Ileus - the reasons may be different - Causes

May 30, 2010

  • Ileus - the reasons may be different
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About ileus or ileuse was known doctors of antiquity, but up almost to the 18th century it was thought that the cause of this disease is an inflammatory process in the intestine. Since the 16th century, when they began to open the patients who died, gradually came to the conviction that there are different causes of intestinal obstruction.

 Causes | bowel obstruction - the reasons may be different

Why can begin ileus

Intestinal obstruction is considered to be a condition in which the passage is broken by his stool because of some obstacles, squeezing or disorder of the intestine.

By origin ileus divided into congenital and acquired, according to the mechanism of occurrence - the mechanical (caused by compression of the intestinal barrier from the outside or inside) and dynamic (caused by a spasm or paralysis of the muscles of the intestinal wall).

Causes of acute intestinal obstruction Acute intestinal obstruction: the main thing - time to ask for help  Acute intestinal obstruction: the main thing - time to ask for help
   It can be divided into producing and predisposing. Producing cause is usually acute, developing disorders of motor activity of the intestine - or it can sharply increase, or, on the contrary, almost stopping. Sometimes there is a combination of these disorders, which appears in the form of simultaneous spasms and paralysis of different parts of the intestine. Sometimes (but much less) in the presence of predisposing causes producing the cause could be a sharp sudden increase in abdominal pressure caused by physical exertion (eg, lifting heavy objects).

Impaired motor activity of the intestine can lead to intestinal obstruction resulting in muscle spasm bowel their paralysis bloat intestine formation node intussusception (insertion of one part of the colon to another) infringement tyazhem intestine, bowel blockage. All these forms of mechanical obstruction usually occur in the presence of predisposing causes of - congenital or acquired changes in the structure of the abdomen (anatomical and morphological changes).

 Causes | bowel obstruction - the reasons may be different

Congenital and acquired anatomical and morphological changes of the abdomen, predisposing to intestinal obstruction

By changes include congenital abnormalities of the intestine, mesentery (ligament, which is suspended from the intestine into the abdominal cavity) and the peritoneum (serous membrane covering the inside of one piece of the abdominal wall, and others - all located therein organs). This can be a malabsorption syndrome (malabsorption of food in the small intestine), diverticulosis (presence in the intestinal wall protrusions - diverticula) total mesentery cecum and ilium (parts colon) colon dolichosigma (elongation end parts of the large intestine), and developmental defects diaphragm and the peritoneum, resulting in occurrence of various slits and pockets in the abdominal cavity.

To acquire changes that predispose to the occurrence of bowel obstruction are adhesions Adhesions - how to get rid of them?  Adhesions - how to get rid of them?
 , Adhesions, scar tissue bands, resulting in the formation of pockets and holes in the peritoneum and mesentery. These changes occur due to inflammation or surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity. In addition to the acquired changes include tumors, inflammatory infiltrates, hematomas (blood clots), coming from the bowel wall or surrounding organs. The acquisition of the changes may be foreign bodies, fecal and bile stones, worms, large pieces of undigested food.

 Causes | bowel obstruction - the reasons may be different

Changes in the functional state of the intestine, which may predispose to its obstruction

The causes predisposing to the emergence, both mechanical and dynamic ileus, are changes in the functional state of the small intestine caused by prolonged fasting, followed by overeating, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Symptoms and Treatment  Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Symptoms and Treatment
   and the blood circulation in the intestinal wall (caused, for example, spikes). Chronic bowel obstruction is most often caused by adhesions in the abdominal cavity after surgeries and injuries. Less commonly, it occurs against the backdrop of a growing tumor.

Dynamic ileus may occur against the backdrop of various lesions of the brain (stroke, meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
 , Head injuries, tumors), which lead to the disorder of the nervous regulation of motor activity of the intestine.

The intestine, as well as all internal organs innervated by the autonomic nervous system, which consists of two divisions - the sympathetic and parasympathetic. If the immediate cause of intestinal obstruction disorders of motor function of the intestine is the imbalance of sympathetic and parasympathetic effects on the muscles of the intestinal wall. The predominance of parasympathetic effects leads to muscle spasm bowel and a sharp increase in its motility, and sympathetic - to a sharp movement disorders - paresis and paralysis.

Activated carbon - old, but indispensable - in medicine

March 3, 2014

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 activated charcoal in medicine

Activated charcoal in medicine

Activated carbon - is an adsorbent which is widely used in medicine. It is used to cleanse the digestive tract of toxins and poor quality food, to cleanse the body Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration  Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
   from toxic products of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 , Inflammatory and allergic processes.


For activated carbon which is used in medicine

The fact that the charcoal is able to deliver poisons, was known in ancient Egypt. It is actively used these ancient physicians like Hippocrates and Avicenna and others. At the end of the eighteenth century it successfully start giving inside in various diseases, especially diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and poisoning. At the end of the nineteenth century it had already adjusted industrial production of charcoal

Then came the first sulfa drugs, antibiotics and then activated carbon steel used less frequently. However, it is used in our time.

Today, activated carbon is used in medicine primarily as a universal antidote to settle the action of various poisons - bacterial, fungal, plant, animal or chemical origin.

Not only will the activated carbon in case of poisoning caused by strong acids, alkalis, cyanide and iron preparations.

In chronic inflammatory and allergic diseases of the activated carbon removes the excreted product of inflammatory and allergic reactions.

Activated carbon is also used as a sorbent during hemosorption - cleanse the blood of toxic substances, such as severe kidney and liver function of their violation.

In the pharmaceutical industry, activated charcoal is used to purify the solutions in the manufacture of drugs, in the production of coal pellets, antibiotics, probiotics (medicines which contain microorganisms useful for the intestine), blood substitutes, and other drugs.

In epidemiology and microbiology in the diagnosis and treatment of especially dangerous infections used personal protective equipment in the form of respirators that contain activated carbon.


The use of activated charcoal for hemosorption

Hemosorption - a way to purify the blood by removing from it a variety of toxic substances, depositing them on the surface of the sorbent. As the sorbent is commonly used activated carbon - a method called gemokarboperfuziey.

One of the indications for hemosorption are various poisoning - severe food poisoning (including one of the most severe poisoning - botulism), poisoning drugs (neuroleptics, tranquilizers, barbiturates), chemicals (for example, organophosphorus compounds).

Hemosorption used in severe liver and kidney diseases in violation of their functions. In this case, the liver and kidneys can not neutralize and excrete various toxic products of metabolism - the blood by passing it through activated charcoal is completely cleared and it prolongs the life of patients.

Apply hemosorption with severe allergic diseases - atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma with severe. Blood thus cleared from food allergies. In these autoimmune (caused by an allergy to their own tissue) diseases as scleroderma Scleroderma - affects all the organs  Scleroderma - affects all the organs
 , Systemic lupus erythematosus hemosorbtion releases blood from antibodies against its own tissues.

It will hemosorbtion heavy and dermatological diseases such as psoriasis.

Used hemosorbtion and in many chronic infectious and inflammatory conditions, severe burns, removing from the blood of patients with toxic products of inflammation and tissue breakdown.

There are at hemosorption and complications. One of the most severe complications of a thrombosis Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke  Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
   vascular sorbent, i.e. activated charcoal. In addition, during the procedure and immediately after it may appear chills, a fever - a reaction to getting into the blood of foreign substances. It is also possible decrease in blood pressure.

Thus, hemosorbtion with all its positive qualities should be used only in extreme cases - for the treatment of critically ill patients.

Activated carbon - is, of course, is not the most modern adsorbent, however, he is versatile, easy to use and safe, even when using very high doses of urgency for the treatment of poisoning. This drug is in each institution, it may also be recommended for the home kit, so that he was always on hand to provide first aid in case of poisoning.
