How to increase the probability of conception: the first steps to improve the reproductive function - herbal remedies, vitamins

October 1, 2011

  • How to increase the probability of conception: the first steps to improve reproductive function
  • Herbal preparations, vitamins
  • Eat right
  • Diet for conception
  • Plants improving fertility


When all other means are ineffective, often comes to the aid of traditional medicine. Will she and those couples who are trying to become pregnant. Different plants and their preparations for thousands of years used to improve reproductive function in women and men, are natural cures for infertility. But as herbal remedies can be very powerful, do not take them, without prior consultation with phytotherapeutist.

Chaste tree (Vitex, prostrate summer cypress ordinary, Monash pepper) helps to stabilize the female hormonal system and balance the levels of estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   and progesterone. Because of these properties it relieves symptoms that occur due to hormonal imbalance, especially in premenstrual syndrome and menopause, when excessive bleeding, normalization of psychological changes (mood swings, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Depression). Monash pepper contains progesteronopodobny component and various flavonoids and normalizes metabolism of female sex hormones - luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, prolactin and progesterone, which allows you to adjust the menstrual cycle.

Qui Dong - Chinese herb that restores and normalizes hormonal functions and supports a woman's body. In addition, Dong Kwai effectively solves various problems of the reproductive system, including men, relieves pain before and during menstruation and helps to alleviate the condition after a difficult pregnancy and childbirth.


The benefits of vitamins

The men and women who are deficient in vitamin C, a decline of reproductive function (especially in kurilschikv). Studies have shown that men who take at least 60 milligrams recommended daily dose of vitamin C per day (as much vitamin C found in one orange), and viable sperm inactive. For example, in one study of reproductive function in men, the sperm count in participants who took 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C for two months, increased by almost 60% compared to participants who received an insufficient number of this vitamin.

However, women should not be abused in vitamin C and exceed the recommended dose, as this may lead to a drying up of cervical fluid, which facilitates the promotion of sperm to the egg. If you take prenatal vitamins, an extra dose of vitamin C you do not need.

Zinc - the most important trace element for the reproductive health of men and women. Zinc - an essential component of genetic material, and zinc deficiency may cause chromosomal abnormalities in one or both partners, which reduces fertility. Zinc is essential for attracting and retaining the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 . The lack of zinc in the body may be the cause of inadequate spermogeneza and low sperm motility. Zinc deficiency in women can lead to spontaneous abortion.

Vitamin E - a powerful antioxidant Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits  Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
   - Necessary to protect the cell membranes of spermatozoa. Men who take a daily 200 milligrams of vitamin E, improves their reproductive function by about 30%. The amino acid arginine (sold in powder form dissolved in water) also helps to improve fertility in men (recommended daily dose - 4 grams) and increases sperm motility.


Throw lubricants

Artificial vaginal lubrication (lubricant) often contain spermicides - substances that destroy sperm. Studies have shown that the activity and mobility of spermatozoa is reduced by 60-100% after one hour of contact with the lubricant. Vaseline, glycerin, and saliva even contain substances that destroy sperm.

To eliminate the need for lubricants, devote more time to the prelude to the excitement of both partners has reached the desired level, and allocate a large amount of natural lubrication. If the property is insufficient lubrication, use egg whites - it contains substances that increase sperm motility.

How to increase the probability of conception: the first steps to improve the reproductive function - Plants that improve fertility

October 1, 2011

  • How to increase the probability of conception: the first steps to improve reproductive function
  • Herbal preparations, vitamins
  • Eat right
  • Diet for conception
  • Plants improving fertility

Plants improving fertility

Phytohormones may exhibit properties of estrogens, androgens, progesterone or corticosteroids. The most numerous (hundreds of) a group of herbs that contain phytoestrogens - substances similar in effect to the female sex hormone. From a fairly well-known herbs contain phytoestrogens, hops, sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
 , Clover, clover, licorice, oregano, linden flowers, mistletoe, and many others.

Herbs with androgenic activity (in the body stimulate the production of male sex hormones) and p, cow parsnip, lovage, celery, Thlaspi, winter cress, and others.

Commonly used herbs with progestogenic activity (stimulates the production of progesterone in the body). These include: Vitex sacred, cross the meadow, bloodroot goose, cuff, raspberry and others. Sacred Vitex (Chaste Tree, prostrate summer cypress) stimulates the pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH), which in turn stimulates the production of progesterone. For example, in one study, 48 women with a diagnosis of "infertility" within three months of taking drugs every day Vitex. Seven of them have become pregnant before the end of the study, and another twenty-five have recovered normal levels of progesterone. Vitex is particularly useful for women who have been defective luteal phase (a shortened second part of the cycle), and women with high levels of prolactin.

Thus, Vitex restores hormonal balance, normalizing the levels of sex hormones, and performs the following functions:

  • Regulates menstrual cycle;
  • Restores menstrual cycle with amenorrhea;
  • It reduces menstrual bleeding;
  • It increases the ratio of progesterone / estrogen, eliminating excess estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health

Herbs with hormonal activity (inhibit the synthesis of sex hormones in the body) are rarely used. These include: Lithospermum officinale, an ordinary bruise, comfrey, chernokoren and others. Plants with antiprogestagennoy activity, which block the production of progesterone (carrot seeds, especially the wild, and others) are used more often.

All infertility is more common in the context of high levels of prolactin. Prolactin is in feedback with progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 So appointed herbs with progestogen effect, slowing the production of prolactin by the pituitary gland. Given that the level of prolactin increases hypothyroidism, you need to add grass to correct thyroid function.



It is known that smoking is very harmful to health, especially reproductive health. In women, smoking can even trigger earlier onset of menopause - it should be remembered that women over forty who want to become pregnant. In men nicotine reduces sperm, rendering them less volatile. And the more a man smokes, the less his chances of becoming a father.

And finally, a few simple tips that will help improve the chances of conception:

  • Keep a calendar of menstrual cycles, and count the days of the expected ovulation, when fertility is at its peak. Ovulation occurs around the fourteenth day of the cycle (a cycle is counted from the first day of menstruation). Experts recommend intensively during the "window of fertility", which "opens" for five days prior to ovulation and "closed" two days after its completion. Fortunately, today there are many aids that can help a woman to follow the cycle and with high accuracy to predict ovulation.
  • Learn to identify ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   by changes the cervical mucus. Approximately during ovulation cervical mucus acquires color and consistency of raw egg white.
  • Give up bad habits that negatively affect fertility. Once again: no alcohol, cigarettes and drugs, and this applies to both partners. Men are also advised to wear tight-fitting underwear, sauna or take hot baths (at high temperatures is reduced sperm motility).
  • Take care of your health. Check your body mass index. If you are too thin, adjust to a normal weight, if the problem is the opposite - Lose weight. Your diet should be healthy diet should include fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, legumes and lean meats. It is also recommended to take supplements of vitamins or a multivitamin complex.
  • If you have tried unsuccessfully to get pregnant for three to six months, and have sex at least once a day during the period of ovulation, slow down. Yes, it seems counter-intuitive, but experts believe that excessive efforts sometimes give the opposite result. Sometimes conception does not occur because the sperm simply do not have time to properly develop. If you want to get pregnant, have sex every two days, even during the period of peak fertility.
  • Men wear wide pants, and not melting. The trunks testicles overheating, causing damage to sperm, and the boxers provide air flow to the genitals, which allows them to maintain a normal temperature.
  • A woman should get an orgasm. Although necessary for the conception of male orgasm with ejaculation, orgasm, a woman is also important because it increases the probability of reaching the egg by sperm. During orgasm smooth muscle female genital tract reduced, which promotes sperm to the cervix channel and hence fertility.

Article Tags:
  • how to enhance the probability of conception
