32nd week of pregnancy: waiting for a miracle - What's happening

March 3, 2011

  • 32nd week of pregnancy: Waiting for a miracle
  • What's happening

How is a woman in the 32th week of pregnancy

Everything is very individual. Some pregnant women suffer great this week, for them it is a continuation of rest and preparation for future trials. Others also tormented by constant heartburn and shortness of breath. If all domestic products (milk, potato juice, mineral water) do not help, you should see a doctor, he will appoint treatment (there are safe medications that relieve heartburn fine during pregnancy). Do not forget only that soda used for the repayment of heartburn during pregnancy is not recommended - it will only increase your suffering. The fact that the reaction of soda with the acidic environment of the stomach highlighted many gases, which stretched the stomach, including the location of its connection to the esophagus and hence the contents of the stomach frequently and to a greater extent will enter into the esophagus, i.e. heartburn increase.

With shortness of breath harder to cope, the main thing here - do not gain excess weight, because it is an extra burden on the heart, and that is so hard to pump blood. Do not eat sweets, butter and fat, do not drink carbonated drinks - it will not profit you, and will only add weight and, therefore, and shortness of breath. Will and exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
   (better if they are prescribed by a doctor for physical therapy).

If the fetus is large enough, then there will be trouble with urination - there will be frequent urge and sometimes incontinence. Will physiotherapy (strengthen muscles) and a special prenatal bandage, it will lift the stomach and hold it in the correct position. Bandages help and squeezing veins when there are signs of hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
   or varicose veins Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?  Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?

Some women appear on this term sleep problems Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 : It is difficult to fall asleep, restless sleep and intermittent. Often it depends on the mode of the day of the child. If he does not sleep at night often, the mother wakes up - knocking foot in her belly. Will walk before going to sleep in the open air, they comfort the child and even have a slight intoxicating effect - he sleeps better.

Board of pregnant women: if you are not engaged in school mothers during the second trimester, then do it now. Knowledge of pregnancy and childbirth safer will allow you to transfer all the difficulties and thus help your child.


The kid grows

By the end of the 32nd week of pregnancy, the fetus reaches a length of 40-41 cm, weight - 1,500-1,600 g, the amount of amniotic fluid is about 700 ml. Leather baby becomes smoother due to the growth of subcutaneous fat and musculature. The slightly rounded body, arms and legs. But the skin is still red. Thermoregulation is already so developed that the child responds to changes in temperature. For example, when applied to the abdomen something hot or cold, the baby back leg hit you in the stomach.

The kid excellent hearing, and he did not just hear the sounds (voices of the people, the noise of peristalsis, the sound of blood flowing through the umbilical cord), but they can learn, so he definitely knows her mother's voice. If the father is constantly talking with him, you know his voice. But the sweet and soothing sound for him - this is the heartbeat of the mother.

The survival rate of children in this group are slightly higher than those born in previous pregnancy, since they already are well developed lungs and have the beginnings of the immune system. But their survival also requires the creation of a microclimate and hormonal correction functions. Sucking reflex is still missing, these children are fed through a tube.

Per unit of body weight fetus spends about as much energy as an adult, but the bulk of it is spent on the processes of tissue structure, that is, growth and development. Fast-paced metabolism causes high fetal defect, even for short periods of damaging factors. Lack of nutrients and oxygen is easy to cause a lag in its development. Therefore, it is important that a pregnant woman is treated for his condition is very serious, eat right, a lot of moving, resting, and in any case did not use substances that could harm her baby, for example, beer and other alcoholic drinks, strong tea and coffee, drugs without prescription. And, of course, it is in any case should not be smoking.

Pregnancy - is a big responsibility in front of their unborn child: how it will proceed, so he most likely will be the health of the rest of life.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • the third trimester of pregnancy

Preparing for pregnancy - start with the therapist

November 23, 2008

  • Preparing for pregnancy - start with the therapist
  • Should I plan a pregnancy?

 Preparing for pregnancy
   More and more people understand that the birth of a child must always be a sensible step and be sure to prepare for pregnancy. Sports, maintaining overall good health and normal weight and healthy eating Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating  Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
   significantly increase the likelihood that the pregnancy will proceed normally. By the time you realize that you have been delayed menstruation Delayed menstruation - when to sound the alarm?  Delayed menstruation - when to sound the alarm?
 You're already pregnant for at least two weeks. That is, at this time of your future child is growing, and gets you to the nutrients (or not very useful - it all depends on your lifestyle) and of your health during this period depends on the health of your child. So start preparing for pregnancy need before you embark on the first attempt to conceive a child.

 Preparing for pregnancy - start with the therapist

Abandon contraceptives

It is clear - if you want to get pregnant, you need to stop to protect themselves from pregnancy. Perhaps you are concerned that after the use of some contraceptives, you may have problems conceiving. In most cases, these fears are unfounded.

After the cessation of the use of hormonal contraceptives, barrier contraceptives, and after removal of the IUD pregnancy can occur almost immediately. If you have used contraceptive injections, restoring the ability to conceive may take a long time - in some women, it takes up to twelve months.

 Preparing for pregnancy - start with the therapist

Difficulty conceiving

On average, more than eight out of ten couples with regular sexual intercourse without contraception can conceive within one year. Under regular sexual contact is understood sex every 2-3 days. Attempts to plan the sex according to the menstrual cycle associated with excessive stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   and in most cases do not contribute to fertility, but also to prevent enjoy proximity.

If unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child for a year or more for both partners need to see a doctor. If a woman in a pair of thirty-five years, as well as irregular menstruation should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Chance of difficulty conceiving especially high in women who smoke, and those whose underweight (BMI less than 18.5) or higher (BMI greater than 25). We need to lose weight before pregnancy. Later diet can harm the health of both the future mother and her baby.

 Preparing for pregnancy - start with the therapist

Proper nutrition

Before you start trying to conceive to take, you need to accustom themselves to proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
 . A balanced diet should be fruits and vegetables, which provide the body with fiber and vitamins; products containing starch - potatoes, your, whole wheat bread and pasta; meat, fish and legumes - are the main sources of protein; Dairy products are rich in calcium.

In preparation for pregnancy is strongly recommended to reduce the consumption of sweet, salty and fatty foods.

Pregnant women are prone to anemia, therefore please start eating iron-rich foods such as red meat and fortified cereals, dried fruit, bread, herbs and vegetables.

Keep in mind that to get from food enough iron and vitamin B12 is quite difficult. Ask your doctor to recommend dietary supplements that contain these substances.

 Preparing for pregnancy - start with the therapist

In preparation for pregnancy is not recommended to eat:

  • Liver and vitamin A in large quantities
  • Dairy products that have not undergone pasteurization
  • Raw or undercooked eggs
  • Soft cheeses
  • Meat fish such as marlin, swordfish and shark
  • More than 140 grams of tuna per week
