Aspirin for children - welcome to fifteen years is contraindicated

September 24, 2012

 aspirin for children
 Until a few decades ago was the main aspirin antipyretic in the treatment of infections in children. But over time, it has been found that in the designation of this drug during viral infections of children, it can cause serious complications from them from brain and liver. Today, many doctors believe that the huge death rate during the influenza epidemic, called "Spanish flu" in the beginning of the century has largely been associated with the widespread use of aspirin at the time.

 Aspirin for children - welcome to fifteen years is contraindicated

What is Reye's syndrome

Reye's syndrome - a serious disease that is often the result of taking aspirin as an antipyretic in the treatment of viral diseases in children. Reye's syndrome is manifested severe lesions of non-inflammatory nature of the liver, brain and other organs.

Reye syndrome can develop not only in children but in adults, but it occurs in children more often because of the imperfection of the liver enzyme systems. The exact cause of Reye's syndrome has not been established, but it turned out that its development requires an innate predisposition in the form of small disturbances of the liver enzyme. The starting point is a viral infection, intoxication due to exposure to chemicals (eg, organophosphorus compounds), the effects of certain medications (such as aspirin).

Under the influence of these causes going generalized loss of mitochondria (cell structures, providing the intracellular respiration) cells in the brain, liver, kidneys and other organs. Reye's syndrome most often occurs in children aged four to twelve years. But it can also occur in infancy.

 Aspirin for children - welcome to fifteen years is contraindicated

How does Reye syndrome

Start of Reye's syndrome is usually unnoticeable, it merges with the signs of viral infection or poisoning. The first signs of the disease appear within four to six days after a viral infection or poisoning. The child has moderate temperature rises, against this background, there is increasing vomiting and hemorrhagic rash on the body The rash on the body: the conclusions only after consultation with a doctor  The rash on the body: the conclusions only after consultation with a doctor
   in the form of small dots or specks of dark red color. On examination, the doctor reveals an increase of the liver.

At the same time or even before there are increasing signs of central nervous system in the form of headaches, confusion (the child does not understand where he is, does not recognize relatives), seizures. At the same time the beginning of the child at the same time there is vomiting lethargy, drowsiness, speech disturbances (thickly do not always realize that says), but he still realizes that he can speak and answer. But gradually growing violation of orientation in place, time and the environment, there are hallucinations, motor agitation, shortness of breath, convulsive readiness. In the deeper stages of the growing phenomenon of coma, instead of dyspnea is a rare breathing, seizures.

Since the disease process frequently included kidney, marked reduction in the amount of urine.

In infants vomiting is not always the main symptom of the disease, Reye's syndrome in this age of increasingly evident respiratory failure as shortness of breath with periods of breath (apnea). This infants the disease develops very rapidly and is often very difficult, with the transition into a coma.

Reye's syndrome can have mild, moderate and severe course.

 Aspirin for children - welcome to fifteen years is contraindicated

Diagnosis and treatment of Reye's syndrome

Laboratory studies in this period may reveal violations of liver and kidney function, reduced clotting ability of the blood, lowering the blood levels of phosphate and glucose.

Treatment of Reye's syndrome Policy Pay only in the hospital, depending on the severity of the disease. The patient is allowed to breathe oxygen intravenously administered slightly concentrated solutions of glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 , Saline, drugs that restore normal clotting ability of blood. When violations of the child to translate breathing artificial respiration.

As one of the signs of the disease is increasing edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   the brain, which is often combined with the violation of excretion of urine, prescribed diuretics who also injected intravenously. To control convulsions prescribed anticonvulsant drugs.

Forecast Reye's syndrome depends on the severity of the disease, in severe cases can occur coma and death of the child, despite treatment. That is why in children is not recommended to use aspirin. This is especially dangerous viral infections, such as influenza, chicken pox Chickenpox - not just a childhood disease  Chickenpox - not just a childhood disease
   and so on. Parents should know what Reye's syndrome and why it can develop in a child in order not to treat it yourself, and promptly seek medical attention.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • aspirin

Ureaplasma children - the problem of intrauterine infection

February 1, 2013

 ureaplasma children
 Ureaplazmennogo infection can cause intrauterine infection of children. The frequency of isolation of the microorganism in children with various pathological conditions is high, so ureaplasma This insidious ureaplasma - often too late  This insidious ureaplasma - often too late
   children should be an indication for combination therapy. It should also be borne in mind that in healthy newborns ureaplasma detected in 17% of cases, it is not an indication for treatment in the absence of signs of disease.

 Ureaplasma children - the problem of intrauterine infection

Perinatal Pathology at ureaplasmosis

The incidence of ureaplasma in various pathological diseases in children up to 66%. The most common causative agent acts biovar U. urealyticum. Children are developing as a result of intrauterine lesions malformations, there may be cases of fetal death and stillbirth.

High perinatal pathology, fetal abnormalities and stillbirth are among the adverse effects ureaplasmosis Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system  Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system
   Timely diagnosis is required to promptly notify complications .  A woman should be examined with a view to the qualitative detection of the pathogen before planned pregnancy .  If ureaplasma detected already in a pregnant woman, you must be treated with the mandatory appointment of antibacterial drugs .  Pregnancy is not a contraindication for treatment ureaplasmosis, so after 18 weeks of antibiotics allowed for pregnant women .  During the course of treatment during pregnancy is necessary to make reference qualitative research to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy .  The indication for examination of pregnancy is also complicated during pregnancy, the presence of infectious complications (polyhydramnios oligoamnios yl), presence of placental insufficiency, signs of threat of termination .  If a woman has had complications in previous pregnancies (eg, stillbirth), then the current pregnancy, she should be examined in order to avoid infection ureaplazmennoj .

Ureaplasmosis leads to the suffering of the fetus in utero, it is evident:

  • hypoxia, or oxygen starvation (most often seen in the chronic form)
  • lag in the development of the fetus

Proven intrauterine infection is required reading for a course of drug therapy. In addition to antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 As primary therapy, justified the use of antispasmodic drugs, conducting metabolic therapy. If therapy is carried out in full, it will greatly reduce the risk of intrauterine infection. In the postpartum period children should be under medical supervision, because the infection can often be a form of a child carrier ureaplasmas. The immune system of the child's body as a result of infection is depressed, he is a weak pathogen antigenic stimuli, so it is important to engage in the strengthening of the body of the child. Tempering procedures, the means for stimulating immunity shown as preventive measures. Due to the negative impact of the pathogen on the state of immunity it is recommended to conduct a special study - immunogram to know whether there is a change.

 Ureaplasma children - the problem of intrauterine infection

Defeat lung, nervous system in children

Children can be infected during fetal development, even in the absence of signs of intrauterine infection, that is, in the absence of chorioamnionitis. In newborn infants, occurs interstitial lung tissue loss in the postpartum period is manifested pneumonia. Interstitial pneumonia characterized by a severe defeat with severe disorders of blood circulation. Congenital pneumonia ureaplazmennoj nature is observed in almost 35% of newborns. Identify damage lung tissue even during fetal development is possible when determining the level of special markers (this IL-8). Their increased level of amniotic fluid resulting in the subsequent development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in Dysplasia - what is it?  Dysplasia - what is it?
   and pneumonia in a child in the postpartum period.

At about the same frequency in children can be detected defects of the nervous system. Among the defects can be diagnosed choroid plexus cyst formation, congenital hydrocephalus, the expansion of the brain ventricles (ventriculomegaly or). There have circulatory disorders of varying severity, as well as disorders of the coagulation system (hypercoagulable state). The frequency of kidney damage, liver and heart, too, is high. Timely detection and treatment helps to reduce perinatal mortality.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • ureaplasma
