How to Get Pregnant: folk remedies - are they effective? - How to increase the probability of conception

June 29, 2008

  • How to Get Pregnant: folk remedies - are they effective?
  • Without the help of doctors
  • Herbal remedy
  • How to increase the probability of conception

How to increase the probability of conception

Many couples try to avoid pregnancy for several months or even years, and believe that if they relax and abandon contraception - and the child will not take long. However, they were disappointed: conception - not as easy as you might think. To become pregnant is not enough to stop protected. Use the tips provided in this article - and your chances of conception increase significantly.

 How to increase the probability of conception | How to Get Pregnant: folk remedies - are they effective?

Review diet

The lack of zinc in the male leads to a decrease in the level of the male hormone testosterone and decrease the number of active sperm, so men are encouraged to include in a diet more foods rich in zinc: lean meat, eggs, seafood and whole grains. Also on male fertility beneficial effect of calcium and vitamin D, so that the stronger sex it is worth remembering his childhood and to drink more milk.

And doctors recommend women to lean on tea. According to the US study conducted in 1998, women who drank at least a cup of tea a day, ready to conceive was seven times higher than those who did not drink this drink.

 How to increase the probability of conception | How to Get Pregnant: folk remedies - are they effective?

Discover the benefits of a healthy lifestyle

Refrain from alcohol, quit smoking (even secondhand smoke negatively affects fertility), and stop taking drugs (prescription, OTC and even homeopathic), if possible. Try to limit contact with toxic chemicals, including household cleaning products. Limit your intake of chocolate and sweet in general, as well as beverages containing caffeine, including sugary soft drinks. Engage in fitness, but without fanaticism - harmful physical overload for both men and women (especially for women, as a small percentage of fat is bad for reproduction).

 How to increase the probability of conception | How to Get Pregnant: folk remedies - are they effective?

Do not wear tight underwear and close

On spermogenez (sperm production) affects the temperature of the testes: The higher the temperature, the fewer sperm formed. Therefore, men are advised to wear loose underwear, such as boxer, not a tight-fitting swimming trunks. Those who thinks about posterity, and should not wear tight jeans and elastic sweatpants for practicing cycling.

 How to increase the probability of conception | How to Get Pregnant: folk remedies - are they effective?

Learn to recognize opportunities and use them

No doubt you've heard about the various medical facilities to improve fertility. It is tempting to swallow a pill - and forget about the problems in the reproductive area. Unfortunately, statements by the manufacturers of such funds is not always true. Never take any medications, including herbal, without first consulting your doctor. The most tried and true method of conception - regular sex with ovulation prediction method.

Many doctors believe that the conception of the child depends primarily on the correct calculation:

  • Ovulation in women occurs about 14 days before menstruation. If your cycle length varies from 24 to 30 days, you can count on the fact that ovulation occurs approximately between the tenth and the sixteenth day of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
  • The life of the egg - from 12 to 24 hours; why sexual intercourse should precede ovulation or coincide with it in time. Sex after ovulation will not bring nothing but fun.
  • The life of sperm cells - up to 72 hours, so even if the sexual act occurred three days before ovulation, conception is possible.

So, your "window of opportunity" opens in about three days before the expected start of ovulation and closed about a day after the supposed end.

 How to increase the probability of conception | How to Get Pregnant: folk remedies - are they effective?

Use the kit to predict ovulation

Ovulation prediction kits help to maximize the likelihood of conception, they are recommended by many experts. With the ovulation prediction kit, you can quickly and accurately determine the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine. Increased luteinizing hormone occurs in 24 - 36 hours before ovulation. The probability of conception is highest when intercourse accounts for the first 36 hours after you have determined the increase in luteinizing hormone.

Another effective method of predicting ovulation, recommended by doctors - charting basal body temperature (before ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   the temperature rises).

 How to increase the probability of conception | How to Get Pregnant: folk remedies - are they effective?

Talk to your doctor

Before planning a pregnancy, consult your doctor for a complete physical examination. The doctor will review your medical history, identify possible problems and discuss with you the methods used contraception. Many doctors recommend that women stop taking oral contraceptives for at least three months before the alleged conception. This time is necessary to normalize the female body ovarian cycle and stabilize hormone levels, which is necessary for conception and normal pregnancy if conception occurred.

Also, ask your doctor to prescribe you a suitable multivitamin complex. Start taking vitamins should be even before you try to conceive.

 How to increase the probability of conception | How to Get Pregnant: folk remedies - are they effective?

Most have sex

Experts recommend to couples who want to get pregnant, have sex at least three times a week, not to miss the most "window of opportunity". Some men worry that having sex with frequent decreases the number of active sperm, but doctors claim that this phenomenon is observed only in rare cases.

The level of testosterone and sperm count is highest in the early morning, so morning sex helps most fertile.

 How to increase the probability of conception | How to Get Pregnant: folk remedies - are they effective?

Choose the right posture

It is important not only when and how many times you have sex, but also in what positions. According to some studies, missionary position (man on top) provides the most deep penetration, resulting in sperm are the closest to the canal of the cervix.

In addition, an orgasm in women greatly facilitates the promotion of sperm to the egg, since the contraction of the smooth muscles of the genital tract stimulate movement in the cervical canal. Avoid using synthetic grease or oil; in an acidic medium petrolatum, glycerin and salivary even killed sperm.

 How to increase the probability of conception | How to Get Pregnant: folk remedies - are they effective?

Do not try to "conceive" - ​​make love

When you are "trying to conceive" and all your thoughts are focused on the mechanics of the process, it is very easy to forget about romance Romance - trap for women?  Romance - trap for women?
   the act of love. Unfortunately, stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   often disturbs normal ovarian cycle in women, lowers libido and negatively affects spermogenez men.

If you dream of a child, do not approach sex as a task to be performed. Enjoy the process, showcase partner love and tenderness - and be sure your efforts will be crowned with success.

 How to increase the probability of conception | How to Get Pregnant: folk remedies - are they effective?

Seek professional help

Few people manage to get pregnant on the first try, but this is the exception rather than the rule. Most of this takes a lot of time and effort. So how long should "try" before you seek professional help?

Many experts advise to wait for about a year (the period independent of attempts depends on the health status of the partners, their age and temperament). If a couple is trying to conceive without success, using all the means at its disposal (methods for determining ovulation, a healthy lifestyle, proper diet, avoiding harmful habits), for three to six months, she should undergo a preliminary consultation. If the couple is in no hurry and rely on nature, it can wait a year or more before seeking medical attention.

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  • how to get pregnant
