The 12th week of pregnancy: the end of the first trimester

December 23 2010

 12 weeks of pregnancy
 Fruit growing and becoming more and more like a little man. He develops the muscular system, it starts to move actively. Of course, the child is still very small, but all the organs and systems had been working as it should. This week ends with the formation of the placenta, and most women feel relief - metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   the fetus is getting better, the signs of toxicity go.

 The 12th week of pregnancy: the end of the first trimester

How to cope with pregnancy a woman's body

Condition of pregnant women every day getting better - makes itself felt almost fully formed placenta, which clears the body of the baby products of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . Finally, there comes a time when a woman should do: take care of their food, walk more and enjoy the state of pregnancy. It's time to relax after the birth it will not at all, because all the time will be devoted to the baby.

Do not forget at this time about his weight, because if a woman pick up the extra weight in the first trimester of pregnancy, in the second and third trimester is sure to affect her health.

The woman increases blood volume, as blood supplies nutrients and oxygen to the body two - mother and child. It starts slowly affect the condition of the veins, especially if a woman is not enough moves a lot. Dilate the veins of the lower extremities, it is manifested in the appearance of blue convoluted capillaries in the skin of legs and thighs. There may be the first signs of hemorrhoids, especially if the pregnancy is accompanied by constant constipation. With these phenomena need to fight: to move more (especially harmful for a long time to stand up or sit), after a walk to give the feet rest, putting them in a slightly elevated position, make a cool bath with herbal extracts (chamomile, St. John's wort).

Of particular importance is the struggle with constipation. To do this, you need to eat more fiber (vegetables, fruits, cereals), at night to drink a glass of fresh yogurt (kefir if more than a day, he attaches), have dried plums and figs.

To prevent constipation and stagnation of blood in the lower extremities is very important physiotherapy. There are special exercises to prevent the emergence of all these unpleasant phenomena. But do any physical exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
   you need only on prescription, as some of them provoke the contractile ability of the muscle of the uterus.

By the end of the twelfth week is already possible to go to the dentist as safe for the fetus comes time for various procedures: after the 12th week of pregnancy, you can even take some (designated by a doctor) tablets. If a woman has a carious teeth or gum disease, they should be treated, because it is a permanent source of infection that can affect the growth and development of the child.

Due to the fact that reduced immunity, mucous membrane of the mouth and teeth require special care. Teeth during pregnancy especially prone to caries, because they lose calcium, which is build on fetal tissues. Therefore, the correct daily oral care is important, because if the teeth will not be flying, then caries (ie, the source of infection) will not be the same.

Hormonal changes often cause inflammation and increased bleeding gums How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules  How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules
 . This so-called pregnancy gingivitis. With proper oral care it is not terrible, and after the birth takes place. If pregnancy gingivitis can rinse your mouth after each meal food infusion of chamomile, oak bark, calendula and so on.

Oral Care - a mouthwash after every meal, brushing teeth twice a day, early treatment of caries, limit sugary foods reception.

 The 12th week of pregnancy: the end of the first trimester

Fetal development during the twelfth week of pregnancy

Twelve weeks - it's the end of the first trimester, by which time the fetus reaches a length of 9 cm, weight - 20 g Almost half the length of the fetus head, all body parts well differentiated. By this time it is possible to determine the sex of the fetus (in the US but it is usually possible to see at the 16th week of pregnancy). His skeletal system there are points of ossification.

By the end of the twelfth week of fetal organs is almost completely formed. Good work cardiovascular and urinary system, the liver produces bile, which enters the intestine and promotes the recycling of food (because a child swallows amniotic fluid), developed genitals. The baby's face becomes more and more like a person's face: it has eyes, covered with lids, nose, mouth, lips, ears.

At the twelfth week fetal ultrasound performed, during which it is possible to identify multiple pregnancy and various developmental defects of the fetus. During ultrasound determined: appropriate size and overall development of the fetal gestational age, heart rate, and the correct proportions of the various parts of the body and organs.

At this stage of pregnancy can be completely eliminated coarse fetal malformations ("deformities"): the absence of brain absence or deformation limb deformity of the spine, and so forth.

In addition to the study of the placenta of the fetus is produced, amniotic fluid, fetal membranes, the walls of the uterus (the presence of tumor, nodes), cervical cancer, ovarian cancer.

So, from the twelfth week ends the first trimester and second trimester begins - the most quiet time for the woman and child.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • first trimester of pregnancy

The 17th week of pregnancy: changes in

January 9, 2011

 17 Weeks Pregnant
 In the seventeenth week of pregnancy, many women have not only become noticeable belly, and begins weight gain, which will continue throughout the pregnancy. Despite the fact that you are now eating for two, you should not indulge and overeat, or to regain original shape after childbirth can be very difficult. Below we will talk more about how to control weight during pregnancy.

 The 17th week of pregnancy: changes in

How does your body

With the body of the future mother, there are constant changes both outside and inside - all to the child inside it was comfortable. At the 17th week, already it appears itchy skin - because the skin on the abdomen and chest are increasingly stretched. The abdomen has increased so much that it begins to change your posture and cause pain. Inside your body all the more interesting: the uterus begins to press on the stomach (and will push even more), which leads to heartburn, dyspepsia, flatulence. Mood swings in the 17th week of pregnancy, temporarily weakened, but by the end of the second trimester exposure to hormones again manifest itself.

Due to the sharp increase in blood volume in the body of the future mother on this term may appear bleeding gums How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules  How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules
 . The total volume of blood increases under the influence of hormones of pregnancy to provide the developing baby of seven essential nutrients. Bleeding gums or pass late in pregnancy or soon after birth.

Around this period (some women sooner or later) appear stretch. Their appearance is usually caused by genetic factors, and only very few women they do not appear at all. Oils, creams and food supplements with vitamin E can not prevent the appearance of stretch marks. However, most women say that, thanks to their use of streamers after birth rather quickly become less noticeable.

Weight gain in the 11-15 kg during pregnancy is considered normal. How unpleasant it may be for women, those extra kilos are needed to the growing child. Most of the weight in this case is not fat and the liquids (mainly blood and amniotic fluid), tissue (e.g., breast tissue) and of course the child. Reasonable eating during pregnancy, you will be able to lose weight soon after birth and without much effort. (Some women in a few weeks to lose all the extra weight, not limiting themselves to food - child care requires a lot of energy, while others take a year or even more to regain his old form).

Dark vertical line on my stomach - another sign of pregnancy, which may appear in this period. It will disappear soon after birth.

 The 17th week of pregnancy: changes in

As the child develops

Child's weight at 17 weeks of pregnancy is, on average, 140 g, and the length of his body - 12 cm. The baby can already hear and distinguish some sounds: for example, the heartbeat of the mother, the movement of blood through the veins, rumbling stomach. Moreover, he could hear sounds originating outside the body of my mother, but it is unknown whether he is able to distinguish this early mother's voice from other voices. At the 17th week of pregnancy, expectant mothers may feel the baby move for the first time - especially during the second pregnancy. If not, do not worry - all pregnancies occur in different ways.

Finally, on the 16-17 th week of pregnancy using ultrasound can determine the sex of the child. However, it is not always possible because of the size of the child and its position in the womb. Better and more reliable to determine the floor a little later - between 18 and 26 weeks.

Some parents do not want to determine the sex of the child. Perhaps you'll want to make it a surprise for you.

 The 17th week of pregnancy: changes in

Condition of the pregnant woman in the seventeenth week of pregnancy

The woman continues to bloom, enjoy the peace and pregnancy. She mentally and talking aloud to your child, they adjusted the perfect touch. The child is happy and has a foot in the stomach, if the mother is happy and freezes with fear when the mother stress. Therefore, a woman intuitively tries to avoid situations that might upset her.

From a little trouble at this time pregnant women are most concerned about constipation and heartburn. These phenomena are linked, as appearing in the background of reduced motor activity and relaxation of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the food moves slowly through the intestines (constipation), and the opening between the stomach and esophagus always slightly ajar, acidic stomach contents into the esophagus (heartburn). Heartburn is characterized by the appearance of a burning sensation behind the sternum, in the pit of the stomach and acid taste in the mouth. All this happens under the influence of the hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 Suppressing the work of muscles of internal organs.

Heartburn can enhance tight clothing (she squeezes the stomach), torso (especially after eating), a high degree of excitation (for example, the stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   - It causes the release of large amounts of adrenaline, and he in turn stimulates the secretion of gastric juice).

For the prevention of heartburn pregnant woman should eat right and several times throughout the day lying on his back with a raised upper body - this removes the pressure of the uterus on the stomach.

Terms of supply that must be followed with heartburn:

  • frequent (five times a day) fractional (small portions) food; postprandial need to take a short hike (about an hour) - this contributes to the promotion of food through the gastrointestinal tract;
  • be sure to include in the diet of dairy products, eggs, boiled meat and fish, butter - these products alkalify stomach contents; dairy products and have laxative action - daily stool is very important for the prevention of heartburn;
  • suitable for preventing heartburn mucous soups, cereal, jelly - they cover the inner surface of the stomach with a protective film;
  • should be excluded from the diet foods that promote increased production of gastric juice - spicy, fatty, smoked, sour dishes, strong tea and coffee, sour fruits and berries;
  • If heartburn is still there, then you can remove it after drinking half a glass of milk, fresh potato juice, slightly alkaline mineral water without gas or chewing a small piece of dried ginger root; reduce heartburn can and grated carrot salad.

It is not necessary during pregnancy to relieve heartburn to make soda - it will cause flatulence in the stomach, increased gastric secretion and heartburn. Also, do not take no-silos or papaverine - they relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and increase the release of stomach contents into the esophagus. At constant hardly tolerable heartburn physician can prescribe drugs that neutralize gastric juice, while not being absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract (e.g. taltsid).

 The 17th week of pregnancy: changes in

The development of the fetus in the 17th week of pregnancy

And in the meantime the child is growing and developing in spite of all my mother's problem. Height it reaches 18-19 cm, weight - 150 grams Largely change the skin of the fetus: the sebaceous glands begin to function, a discharge which is deposited in the form of syrovidnoy grease on the face, back and limbs. The skin is covered with a pronounced fuzz hairy, especially on the head and eyebrows. In the subcutaneous tissue starts to be postponed the first fat, making skin a little crushes.

Kid continues to move, its movement is sometimes dependent on the mood of the mother, and she is clearly catches. He may like the music, calm voice and gentle songs sung by his mother. In the evening after a walk in the fresh air, the mother he falls asleep. But sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   it does not last long - no more than half an hour. This happens several times a day, the rest of the baby is awake.

Mother and child learn to understand each other - this invisible bond between them will remain forever, even after the child has come into the world and begin to live your life.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • second trimester
