6 weeks of pregnancy: signs of obvious

May 13, 2013

 6 Weeks Pregnant
 By the beginning of the sixth week of pregnancy, a woman already knows about your condition. But in this period there is a small number of pregnant women do not suspect originated them new life. It would seem that the signs of the sixth week of pregnancy is so pronounced that it is impossible not to notice them. But unfortunately, not all women are treated with careful attention to changes in their condition. The sixth week of pregnancy, as well, all the subsequent and previous ones is fraught with information about fetal development and requires fundamental changes in the life of the expectant mother. It should review the daily routine, diet, start taking multivitamin complexes, go for shoes with a low heel and give up too garter waist and pelvis clothing.

 6 weeks of pregnancy: signs of obvious

Status of the embryo at the sixth week

The unborn child in the sixth week of pregnancy, reaches a length of about four centimeters, and its weight is about four grams. Increases the amount of amniotic fluid in the amniotic bubble (about 20 ml). The placenta continues to grow stronger and more reliable all in endometrium. The embryo already formed almost all organs and systems. Formed trachea and bronchi, the lungs begin to form. Continue to grow and develop the hands, feet and fingers, although they still exist membrane. Formed lids that cover the eyes. The heart of the embryo already has four chambers, the intestine is almost formed. Continue to develop the brain of the embryo, between nerve cells are formed due. At the sixth week of pregnancy, the boys start developing testes and ovaries in girls.

 6 weeks of pregnancy: signs of obvious

Signs of the sixth week of pregnancy

As noted above, the signs of pregnancy in the sixth week, so obvious, that leave no doubt about the woman in the changes in the body (growing new life):

  • Amenorrhea or absence of menstruation

Amenorrhea during pregnancy is a physiological condition. By the sixth week of the delay menstruation Delayed menstruation - when to sound the alarm?  Delayed menstruation - when to sound the alarm?
   It has already reached 14-21 days. The absence of menstruation is associated with degeneration of the functional layer of the endometrium in decidua, which heavily supplied with blood and the embryo supplies nutrients and oxygen. In case of bleeding Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   different intensity (from spotting to heavy discharge) should consult a doctor immediately. Spotting the first evidence of the abortion has begun.

  • The changing nature of vaginal cables

During pregnancy, especially in the sixth week of the number and nature of change in vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge: normal or disease?  Vaginal discharge: normal or disease?
 . This is due to increased production of mucus, which becomes milky and sour smell. Due to the high acidity of the vagina during pregnancy, "raising its head" is an unpleasant disease, such as thrush. Therefore, pregnant women should be prepared for a possible disease (observe the rules of personal hygiene, sweet abandon, change to synthetic underwear, cotton, etc.).

  • Changes in the uterus

Changes that occur with the uterus, is able to identify only a doctor during a pelvic exam Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health  Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health
 . When viewed in the mirror is rendered bluish (cyanotic) the cervix, which is one of the signs of pregnancy. With a two-handed palpation palpable softening and slightly enlarged uterus. Dimensions her six weeks of pregnancy, compared with a chicken egg. Moreover, there is an asymmetry of the uterus, i.e. protrusion toward one of the corners. This feature determines the scene of the implantation of the ovum. In the future, the uterus becomes rounded and leveled. Also, on palpation of the uterus observed softening of the isthmus and its reaction to palpation (uterus begins to decline). Another of the characteristic signs during probing - a vaginal cervical softening. If before the pregnancy the cervix feels like the nose, during pregnancy, it is similar in consistency with the lips.

  • Changes in sex drive

In early pregnancy, especially in the beginning of the sixth and then a woman's sex drive change. Some note increased libido, other women lose interest in sex.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • first trimester of pregnancy

Week 4: visible signs of pregnancy

May 14, 2013

 the fourth week of pregnancy symptoms
 The bulk of women in the fourth week of pregnancy already know about his condition. Yet, there is also a small number of other pregnant women who are unaware that they originated a new life. Symptoms of pregnancy in the fourth week amplified, and some are beginning to manifest themselves only. But do not be upset those women who did not notice absolutely no change in the body. That's okay too. Firstly, not all expectant mothers have highly developed intuition and a heightened sensitivity, and secondly, are not always all or nearly all the signs of pregnancy Signs of pregnancy: how to avoid wishful thinking  Signs of pregnancy: how to avoid wishful thinking
 . But it is necessary to warn all pregnant women that the fourth week - a week of high-risk for the unborn child, so do not put off a visit to the doctor.

 Week 4: visible signs of pregnancy

How to calculate the gestational age

Many women are confused about the definition of pregnancy. According to the fourth week of the term midwife is calculated from time to time (the first day), last menstrual period, and corresponds to the second week of conception Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child  Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
 . If no menstruation four weeks, this eighth week of pregnancy.

 Week 4: visible signs of pregnancy

What happens to the embryo in the fourth week

In the fourth week of pregnancy, the fetus continues to rapidly grow and develop. The length of the body from head to rump is already two to four millimeters and weighs about two grams. Begins to form a head, which is clearly defined places where later will form the ears, eyes and nostrils. There are the beginnings of arms and legs. The heart of the embryo is already operating at full force and beats at a frequency of 160-200 beats per minute. By the end of the fourth week of the neural tube closes, initiating the formation of the brain. Lays gyrus and valleys formed skull. Blood cells produced by the liver.

 Week 4: visible signs of pregnancy


  • Changing the psycho-emotional state

Women in this stage of pregnancy become irritable, restless, different mood swings. More and more pronounced unjustified anger on others, especially loved ones. Any little thing can cause tears or laughter. Normal working day turns into torture, the woman appears inexplicable fatigue and drowsiness.

  • Strengthening early toxicity

In the fourth week of pregnancy, the phenomenon of early toxicity become more pronounced. Those pregnant women who did not report his symptoms suddenly began to suffer nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
 Sometimes vomiting. Amplifies salivation, fatigue, morning vomiting occurs. To cope with this condition, doctors advised to eat small amounts, five or six times a day, and give preference to solid food (eat less soup, replacing it with the second food and crackers or cookies for snacking).

  • Dark spots

During the first weeks of pregnancy have not noticed any changes in their appearance, then in the fourth week, they already are evident. There are pigmented (dark) spot on the forehead, cheeks and chin, dark linea alba (the line that goes from the navel to the pubis), the nipple and areola are brown.

  • Changes in the mammary glands

Many pregnant women only in the fourth week notice changes in the mammary glands. They are sensitive, and in some cases is so painful that it is impossible to touch the breast. In addition, there is a pronounced swelling or engorgement. In some cases, there is only pain and itching in the nipple.

  • Positive pregnancy test

Fourth week - this is the optimal time for a pregnancy test or a repeat, if he had previously been negative. Chorionic gonadotropin is produced in growing quantities, and that means a greater chance to see two bands on the test.

  • Menoschesis

Of course, the fourth week of pregnancy marked by such an event, it does not come in the period of menstruation. In this period of pregnancy it may be missing one or two weeks.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • first trimester of pregnancy
