39th week of pregnancy: wait for another week? - Condition of mother and baby

March 27, 2011

  • 39th week of pregnancy: wait for another week?
  • Condition of mother and baby

Condition of the pregnant woman in the 39th week of pregnancy

The 39th week of pregnancy is very often the last. Some women intensifies insomnia, appear dizziness, fainting, increased bleeding (eg, gums), hemorrhoids, varicose veins Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?  Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
 , Swelling of the feet Swelling of the legs - do not leave without attention  Swelling of the legs - do not leave without attention
   and painful spasms of the leg muscles. There are pain, false labor, which some women take as true. They last for about a minute and can be terminated with a change in body position. These contractions facilitate training of the muscles of the uterus and promote the fruit through the birth canal, so fear them not. But false contractions that occur frequently occurring painful, require treatment to the doctor.

For two or three days before delivery sluggish and apathetic to this woman suddenly starts to show high activity she leads her apartment in order, everything washes, brushes, carefully moving furniture, new wallpaper glue. It is an ancient nesting instinct - one of the obvious signs of the approaching birth: a woman is preparing for what will bring in its nest newborn baby.

In the last days of pregnancy under the influence of hormones is changing the operation of all organs and systems of a woman. This is to ensure that the body was ready for the expulsion of the fetus, that is, that time went into labor. It promotes the development of a large number of female sex hormone estrogen. Under the influence of estrogen produced contractile protein actomyosin, softens the cervix and increases the sensitivity of the muscles of the uterus to the active substance that can cause reductions (for example, oxytocin and prostaglandins). The number of prostaglandins - substances that stimulate the contraction of the muscles of the uterus.

By the end of the 39th week of pregnancy the amniotic fluid is divided into two unequal parts. Water in the sac below the belt touch the fetal head to the pelvis woman called the front waters. Rear water washed the base of the trunk and the head of the fetus. When the transverse or oblique position of the fetus water separation front and rear does not occur. Amniotic fluid contribute to the disclosure of the cervix and increase the activity of its muscles. Discharge of amniotic fluid - is another sign of starting labor.


The child's condition on the 39th week of pregnancy

And the baby continues to grow. Its growth is already 47-50 cm, weight - 3100-3300. The amount of amniotic fluid is somewhat reduced, and the baby is already very close to my mother's belly and difficult to move.

This week continues to be delayed subcutaneous fat, and down on the back and shoulders almost completely disappears. Growing hairs on the head, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, in many places, cartilage turns into bone. The baby is fully formed. All organs and systems work, the head dropped down out of the uterus. The muscles of the uterus trained at the false contractions and is now ready for powerful cuts, which will provide first fight, and then attempts.

All organs and systems (even if they are not completely ripe), are ready to adult survival. Gastrointestinal ready to receive human milk is already in the intestine even villi, increasing the suction capacity intestine and promote advancement of food thereon. First cal - meconium already moving through the intestine toward the rectum. Good work stomach cancer - they produce gastric juices. Formed the basic structure of the pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
   - It produces insulin and pancreatic juice The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives

The entire child absolutely sterile, bacteria, not even in the gastrointestinal tract. The first bacteria begin to colonize the baby's body until after birth. It will play a major role immunity. It has not yet fully formed (it would take years), however, something that he already knows how, especially since her mother passed to the immune system of the fetus antibodies - proteins that are able to fight various infectious diseases (antibodies appeared in the mother's body after she had been ill with these infections).

The child may have a good suck, it is provided in one side of the central nervous system, and the other - the muscles of the face. The mucous membrane of the mouth it is rich in blood vessels and has a red color, it is already the salivary glands (there is some) - it will contribute to the absorption after the birth of the breast milk in the mouth.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • the third trimester of pregnancy

Alcohol in the first days of pregnancy - what is the level of danger?

May 22, 2013

 alcohol in the first days of pregnancy
 No one there is no doubt that the main taboo during pregnancy is alcohol. Unfortunately, the problem of alcoholism in recent years, particularly in Russia, occupies almost the first place. Addiction significantly impairs the health and well before driving the man in the grave. What then to speak about the use of alcohol during pregnancy? Expectant mother is responsible not only for their health but also the health of the unborn baby. The negative impact of alcohol use during gestation long been studied and proven. Alcohol in the first days of pregnancy uniquely bad as at any stage.

 Alcohol in the first days of pregnancy - what is the level of danger?

Drinking, unaware of pregnancy

Often there are cases when a woman drank alcohol, did not know about his new condition. Such stories "very often" among pregnant women. Further development of the pregnancy depends on how much alcohol was adopted, and how often it was used. If a similar situation (receiving alcoholic drinks) was a precedent in the first days of pregnancy, then, to a greater extent, the development of her baby and virtually no danger.

The time it takes from the moment of fertilization until the beginning of its implantation in the uterine lining, takes about seven to ten days. During this period, the fertilized egg is still in a way that it makes of the fallopian tube to the uterus, and has no connection with the parent body. Accordingly, alcohol, raging in the blood of women, is not able to exert any negative influence on her. Also, midwives like to repeat his favorite law "in the first three weeks of pregnancy is the rule: all or nothing." This means that the effects of alcohol can be deadly to a fertilized egg, and pregnancy spontaneously interrupted, which does not notice the woman (it will take spotting Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   for the next month or delayed). Is it possible that alcohol does not affect the pregnancy, and the latter will develop without any complications.

 Alcohol in the first days of pregnancy - what is the level of danger?

The harm from alcohol in the first days of pregnancy

It follows from all of the above, even a single dose of alcoholic beverages at the beginning of pregnancy causing irreparable harm, that is leading to the death of a fertilized egg. To understand how alcohol has a negative effect in the first days of pregnancy, should recall the stages of its development.

After the most active sperm to fertilize the egg, the latter moves through the fallopian tube toward the uterus. There she waits prepared for implantation endometrium. The fertilized egg is embedded in the uterine lining and continues to share. In the course of the division of the egg cell membrane forms a fuzzy - chorion, from which the placenta is formed in the future. Step implantation shows that between the parent body and the egg came a stable relationship, and, consequently, alcohol intake, which is in the mother's blood and clearly get to the egg. If a woman regularly or frequently drink alcohol in a given time, it will cause an inevitable miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?

Otherwise, at constant use of alcohol and then the embryo will be formed rough malformations, which will also lead to a termination of pregnancy or the birth of a non-viable child. The reason is that since the beginning of the fourth week of the conception Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child  Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
   embryo organogenesis begins, that is, there is a bookmark all the vital organs and systems, especially the nervous. At this stage of pregnancy, the neural tube is formed from which later formed spinal cord and brain. Drinking alcohol in early pregnancy may cause anencephaly (no brain), spin bifida (spina bifida), Down's syndrome and many other malformations. In addition, children born to mothers who consumed alcohol during the first days and weeks of pregnancy, there is a delay in the intellectual and physical development, irritability, bedwetting Enuresis or urinary incontinence - how not to run a disease?  Enuresis or urinary incontinence - how not to run a disease?
 , Visual and hearing impairment, and more.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • first trimester of pregnancy
