Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child - a child Genetics

October 15, 2011

  • Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
  • Prepare egg
  • Misconceptions
  • Fertilization
  • Genetics child
  • The chances of having a girl
  • The probability of having a boy

Genetics child

All of us - the result of a random connection genes. Geneticists within the human genome project for many years trying to decipher the DNA of humans and learn to "program" the child before birth to lay in it certain characteristics. In each of the 46 chromosomes contained in each cell of our body, there is a 30,000 genes, so you can imagine what an enormous task facing the scientific community. It is hoped that once the human genome project yet made a sensational breakthrough in genetics, which will change the course of history. Even today, these studies have shed light on many diseases previously thought incurable, and genetic disorders.

So, at conception, by combining the egg and sperm randomly laid all the inheritable characteristics of the child - physical data, sex, blood group Blood groups - what do you know yours?  Blood groups - what do you know yours?
 Eye color, hair - and it happens in the first seconds after conception. And the child gets genes equally - 23 chromosomes from the father and mother (the genes are located in chromosomes). The development of the child during pregnancy, infancy, childhood and beyond will largely subordinated to this particular program.

It's amazing how much genetic information is a microscopic chromosome. Moreover, this vast genetic history may be transmitted to future generations. Yes, genes - carriers of genetic information - contained in every cell of our body, but not all genes are activated, because only some of them are responsible for specific functions - the development of the brain, muscle, skin growth, hematopoiesis.

Scientists can not come to a consensus on the degree of influence on the non-physical characteristics of the DNA of man, his character, talents and mental faculties. Science is not known how these qualities are genetically determined. However, it is certain that the child's environment has a direct impact on the development and the formation of his personality.

If anything distinguishes man from other mammals, as is our ability to make informed (and not) decision and to change the circumstances of our lives, guided by not only their bare instincts, but also by higher motives and impulses. Not only does our environment affect us - we also affect our surroundings. Parents have a great responsibility, and they should understand that the tiny creature, which arose as a result of any combination of genes and a happy coincidence - not just their continuation, and absolutely independent, albeit small, a man endowed with its own character.

But the parents of large families, brought up several children in exactly the same conditions, it is clear that genetics still plays a significant role in shaping personality. Even identical twins may have nothing in common except the appearance. Some scientists believe that in the features of our character and behavior - the mood, introversion / extroversion levels of aggression, etc. - specific genes are responsible, but they have not yet succeeded in isolating.

 Genetics child | Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child

What determines the sex of the child

What determines the sex of the baby? The answer to this question would like to know the millions of couples who dream about the appearance of a daughter or a son. The child's sex is determined by only one pair of chromosomes. Males have XY pair, and women - a pair of XX. This is the latest, the twenty-third pair of chromosomes. Accordingly, it appears that one X chromosome in the unborn child from the mother necessarily. The second chromosome depends on whether the sperm reach the egg first. If he carried the X chromosome - a girl (XX). If Y - will be a boy (XY). And it is interesting that the sperm carrying the X chromosome, move slowly bearing Y-chromosome, but they are more survivable. Therefore, if fertilization has occurred over two or three days after intercourse, the high probability of a baby boy. If it later - that girl. Based on this method of planning the sex of the child.

 Genetics child | Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child


Identical twins develop from a single egg. This occurs when multiple sperm fertilize the egg multi-core, or the division of the embryo into two parts with the split of the fertilized egg, when each part is obtained from a single embryo. Identical twins grow in the uterus together and have a common placenta and membranes. They have a total circulation. Since the genetics of identical twins have the same, they are always the same sex and born very similar to each other. Typically, one of the membranes is still among the fruits. If not, then perhaps fusion of tissue and the formation of Siamese twins. Fraternal twins are united only by a common place of residence: they both are developing in the womb. Each has its own placenta, independent circulatory system, its own shell. The death of one, usually makes life easier for the other.

Dizygotic twins are obtained while the fertilization of multiple eggs by different sperm. Genetics in these twins If you have twins: Ten Smiles  If you have twins: Ten Smiles
   different, they can be heterosexual, and not similar to each other. Why are twins, triplets are born more often in couples who are treated for infertility? This is due to the fact that the treatment agent is used to stimulate ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 . In women, there is a maturing of several (up to ten) eggs. In another method of treatment of infertility Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority  Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority
   - In vitro fertilization - the uterus multiple embryos transferred into the womb. Although usually only one survives, but can be saved and more. Through these methods sometimes develop supermnogoplodnye pregnancy when born four or more children.

Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child - Chance Birthday girl

October 15, 2011

  • Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
  • Prepare egg
  • Misconceptions
  • Fertilization
  • Genetics child
  • The chances of having a girl
  • The probability of having a boy

How to increase the probability of conceiving a girl: Alternative

Dreaming of a daughter and want to tip the balance of nature in your favor? It is quite possible. Using proven traditional methods, you can increase the likelihood of conceiving a girl.

 The probability of the birth of a girl | Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child

What you'll need

  • Thermometer to measure basal body temperature
  • Schedule basal body temperature

 The probability of the birth of a girl | Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child

What to do

  • Regularly measure the basal temperature Basal temperature - try to move less  Basal temperature - try to move less
   body. Basal body temperature should be measured every morning immediately after waking up with a special thermometer. The measurement result is written to the table. Tools for charting basal body temperature is on specialized sites for those who want to become pregnant.
  • Check the condition of the mucous plug the cervical canal. Every day, determines the type mucus of the cervical canal, which your body produces. This information is written next to the basal body temperature.
  • You should keep a diary of basal body temperature and condition of the mucus at least three or four months before you start trying to conceive. Your goal - to predict ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 . Knowing the presumable ovulation day, you will be able to get ready to conceive.
  • In 1970, an American doctor Shettls suggested that more boys are born to mothers who conceived close in time to ovulation, because the Y-chromosome sperm in the short-lived and catches the egg. To conceive a girl, you have to wait three or more days after ovulation. Dr. Shettls insists that his method of 75% accuracy, but that no one checked
  • Also contributes to conceive a girl sex in the missionary position, especially if the woman does not experience orgasm. Spermatozoa carrying female chromosome, are considered more resilient compared with sperm carrying the male chromosome, but they are slower. Shallow penetration and lack of orgasm, which causes smooth muscle contraction of the genital tract and, as a consequence, facilitate the promotion of sperm to the egg, complicate the task of "male" sperm. Accordingly, the probability of conception How to increase the probability of conception: the first steps to improve reproductive function  How to increase the probability of conception: the first steps to improve reproductive function
   girls rise.
