Stomatitis in children - how to protect children's delicate mouth? - Features of stomatitis in children of different ages

April 4, 2010

  • Stomatitis in children - how to protect children's delicate mouth?
  • Features of the development of stomatitis in children of different ages

Features of the development of stomatitis in children of different ages

Stomatitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth) are traumatic, fungal, viral, bacterial and allergic. For each child's age the most typical "their" types of stomatitis, since the structure of the epithelium (tissue cover) of the oral mucosa of the child is formed gradually and has a typical age-related features. Moreover, there are so-called symptomatic stomatitis, which is a manifestation of another disease.

The first ten days of life are called the neonatal period. During this period, the child is still not functioning salivary glands and oral mucosa dry, very vulnerable, has a lot of blood vessels. Any even minor trauma (such as a pacifier) ​​can cause a violation of the integrity of the mucosa. But the characteristic feature of this age is that all these injuries heal quickly as mucosa infants contains substances which promote quick recovery and destruction of tissue infection.

The period from ten days to one year is called the breast. During this period, the mucous membrane gradually thickens, it loses some of the blood vessels. Despite the fact that salivary glands start function after three months, dryness of the oral mucosa persists. The level of tissue repair and resistance to infection decreases slightly, but remains unaffected by the action of bacterial and viral infections. Most of these children suffer from fungal stomatitis (thrush), as the reaction of saliva have a neutral or slightly acid, favorable for the development of the fungus Candida.

From year to three years mucosa remains thin and vulnerable, while it reduces the protective properties (since reduced the content of lysozyme - substances that kill bacteria), which contributes to the frequent occurrence of viral (herpes), stomatitis.

From three to seven years, there is some increase in the epithelium, decrease the speed of metabolism and immunity that contributes to the development of bacterial stomatitis.

From seven to fifteen years, continuing a gradual thickening of the oral mucosa and the increase in its number of lymphoid cells that are responsible for fighting infection. In connection with the development of active immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   the most frequent diseases of this age are allergic stomatitis.

 Features of the development of stomatitis in children of all ages | Stomatitis in children - how to protect children's delicate mouth?

Traumatic stomatitis

Traumatic stomatitis occur in children of any age, but most often in infants. It may be sore nipples, injury when handling the oral cavity, in the older age - damaged toy, burns from hot food and so on.

Often in violation of the integrity of the mucosa associated infection, which is always present in the mouth. The child starts to suck badly, very often refuses to eat, and to show concern. In such cases, pediatricians prescribe oral mild disinfectant.

 Features of the development of stomatitis in children of all ages | Stomatitis in children - how to protect children's delicate mouth?

Fungal stomatitis

Fungal stomatitis is usually caused by the yeast Candida and type popularly called "thrush." They get sick more often children up to one year. Thus on the oral mucosa are formed white cheesy raids. The child becomes restless, he refuses to eat, but the temperature does not rise. Often these asymptomatic stomatitis.

When thrush prescribe oral cotton swab dipped in a 2% solution of soda bread (one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm boiled water) after each feeding (to remove from the mouth milk, which is a breeding ground for the fungus). The doctor may also prescribe anti-fungal ointment.

 Features of the development of stomatitis in children of all ages | Stomatitis in children - how to protect children's delicate mouth?

Herpetic stomatitis

Herpetic stomatitis is caused by the herpes simplex virus Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
   and occurs more frequently in children after the first year of life. Infection occurs from sick children or adults who have shown herpes sores on the lips or on the wings of the nose. The virus can also be transmitted through the objects used by the patient. This stomatitis can be severe, with a rise in temperature to high numbers and the emergence of 2-4 hours in the mouth grouped blisters that quickly turn into small sores. Often such stomatitis accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Period rash lasts 3-4 days, then gradually heal sores and disappear without a trace. The disease usually lasts one - two weeks.

For the treatment of herpetic stomatitis Stomatitis - to breath fresh  Stomatitis - to breath fresh
   prescribe antiviral drugs: interferon (drip into the nose), viferon (ointment in the nose and rectal suppositories) and so on. For removal of edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   suprastin prescribed diphenhydramine or to remove dead oral mucosa treated with a solution of enzymes that dissolve the protein (proteolytic enzymes). To prevent additional bacterial infection appoint rinse solutions containing antimicrobials (eg furatsilinom).

Article Tags:
  • stomatitis

Immunity in children - the principles of a healthy lifestyle - Vitamins

September 5, 2014

  • Immunity in children - the principles of a healthy lifestyle
  • Vitamins

 vitamins to strengthen the children's immunity

Vitamins to strengthen the children's immunity

The following vitamins and minerals recommended for children during the cold season, when the likelihood of ill cold or the flu is especially great. If the child gets sick very often, it can also take vitamins and other times of the year, but the majority of children in the summer and early autumn is better to get the necessary nutrients from fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries.

  • Vitamin C, as mentioned above, is used by the body to produce white blood cells and antibodies that help protect against various pathogens.
  • For children younger than one year should be consumed 40-50 mg of vitamin C per day. It is contained in sufficient quantities in infant formulas Dairy mixture - selection of useful power  Dairy mixture - selection of useful power
   and breast milk - provided that the mother eats properly. A child aged one to three years need 15 mg of vitamin C per day, children under the age of eight years - 25 mg, and the child before the age of thirteen - 45 mg. He's in great quantity in many fruits and vegetables; winter and early spring, you can take extra pills loved by many children with vitamin C.
  • Vitamin D. Children who get enough vitamin D, the risk of getting the flu, as well as the likelihood of developing flu complications is reduced by 29%. Infants need about 400 IU (international units) of the vitamin a day, and children up to the age of thirteen - 600 IU. Sources of vitamin D is sunlight (under its influence vitamin is synthesized in the human body), egg yolks, fish oil Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?  Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?
 Various foods fortified with vitamin D, and vitamin supplements.
  • Vitamin E is needed for normal functioning of the immune system in both children and adults. Babies needed from 100 to 400 mg of vitamin E per day, and most of the dose can be obtained from seeds, nuts, vegetable oils and grain products.
  • Carotenoids as vitamin C, necessary to produce white blood cells. One karotinodov, beta-carotene is converted in the body into vitamin A, which has a stimulating effect on the immune system. Sources of beta-carotene are sweet potatoes, carrots, apricots, spinach, pumpkin.
  • Bioflavonoids help protect the body's cells against the penetration of pathogens. These substances are found in bell peppers, strawberries, citrus fruits, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach and many tropical fruits such as mango and papaya in.
  • Zinc - is another ingredient necessary to produce white blood cells. The child should consume daily from 15 to 25 mg of zinc. His sources include beef, turkey meat and legumes.
  • Selenium is needed to produce immune system cells. The main sources of selenium - tuna, whole grains, vegetables, brown rice, egg yolks, cheese, chicken, sunflower seeds, Brazil nuts, lamb.
  • Omega-3 contained in oily fish (such as salmon, tuna and mackerel) increases the activity of white blood cells. Ask your pediatrician when your child can begin to give a fish, and how else can you increase your intake of omega-3.


Include in the diet of children more fruits and vegetables

Many experts agree that strengthening the immune system of children begins with good nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
 And it necessarily involves the use of large quantities of food of vegetable origin. When the child is large enough for solid foods, every day give him carrots, apples, bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
 , Strawberries, oranges, tomatoes, and other vegetables and fruits. They contain large amounts of vitamin C and carotenoids - these substances play an important role in the immune system. They stimulate the production of white blood cells that fight off infection and interferon.

Furthermore, it was found that a diet that includes sufficient fruits and vegetables, thereby reducing the risk of developing various chronic diseases in the future.

Ideally, the child's diet should include five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. One serving children aged one to three years is about two tablespoons for preschool children - half a cup for older children - one cup.

Article Tags:
  • the immune system
