Calendar of conception - is inaccurate, but popular - Calendar calculate ovulation

April 16, 2013
  • Calendar of conception - is inaccurate, but popular
  • Menstrual cycle
  • Calendar of calculating ovulation
  • Ovulation Calendar
  • Japanese calendar
  • Tests
  • Other methods

 calculate ovulation calendar

Calendar of calculating ovulation

Calendar of calculating ovulation women need to carry. After all, it will help identify all the violations of the menstrual cycle and treat them promptly. This calendar allows you to quickly conceive and avoid unwanted pregnancy, that is, solve the basic problems of a married woman.

Ovulation Calendar is an indispensable tool for women who set up very seriously pregnancy. In addition to the calculation of the day of ovulation calendar will help determine the least dangerous days, if pregnancy is not desired. Calculate ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   There are several ways, and in the conduct of the calendar to determine the most favorable days for conception. In addition, many sites offer a service that is automatically calculating ovulation. In addition, many women believe that accurate and correctly formatted ovulation calendar will help them determine the day for conceiving a child of either sex.

 Calendar of calculating ovulation | Calendar conception - is inaccurate, but popular

What is ovulation calendar

Automatic ovulation calendar will require the introduction of some parameters. These include: the duration of the menstrual cycle, the first day of last menstruation, duration of menstrual flow and the average length of luteal (third) phase of the menstrual cycle. There is no doubt that the most accurate results can get women who have regular menstrual cycle (with small deviations in one - three in one direction or another).

Calendar of ovulation will determine not only the time of release of the egg from the follicle, but also fertile days, then there are days that are favorable for conception (before the ovulation).

 Calendar of calculating ovulation | Calendar conception - is inaccurate, but popular

Separately, an ovulation

Ovulation is medium, or so to say the peak phase of the menstrual cycle. It is in the ovulatory period, or that the ovary matures dominant follicle, which is then broken, and comes out of it "ready" egg, "mood" of fertilization. Although the phase of ovulation is the shortest in the menstrual cycle, it plays a leading role (after all, no ovulation in women have lacked the ability to conceive and birth children). In a normal ovulatory phase is in the middle of the menstrual cycle (for example, a cycle lasting 28 days release of an egg occurs on the fourteenth day).

After ovulation begins the second half of the menstrual cycle, which is influenced by other hormones, is luteinizing hormone (LH), the pituitary gland and the female sex hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 Which is produced by the ovaries. These hormones help the fertilized egg to move along the fallopian tube toward the uterus and introduced into its cavity. Simultaneously in the uterine cavity are changes that prepare it for the introduction of an embryo. If pregnancy did not occur, the mucous membrane of the uterus is torn away and starts bleeding, then there is a new menstruation.

After ovulation has occurred probability to conceive a child is 33% (remember that the egg is active only for 24 hours, and then dies).

But given the more enduring vitality of sperm (up to seven days), the researchers calculated that women have the ability to get pregnant one day before ovulation is 31%, in two days it is equal to 27%, and for three or four days, it is reduced to 14%. However, we should not forget that a woman can get pregnant any day of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
 Even during menstruation, although such cases are extremely rare.

 Calendar of calculating ovulation | Calendar conception - is inaccurate, but popular

How to conduct ovulation calendar and that it gives a woman

Ovulation Calendar is necessary to maintain each woman. This will enable it to quickly identify their genital system pathology and treat it before marriage. You will need a calendar after marriage, since it allows to calculate the days, during which there is the highest probability of conception and days when conception is absolutely impossible, that is possible to be engaged in sex without protection.

How do you know about the occurrence of ovulation? Some women experience at the time of ovulation minor abdominal pain Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?  Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?
   one side. From this point in the vaginal mucus. Often ovulation does not manifest itself, then its time can be determined by measuring basal body temperature, which is measured in the rectal area. The basal temperature goes down on the day of ovulation and increased the day after ovulation.

Today, to confirm ovulation can use special pharmacy test strip, determining the presence of luteinizing hormone in the urine. Tests carried out twice a day for several days in the middle of the menstrual cycle. A positive test indicates that ovulation occurs in about 16-28 hours. Ovulation can also confirm during the ultrasound.

The highest probability of conception occurs within days after ovulation (the ovum is alive). Sexual intercourse does not have to happen exactly in these days, it can happen in three days before ovulation, because sperm live up to three days and, therefore, they may wait for the egg from the ovary.

When the Calendar ovulation, a woman will always be able to use natural contraception method or simply do not get upset if the condom broke. If she is ready to become a mother, you can calculate in advance the time for conception.

Ovulation calendar should include not only the time of ovulation, but its characteristic features. Before you use a calendar for natural contraception or conception, it is necessary to keep from six months to a year.

 Calendar of calculating ovulation | Calendar conception - is inaccurate, but popular

How to make your personal ovulation calendar

Ovulation can be determined in several ways. To compile their individual schedule fit all.

Firstly, almost all women feel the approach of ovulation. They have a typical pre-ovulatory symptoms:

  • increased libido;
  • bloating and breast tenderness;
  • flatulence and rumbling in the stomach;
  • you may receive the so-called ovulation bleeding (in the form of a few drops of blood on the underwear);
  • slight stretching in the abdomen;
  • increased production of mucus in the cervix (it liquefies and becomes transparent).

Secondly, to produce a full ovulation calendar is necessary to conduct a graph of basal temperature. For this morning, without getting out of bed at the same time, the temperature is measured in the rectum and then writes on the data. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature is below 37 degrees, and the second under the influence of progesterone it rises. One day prior to ovulation, the temperature drops even lower than it was, and on the day of release of the egg, it rises sharply.

Also, in determining the date of ovulation can take advantage of special test strips, which are sold in any drugstore. To conduct the tests necessary for the five days prior to ovulation and twice a day (morning and evening).

On the basis of these methods is compiled ovulation calendar, which in addition to the date of the menstrual cycle are marked intercourse, basal temperature and subjective sensations.

 Calendar of calculating ovulation | Calendar conception - is inaccurate, but popular

How to use ovulation calendar

For the conception and natural birth control menstrual calendar will only fit with a regular menstrual cycle, with small deviations. The most likely time for conception - this time for the day after ovulation, and for natural contraception - time which begins two days after ovulation (the extra day - the correction for an error in the date of ovulation) and ends on the first day of the next menstruation. This is the so-called absolute sterility, because there is no egg.

Relative sterility occurs in the first half of the menstrual cycle when the egg is still there, but because it is considered a relative that sperm have a chance to wait for her. The safest time for sex during this period - this time, the most distant from ovulation.

Ovulation Calendar allows a woman to get to know the work of his body.
