 18th week of pregnancy: The child and his mother - a single unit

Expectant mother

Increased appetite - a fairly common symptom of pregnancy. If in the first trimester because of nausea has almost did not want to, but now it seems that hunger does not stop almost never. Appetite will still vary, but in any case it is important that you are favored foods that are rich in nutrients and non-empty calories (the latter includes potato chips, french fries, candy and other sweets).

Now your cardiovascular system is undergoing significant change, and probably in this trimester your blood pressure will be lower than usual. The most common symptom is vertigo reduced pressure - especially when you get up or drastically change the position of the body. To stimulate an increase in pressure is unsafe, and does not make sense - it is a natural and a temporary change in your body; it is not a violation, and therefore it does not need to fight. Typically, the blood pressure starts to rise in the late second or early third trimester.

Starting from the 18th week of pregnancy, women are advised to sleep on your side. When you lie on your back, the uterus puts pressure on some of the larger veins, reducing blood flow to the heart. For added convenience, try to sleep, putting a small pillow between your legs.

Ultrasonography, which is bound to carry out in the second trimester, to determine the rate of growth of the child, the presence of congenital defects, check the umbilical cord and placenta, to establish whether the exact date determined before birth. If you wish, you can take the examination of your partner; ask your doctor for an ultrasound print the resulting image - and you will have the first photo album of your baby.

Many women at this stage of pregnancy complain of drowsiness. If you work, find a quiet place where you can sleep for fifteen to twenty minutes. The employer is obliged to create conditions for the rest of pregnant employees, so you should have no problems.

 The 18th week of pregnancy: The child and his mother - a single unit

Question of the Week: sports and pregnancy

In most cases, if you are healthy and the pregnancy is going well, you can practice as well as in the first trimester - with reasonable limits which take into account the growing belly. In addition, it is recommended to eliminate exercises that involve jumping and sudden changes in body position. General rule regarding sports for pregnant women: do not do anything by force. If you like the exhausting training they have to be postponed until after pregnancy.

If during or after the workout you get sick, call your doctor or call an ambulance.

For pregnant women can be very useful Kegel exercises are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles - those that support the urethra, bladder, uterus, vagina and rectum. They prevent incontinence during and after pregnancy are effective in preventing hemorrhoids, and help speed recovery after childbirth - especially if women were tears.

Kegel exercises are performed simple: tighten the muscles around the vagina as if you were trying to hold back urine. At the same time the abdominal muscles and legs should be relaxed; do not hold your breath. After eight to ten seconds, relax your muscles. Perform each exercise ten times in a row; to achieve a good result must be done three to four approaches a day for several weeks.

 The 18th week of pregnancy: The child and his mother - a single unit

What happens in the body of a pregnant woman at the 18th week of pregnancy

A woman in this stage of pregnancy a wonderful mood. She is calm and activities. At this time, it is desirable to pay more attention to rest and care for themselves. The woman should be restful sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   at least 8 hours a day. In addition, it should be several times a day to rest and relax, take a horizontal position.

One should not forget about the movement, it is better to move in the open air. It can be leisurely walking, therapeutic exercises elements (for example, on the balcony or in your own backyard). Not only need to forget about the fact that all the exercises of medical gymnastics instructor appointed on the advice of an obstetrician-gynecologist on the status of women. The best new elements of gymnastics not to enter - some exercise can strengthen the contractility of the uterus and cause a miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?

The mother-placenta-fetus continues to operate, providing mother and fetus with all necessary for the development of biologically active substances of pregnancy. All metabolic processes pass through the blood vessels of the placenta. The placenta passes to the baby the nutrients and oxygen and removes it from harmful products of metabolism and carbon dioxide. "Smart" does not pass the placenta to the baby of harmful substances, but after her great pass antibodies from the blood of the mother - they protect the baby from infections.

The whole body of a pregnant woman pleasantly rounded, it becomes more attractive, including sexually. In this period can be seen as a woman decorates a pregnancy. Gait and movement it becomes smooth, the confidence in themselves and their attractiveness, which creates a special, absolutely irresistible charm. All this contributes to the strengthening of relations with her husband, appear excellent physical (sex is usually not contraindicated, but still worth it to agree with the doctor) the relationship between the spouses, and, hence, peace of mind.

 The 18th week of pregnancy: The child and his mother - a single unit

What problems can occur in women

The growing uterus compresses the veins of the intestine, at the same time increases blood volume. All this creates conditions for the formation of hemorrhoids. The situation is compounded if a woman is suffering from constipation. The threat of hemorrhoids increases with increasing gestational age.

Hemorrhoids - varicose veins is the end of the rectum and anus, which is accompanied by pain during bowel movements and bleeding. The emergence of hemorrhoids - a sign of stagnation in the lower half of the torso and legs, which increases with sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition.

Hemorrhoids can be acute or chronic. Acute hemorrhoids is usually caused by a blood clot formation in the veins of the rectum, outdoor education, very painful knots. At the same time there are sharp pains after stool and swelling of the surrounding tissues. Gradually, the inflammation decreases, the node swells and softens only straining (aggravation of hemorrhoids with constipation). Inflammation of the deep veins of the rectum is called internal hemorrhoids, which flows mostly chronic and characterized by the appearance of discomfort in the rectum and blood in the stool. The pain is much less.

In healthy women during normal pregnancy and in the absence of excess weight Hemorrhoids occurs after the 20th week, but if he was at the woman before pregnancy, or her mother (genetic predisposition), then the current pregnancy symptoms it can appear much earlier - 13-14 week. Therefore, at the 18th week, even if there is no hemorrhoids, it's time to prevent it. Prevention of hemorrhoids - a struggle with constipation, it is necessary:

  • include a diet of more fruits and vegetables; vegetables better to eat cooked or stewed;
  • do not eat fatty meats, sweets and baking - they cause flatulence, which increases intra-abdominal pressure, and hence the risk of hemorrhoids;
  • properly combine leisure with moderate physical activity;
  • systematically hygiene of the skin in the anus - is prevention of inflammatory complications of hemorrhoids.

Best of all at the first sign of hemorrhoids, seek medical advice.

 The 18th week of pregnancy: The child and his mother - a single unit

Child development in the 18th week of pregnancy

At the 18th week of pregnancy, the baby's growth is 20 cm, weight - 180 g This is a fully developed fetus. He moves actively and swallows the amniotic fluid, which contains a lot of useful information for the fetal protein (constructed from it of cells and fetal tissues) and a quantity of carbohydrates (energy source). In the intestine, it provides the primary feces meconium stained with bile (it is already in full produced by the liver). It is functioning pancreas, producing digestive juices.

The heart rhythm is reduced, these reductions can already be seen on an electrocardiogram. Continues to form subcutaneous fat and slowly cracking skin. Developing endocrine glands: thyroid The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
 , Gonads, adrenal glands - they are the first release hormones. Finished the formation of buds, they occupy their normal position and are included in the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 Highlighting the urine.

Baby and mother - a whole and always will be.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • second trimester
