20th week of pregnancy: kopim force

January 20, 2011

 20 Weeks Pregnant
 Twentieth Week completes the first half of pregnancy. This is quite a prosperous week allows women to build up strength for future childbearing and childbirth. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, with no complications, and problems with the development of the baby and no.

 20th week of pregnancy: kopim force

Status of women in the 20th week of pregnancy

20th week - a continuation of a period of rest and tranquility, as usual (if there are no complications) all systems and organs are functioning normally under the influence of pregnancy hormones. Now is the time to do them. Most women are usually worried about the condition of the skin, hair and nails. All of them are exposed to hormones and changing.

Skin problems - is acne and pigment stains. And if the pigment spots nothing can be done (they will do after childbirth), then it is possible to fight acne. Acne occur under the influence of hormones, usually on oily skin. Sebum clogs the sebaceous glands of the lumen, where after getting an infection develops an abscess. This process contributes to decreased immunity the pregnant woman.

It is necessary to properly care for your skin to prevent acne, increased greasiness or dryness. For skin care it is best to use neutral funds that are available marked "sensitive skin." In no case should not use some intense cosmetics advertising that promises rapid and dramatic changes. Such tools often contain hormones that can adversely affect the body of a pregnant woman.

For oily skin should wash their face twice a day using a special foam cleansing for sensitive oily skin. Twice a week, we need to use scrub, cleansing the pores of the skin using small particles. At night you need to apply the cream for sensitive oily skin.

If you have dry skin wash should be no more than once a day with foam for sensitive dry skin. After washing on the skin should apply a neutral moisturizer for dry sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
 When you exit to the street - sunscreen Sunscreen is not just for the beach  Sunscreen is not just for the beach
 . If the facial skin to peel off, it can be cleaned with a scrub. Taking a shower, you need to use special moisturizing gels.

Less likely to suffer the hair, some women are even becoming more dense and shiny. But sometimes the hair, on the contrary, become dry, brittle and dull. What to do? Most often this is due to some deficiencies in the diet. Such a woman should eat more fruits and vegetables to treat hair. First of all, you need to determine what type of scalp and choose appropriate cosmetics - shampoo and conditioner. Since the skin (including the scalp) during pregnancy becomes very sensitive, it is necessary to use cosmetics labeled "for sensitive skin." Once a week can make nourishing hair mask. If you have dry skin Dry skin: care and treatment  Dry skin: care and treatment
   head used burdock or castor oil, oily - dairy products (yogurt, yogurt, etc.). Scalp at the root of the hair is wetted with heated oil or yogurt, gently rubbing them into the skin muffle towel and left so for about 15-20 minutes, after which the head is washed with the shampoo.

Good help improve the condition of hair frequent and prolonged combing. Hair should be brushed 3-4 times a day in different directions at the same time carrying out a gentle massage of the scalp (but it must be that easy, did not injure the scalp). Combing promotes hair growth, making them more smooth and shiny (sebum distributed over the entire length of the hair), and improves the nutrition of hair roots.

Hair dye and perm do during pregnancy or in any case can not: the action of chemicals on the skin of a pregnant woman and her body as a whole can not be predicted.

Nails during pregnancy are also changing, and not in the best way, they become more brittle and delaminate. The reason for these changes is that the nails lacking minerals - they are used for the formation of fetal tissue. To prevent breakage and peeling nails can do baths with sea salt. They do half an hour a day for at least two consecutive weeks. In order not to injure the nail during the manicure is not necessary to cut off the cuticle, it is better to simply push a special spatula. File nails better than non-metallic nail file - metal can enhance the separation nail.

 20th week of pregnancy: kopim force

Condition of the fetus in the 20th week of pregnancy

By the end of the 20th week of pregnancy, the baby will already have a length of 25-26 cm and weight - 250-280 g This week is the beginning of the function of the endocrine glands, providing the metabolic processes of the fetus.

Sonorous tones of the heart becomes sufficient for listening through the skin. Born at the time the baby is able to exercise weak respiratory movements. Starts functioning thyroid gland The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
   and adrenal glands.

The kid is growing!

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • second trimester

Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?

May 9, 2013

 Early signs of pregnancy
 Early signs of pregnancy, many women appear individually, even two different pregnancies in the same women sometimes appear, and proceed differently. And yet, some common signs of early pregnancy is and they need to know.

Pregnancy is one of the most important periods in the life of a woman. And the fact of its occurrence becomes almost the most joyful event. But, of course, pregnancy is not always desirable, and for some women it only brings a lot of problems. Unfortunately, even the most long-awaited pregnancy may end up frustrated woman suddenly interrupted or that it is possible, too, perhaps the birth of a child with congenital malformations. Therefore, every woman, regardless of whether she wants to become a mother, or on the contrary, must know the early signs of pregnancy in time to interrupt it (in the case of unwanted pregnancy) or radically change their lifestyle and diet, not to harm the unborn child.

There are early and very early signs of pregnancy. By the very earliest manifestations are those symptoms on the basis of which it is possible to suspect the emergence of a new life even before a missed period. There is no doubt that the so-called very early signs of pregnancy are determined woman intuitive and very, very questionable. Obstetricians skeptical about such feelings of women and for good reason.

 Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?

Early signs of pregnancy in women feelings

Every woman's early pregnancy proceeds differently, so do not completely trust other people's experience, for example, the experience of a close friend, in this case more reliable to trust the experience and knowledge of the doctor. However, most of the women, before consulting the obstetrician-gynecologist, first wants to see for themselves that the pregnancy. This will help their own feelings and pregnancy tests.

The first subjective symptoms of pregnancy - is fatigue and drowsiness (do not worry, just need more sleep), frequent urination (this is due to rising levels of the female sex hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 And also because of the pressure on the bladder a little increase in the size of the uterus), swelling and breast tenderness, nausea and vomiting, occurring in the morning, and sometimes during the day (not all, should try to drink a glass of juice or kefir on an empty stomach).

 Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?


Delayed menstruation is one of the typical early signs of pregnancy. However, a missed period is considered likely, but not reliable evidence available pregnancy. Sometimes, periods may be delayed for one or two weeks in the case of stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , Climate change, and the time zone of any diseases (such as acute infections, and exacerbation of chronic diseases is already available), and for many other reasons. Every woman should conduct the monthly calendar, which highlights all of menstruation, and calculated the length of the menstrual cycle.

 Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?

Temperature increase

First, we should focus on increasing the basal temperature. The basal temperature is measured in the morning, immediately after waking up in the rectum. Normally, there is increased (above 37 ° C), the temperature in the second phase of the cycle, but before the onset of menstruation takes its retraction. Before the start of the month sign is not very reliable, except for temperature measurement on the eve of menstruation. But the fever, which remains on the figures 37C and above, coupled with the delay in the monthly Delayed menstruation - when to sound the alarm?  Delayed menstruation - when to sound the alarm?
   almost certainly indicative of pregnancy.

In addition, often there is an increase the total (in the armpit) body temperature depression. Such a low-grade temperature (not above 37, 5C) and is a reaction to the enhanced production of progesterone. Progesterone in turn affects the thermoregulation center, which is located in the brain. Low-grade fever gradually by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy reaches normal values. Many early pregnancy is considered a slightly elevated temperature for the start of colds. Therefore, in this period is to listen carefully to their feelings and to celebrate, whether there is a cough, sore throat, runny nose, and so on.

 Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?

Manifestations of early toxicity

Almost all women beginning pregnancy was marked early toxicosis. Early toxicosis - rather unpleasant condition, and in some cases requires hospitalization. Typical signs of early toxicity Nausea, especially in the morning, often turning into vomit. Exhausting vomiting and inability meal makes a woman see a doctor. Also nausea occurs intolerance, and even an aversion to certain types of foods and smells (including the smell and flavor of her beloved husband own perfume). It is also one of the manifestations of early toxicity is increased salivation Increased salivation - deviation from the norm  Increased salivation - deviation from the norm
 . It is particularly enhanced when talking about eating or feeling aromas of cooking food. Tellingly, salivation increases, even if the woman is full.

 Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?

Pregnancy tests using

Today, there is every opportunity to learn about her pregnancy exactly before receiving a doctor, as in the pharmacy you can buy a pregnancy test and calm at home to do the necessary research.

Pregnancy test involves identifying the urine of pregnant women chorionic gonadotropita (hCG), which is called the pregnancy hormone. This hormone begins to stand out in a week after conception and consists of two parts - the alpha and beta. Alpha is similar to the structure of other hormones and beta characteristic only of hCG.

Pregnancy tests can detect in urine only the total amount of hCG or beta-part last considered more accurate.

The pharmacy you can buy the following types of pregnancy tests:

  • Test Strips - usually a paper strip impregnated with reagent - antibody to hCG; by reacting with the urine test strip appear colored;
  • Tablet test or a test strip in a plastic plate with the enclosed pipette; the same principle, but the reaction occurs in the test windows;
  • Inkjet test - it is inserted under a stream of urine and it does not require pre-collection; it is the most accurate test of the latest generation, which contains beta - hCG substance;
  • Electronic test - after the investigation it appears: pregnancy there (pregnant), or no pregnancy (not pregnant).

Sensitivity of such tests can be different, from ten to thirty. These figures show how the minimum concentration of HCG in the urine can be determined by means of this test, therefore, the most sensitive tests have ten digit.

Accuracy tests fairly high (97-99%), however, there may be incorrect results. This happens most often in violation of the instructions for the test. Sometimes, to determine early pregnancy (one - two weeks) is not used very sensitive test, in which case it should be repeated after a week, when the amount of hCG in the urine increases.

If you believe that you are pregnant, and home test fails, then you need to see a doctor, or confirm that your confidence, or to ascertain that there is no pregnancy. In any case, the sooner you will be on record in the women's clinic, the better supervision of the doctor gives her confidence that her pregnancy will proceed correctly.

 Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?

The first visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist

So, if a woman has a suspicion of a pregnancy (missed period, a positive home pregnancy test), as though it may sound corny, you must immediately turn to the obstetrician-gynecologist. Even relatives and friends excitedly suggest that there is nothing to go on doctors so early.

You can easily listen to everything you say and do what it necessary to find, that is right - it's your life and your child, and risk his health in any case not worth it. The problem is that no matter how well you are treated to well-wishers, they would never meet, including their advice. But obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation, and therefore responsible for its advice and recommendations worth considering.

The main thing - to come first, and you will see that a monthly visit to the doctor there is nothing to worry about. When you first visit you will confirm your pregnancy by medical examination (even in the first week of the uterus will have slightly increased, not at the expense of the embryo and its proliferation through the inner layer), blood test for hCG and ultrasound (US). Laboratory blood tests for hCG are very accurate. And in the US we can see that the embryo is, where it is necessary (in the uterus) and that it is quite viable.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • the first signs of pregnancy
