Hardening of cold water - make the body work - Principles and methods

June 29, 2013

  • Hardening of cold water - it makes the body work
  • Effect
  • Principles and methods

 principles and methods of hardening in cold water

Principles and methods of hardening in cold water

The problem of modern man is that he is surrounded by comfort, so do not feel permanent environmental effects, including the cold on the body. This significantly reduces its ability to adapt to environmental changes, so even a slight hypothermia can reduce the body's defenses.

How does the hardening of cold on the human body

Cold Tempering - increased resistance to the effects of cold by regular training influence various cold factor. Especially effective quenching with cold water.

Modern man protects against environmental influences clothing, a warm room, car and other benefits of civilization. It is a complete break between man and his environment and the violation of its adaptive capacity. In this case, improving adaptation to the environment is achieved by hardening.

Hypothermia - the most common cause of acute respiratory diseases. A complex system of thermoregulation of the body, allowing it to maintain constant temperature of the internal environment, regardless of changes in ambient temperature, consists of two mechanisms - the physical and chemical thermoregulation. Physical thermoregulation - a regulation of heat supply through the expansion or narrowing of blood vessels in the skin: the cold, they are narrowed and give less heat. But there comes a time when it does not help, then included the chemical mechanisms of thermoregulation - the acceleration of metabolic processes, resulting in more heat is produced. In addition, multiple systematic skin cooling leads to a thickening of the superficial skin layer, which also increases its thermal insulating properties.

It is found that the heat generation in human quenched cold is greater than the nonhardened, so when strong cooling heat balance balance he maintained longer. At the same moment the cooling quenched cold skin temperature of people above and the skin appears warmer to the touch than the unquenched due trenirovannosti blood vessels and adjustment of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . This greatly increases their resistance, as a cold and frostbite.

The basic principles of hardening cold water

In order to train the blood vessels to the rapid contraction or expansion, restructure metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   a quick reaction to cold and to increase the protective reaction of the body, must act systematically and gradually:

  • should respect the principle of constant growth of the quenching effects of cold water, that is lowering its temperature;
  • if signs of hypothermia effects should be discontinued;
  • water treatment should be carried out every day, combining them with the gym - it increases the degree of adaptation to cold;
  • hardening technique should be individualized, based on age, fitness, presence of chronic diseases and preferences of an individual.

It should also be remembered that after the termination of the degree of tempering procedures tempered weakens and disappears in 2-3 months.

Methods for hardening

Water treatments - this is quite a strong effect on the body, so if a person had not engaged in hardening and is prone to colds, it is best to start with tempering air. To do this, every day a few hours to spend in the open air, it is better if it is combined with hiking. Houses can take an air bath, fully clothed, and gradually increase the duration of these procedures. And only after a person has adapted to the cool air, you can start hardening in cold water.

Water - the more vigorous quenching factor than air, its thermal conductivity many times greater than the thermal conductivity of air. In addition to temperature, water and has a mechanical impact on the receptors in the skin, which is a kind of massage that improves capillary blood circulation and lymph flow. The most common form of tempering water in the home - a rubdown and pouring. You can also use the swimming in the pool or in open water.

Begin hardening water should be at a temperature not lower than its 34-35˚S. Then (in the daily conduct of procedures) to reduce the temperature of the weekly 1˚S, bringing it gradually to 22-24˚S, and then continue wiping and pouring water temperature of 2-3 months. In the absence of colds, anxiety and sleep disorders Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   you can go to the hardening of the water of a lower temperature, reducing it every 10 days leading up to and 1˚S 10-12˚S (ordinary tap water temperature). Any water treatment usually end rubdown with a dry towel light massage to enhance circulation.

Hardening does not take much time, but brings great benefits: fewer people colds, becomes more active during the day and sleep better at night.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • tempering

What does the fat in different areas of the body - Solution

July 18th, 2013

  • What does the fat in different areas of the body
  • Solution

 fat in different areas of the body solution

The fat in different areas of the body: solution

Women have different types of shapes. Someone boasts slender forms, while others appear fat in different areas of the body: someone curvy hips, someone has problems in the abdomen. Of course, there is a genetic predisposition, but experts believe that there are arguments that suggest that the storage of fat in a particular area says about certain irregularities in the body.


Fat on the abdomen

Very often, after a difficult period when a person is immersed in a stressful situation, he notices that his stomach has become more plump. This is not surprising: in this condition the body tend to produce excessive amounts of the hormone cortisol, which ultimately leads to fat deposits in the area. To get rid of excess is necessary, first, to fix the nervous system, and secondly, do cardio to improve metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting


Chubby knees and calf problem

When fat accumulates in the bottom of the foot, it's not much harm opportunity to dress up, but imposes a number of restrictions, in addition, cause a feeling of heaviness. In most cases, it is said that in the body there is excess fluid How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways  How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways
 That a person uses a lot of carbohydrates, water, sweet and savory foods, which have delayed. To overcome this can be the only way - to try to reduce in the diet of all the products that provoke the problem.


Heavy hips and ridges on the back

Folds of fat on the back look very unaesthetic. With them is not easy to choose beautiful lingerie and wearing tight clothes. If there is a defect that can be combined with the fat on the hips, it is in most cases speaks of passion carbohydrates, due to which the body produces excessive amounts of insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
 . The solution is to replace the "fast" carbohydrates utility - vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread.


Inner thighs, upper arms, chest

When fat accumulates in these areas, it often can report an excess of the hormone estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
 . Perhaps a woman takes oral contraceptives, which provoke it, so you need to talk to the doctor for the selection of new contraceptives.


The fat on the sides

Folds of fat, which "swim" from the waist jeans and skirts, sometimes reveal a violation of thyroid function when the thyroid hormones trigger fat is stored in these areas. Still need to pay attention to the consumption of salts of heavy metals that may be present in toothpaste, water from the tap, to try to bring them out of the body.

Article Tags:
  • obesity
