The first signs of pregnancy in the first week: listen to yourself

October 9, 2011

 the first signs of pregnancy in the first week
 How is it that such a small process as fertilization of the egg (it can only be seen under a microscope) in women produces a truly revolutionary change? It has the earliest signs of pregnancy suggests that this process responds to the entire body.

 The first signs of pregnancy in the first week: listen to yourself

What happens in a woman's body in the first week of pregnancy

The nervous and endocrine systems women stand up for a fertilized egg, causing a revolution in the expectant mother. These changes contribute to the maintenance of pregnancy and normal development of the fetus, a woman preparing for childbirth and breastfeeding her baby.

First of all, after the egg is fertilized in the central nervous system, women formed a permanent hotbed of excitement, which is linked with the uterus, so the woman's brain constantly receives information about the state of pregnancy. Some women intuitively capture this information - it forms an inseparable bond of mother and child, which remains forever.

In order to reduce the excitability of the receptors of the uterus and prevent it from muscle contraction, which is able to cause the expulsion of the fertilized egg from the uterus, lowers overall excitability of the central nervous system. Therefore, already in the first month of pregnancy, the general condition of women is changing. It becomes more sluggish, scattered, tired quickly and constantly wants to sleep. There are short-term dizziness and even fainting. The work is not glued, boss starts making remarks that cause bouts of irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   and self-pity. Some women still do not understand what is happening, because the regular menstruation has not come yet. If there are such features as changes in appetite (he can, how to strengthen and sharply reduced), nausea, vomiting, salivation, changes in taste and smell, it clarifies the situation. Favorite dishes before are now causing disgust, but that had not attracted, it is becoming a major treat. So it is with the smells: some (for example, toilet water husband) cause nausea and even vomiting.

Despite the fact that the majority of women these symptoms are known, for those who felt their first time, they are open. Some women are unaware of their pregnancy, begin to look for the reasons for his non-existent altered state, including disease.

All these phenomena are not terrible, and most women are almost invisible, it's just a minor side effects that occurred in the process of child protection. Such protection is particularly needed in his early pregnancy. To reduce nausea (in the morning she is usually stronger), in the morning on an empty stomach can drink a glass of kefir or yogurt. There are better in small portions and more frequently, up to 5 - 6 times a day and always eat breakfast.

At the first suspicion of pregnancy to do a home test - some of the most sensitive tests give positive results at the end of the first week of pregnancy. If pregnancy is confirmed, for most women all the unpleasant sensations go by the wayside - they overshadow the joy of knowing that very soon (think of it, some nine months!) Will be a favorite kid.

Signs of early pregnancy is divided into questionable and probable. Doubtful symptoms usually reveals the woman - a different kind of feeling, as well as some changes in the internal organs. Probable signs of pregnancy - a change of genitals and mammary glands. These symptoms can detect an obstetrician-gynecologist at the time of inspection.

 The first signs of pregnancy in the first week: listen to yourself

What does folk wisdom about the first signs of pregnancy

Folk wisdom knows many early signs of pregnancy Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?  Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?
 , here are some of them:

  • the first sign of pregnancy can be a malaise similar to acute respiratory viral infections: a small rise in temperature, chills, nasal congestion, nasal discharge liquid, sneezing, and sometimes - nosebleeds;
  • complete change of taste preferences and the kind of very specific to pregnancy, a metallic taste in the mouth;
  • very painful cramps in the calf muscles, often they occur during sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 ; is a consequence of changes in exchange processes and a lack of calcium in the body;
  • appearance in the anterior chest wall meandering blue veins; This arises from the restructuring and expansion of the network of small blood vessels;
  • constipation and bloating - is a direct consequence of a sharp increase in the secretion of the female sex hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
  • increased salivation; mouth can suddenly filled with saliva in the most unexpected circumstances.

Early signs of pregnancy are many and they all help women learn about their new condition.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • the first signs of pregnancy

The fourth week of pregnancy - accept congratulations

December 5, 2006

 the fourth week of pregnancy
 Congratulations! In the next nine months you will hear this phrase many times. You have just checked twenty strips on a home pregnancy test to make sure that you are not wrong. From this point you need to conduct exclusively healthy lifestyle, eat well and do fitness (but without fanaticism).

Instead of lunch break to go shopping, take a nap at least half an hour. Now you have to live for two. So, breathe deeply, often stargaze while your body performs its wonderful destination.

 The fourth week of pregnancy - accept congratulations

Physically pregnancy "hints" one or more of the following symptoms:

  • absence of menstruation,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • dizziness,
  • headache,
  • weight gain,
  • a feeling of fullness,
  • small seizures
  • appetite loss,
  • frequent urination,
  • increased sensitivity of the breast.

If last week you will notice a slight separation Discharges in women when there is cause for concern  Discharges in women when there is cause for concern
 It is likely to implantation bleeding, which is not worth worrying about. Some women in this period generally there are however signs, and they feel great - which, incidentally, is also perfectly normal.

 The fourth week of pregnancy - accept congratulations

What happens to a child

The fertilized egg made its seven- or ten-day journey to the uterus, where it is located on the inner surface. It is now called a blastocyst or germinal vesicle and is divided into two parts. The first part of the blastocyst forms the placenta, and the second is transformed into an embryo. Also formed two layers, forming the amniotic (amniotic) bag of water, and there is the very beginning of the allantoic stalk, which eventually turn into the umbilical cord. Until then, until the placenta will not be fully operational, will nourish the embryo yolk bubble. Be aware that the "home" of your baby being built very rapidly!

 The fourth week of pregnancy - accept congratulations

How to feed two

Hopefully, you are already taking a daily prenatal vitamin containing 400 micrograms of folic acid. No? Then it's time to start! Folic acid - a water-soluble vitamin that reduces neural tube defects in the embryo, which is especially important at conception Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child  Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
   and in the first few weeks of pregnancy. According to some studies, folic acid Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate  Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate
   It can reduce the chance of miscarriage and reduce the likelihood of premature birth. A natural source of folic acid - liver, fortified cereals and flour products from whole grain, dried beans and peas, leafy vegetables, fruit and yeast.

Article Tags:
  • first trimester of pregnancy
