Is it possible not to notice their own pregnancy? - Why are women denied pregnancy

July 15, 2011

  • Is it possible not to notice their own pregnancy?
  • The syndrome of denial of pregnancy
  • Why women reject pregnancy

Characteristics of women, denying or hiding their pregnancies

According to statistics, the average age of women, denying or hiding their pregnancies - 20-25 years, but there are also women aged under 18 years. In most cases, a woman living with her mother, at least - with a partner (usually observed in the case of denial of pregnancy). As a rule, the mother of a woman, deny or hide their pregnancy, for it is the only source of social support; the child's father is not always supported a woman. About 66% of women with the syndrome of denial of pregnancy and 45% hide the pregnancy, have completed secondary education, and at first there is usually a permanent job, and the latter continue their education.

According to a study conducted by American scientists, concealed or denied the first pregnancy is only 25% and 35%, respectively; 20% in the past had miscarriages or therapeutic abortions. Among women who deny the pregnancy, only 30% knew about it more than a month, while among women, hid the pregnancy, this percentage reaches 72.

Mental retardation were observed in 6% of women suffering from the syndrome of denial of pregnancy. In 10% before delivery in the blood were found metabolites of banned drugs. During psychological counseling after childbirth increasingly turned woman hiding a pregnancy. Lack of attention to the phenomenon of denial of pregnancy due to the fact that women rarely seek medical advice (not just to the psychologist, but also to the gynecologist). Mother of women (albeit unconsciously) contribute to the development of the syndrome of denial of pregnancy.

It is obvious that women, denying or hiding her pregnancy, experiencing an acute psychological conflict, though not always willing to call it the reason why experts recommend postpartum guide these women to undergo psychiatric examination.

Because women with the syndrome of denial of pregnancy, do not go to a gynecologist, especially in the first trimester, to prevent further development of this disorder have other doctors, in particular physician and gastroenterologist, which often turn women complaining of nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
 , Weight gain, and abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms

The denial or concealment of pregnancy - a serious phenomenon requiring a comprehensive study and attention from health professionals, particularly gynecologists and psychiatrists, and social workers. Unfortunately, many doctors do not realize the importance of intervention at an early stage of pregnancy, when the situation can be brought under control and to prepare a woman for motherhood, both physically and mentally.

Article Tags:
  • signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus? - 31-40 Week

December 12, 2011

  • Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?
  • 5-10 Week
  • 11-20 Week
  • 21-30 Week
  • 31-40 Week

31 weeks

Child: the kid can not just hear the sounds, and even to distinguish among them the familiar and in a certain way to react to them.

Expectant mother: the uterus has filled most of the abdominal cavity, and this greatly affects your mobility.

Tip of the Week: Master the art of relaxation Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!  Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!
 ; breathing exercises.

 31-40 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

32 Week

Child: baby body length which can now reach 48 cm, takes up almost the entire space inside the uterus. Under his skin continues to shape the fat layer.

Expectant mother, if still you went to the examination once a month, and now, perhaps, you will need to visit the doctor every 2 weeks. From the nipples starts to produce colostrum - a yellowish liquid, which is a sign that the body is almost ready for breastfeeding.

Tip of the Week: special underlay in bra pads to colostrum not to wet your clothes.

 31-40 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

33 Week

The child, his weight begins to increase rapidly. The child moves less because he does not have enough space. Most of the time he is in the classic fetal position - legs bent at the knees, chin rests on the chest.

Expectant mother: due to the fact that the weight of the baby is growing, you may be short of breath.

Tip of the Week: although from a medical point of view, sex is still safe, for you it can be very uncomfortable. If you are experiencing discomfort during intimacy, talk about it with your partner.

 31-40 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

34 Week

Child: Kid can turn upside down, though perhaps not yet final. His organs are now almost completely mature, except for the lungs. The skin has a pink, not red.

Expectant mother: there are increasing training bout. Amplified back pain, especially lower back. The navel begins to bulge under the pressure of the uterus.

Tip of the Week: time to decide, you will breastfeed or not.

 31-40 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

35 Week

Child: his lungs almost completely developed, but in the case of premature birth, he still can not breathe on their own. Subcutaneous fat is not enough to maintain normal body temperature is the uterus.

Expectant mother: for all your weight during pregnancy could increase by 10-13 kg. Sleep is becoming more and more uncomfortable. Probably, you start to worry too much about the upcoming birth, which can cause increased irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper

Tip of the Week: Make sure you buy everything you need for the future baby.

 31-40 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

36 Week

Child: the brain continues to develop rapidly; baby learned to blink.

Expectant mother: lack of energy can often be replaced by tidal energy. Back pain, constipation, and heartburn are increasingly concerned.

 31-40 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

37 Week

Child: The skin becomes increasingly pink number of folds in it decreases. By this time, the child is usually completely turned upside down.

Expectant mother: by the time you scored between 11 and 15 kg, and probably no more weight increase.

Tip of the Week: Place the bag in all the things that you need in the hospital.

 31-40 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

38 Week

Child: growth is slowing, although the fat layer continues to increase. A child receives antibodies from you Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
 Which will protect it from certain diseases, he would in the outside world.

Expectant mother: belly gets bigger, but the discomfort may increase. Be ready to start families - 95% of children are born two weeks before the deadline, which is indicated by the doctor.

 31-40 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

39 Week

Child: muscles of the legs and arms fully developed. Due to the fact that the child is placed upside down, it becomes easier for you to breathe.

Expectant mother: basic emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
   - Waiting for delivery. Many women at the end of the pregnancy so tired that I dream to give birth as soon as possible - now there is a reason to rejoice, because the wait is long.

Tip of the Week: waiting for the signs of labor, be reasonable. Not every pain - a reason to call your doctor; Try to calm down.

 31-40 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

40 Week

Child: Kid can close your eyes, turn his head enough to react to sound, light and touch. Most of the lanugo has fallen.

Future Mom: It's okay if appointed date of delivery has passed, and generations not yet begun. Only 5% of children are born in time. Sleep becomes more difficult, so difficult to find a comfortable position, moreover, you are very worried. However, try to get enough sleep, because proper rest for you is very important.

Tip of the Week: If you have any signs of starting labor, do not eat anything. Even light food can cause nausea.

Article Tags:
  • development of pregnancy
