Scoliosis in children - is treatable, but can progress rapidly

April 27, 2014

 Scoliosis in children
 Scoliosis in children is different, since the skeletal system of the child has not yet been formed, and therefore has a greater plasticity than adults. This leads to the fact that on one side of the scoliosis in children easier to treat and on the other it can progress rapidly.


Causes of scoliosis in children

Lateral curvature of the spine, or scoliosis in children can develop due to various reasons. It can be congenital abnormalities of the spine, especially the development of hereditary connective tissue (dysplastic scoliosis), the effects of trauma, burns (severe scarring on the body, contributing to the displacement of the vertebrae), the impact of diseases (rickets, polio, and so on). But more often the exact cause of scoliosis in a child can not be established, and then talk about idiopathic scoliosis Idiopathic scoliosis: the main thing - in time to see a specialist  Idiopathic scoliosis: the main thing - in time to see a specialist

In children, symptoms of idiopathic scoliosis often appear at school age, when the child begins to spend a long time sitting at the desk, especially if the party does not meet its growth. The situation forced flexion of the spine occurs in a gradual way and fixing it in position. As a result, the spine is formed from one to three arcs, on top of which starts changing vertebrae.

In school-age children are often formed S-shaped scoliosis with two vertices directed in different directions. One vertex is usually located in the thoracic spine and the other in the lumbar.

Sometimes the first manifestation of a congenital or dysplastic scoliosis Dysplastic scoliosis - a developmental disorder of the connective tissue  Dysplastic scoliosis - a developmental disorder of the connective tissue
   only appear in adolescence. Adolescent scoliosis Scoliosis - when the spine is curved  Scoliosis - when the spine is curved
   often it has a benign course, unlike the children's scoliosis identified at an early age and are prone to rapid progression.


Symptoms of scoliosis in children

The first signs of scoliosis in children (scoliosis of 1 degree) are not always visible. Curvature of the spine of up to 10˚ and developing at the same asymmetry of the body most often only seen a specialist. With careful inspection, he may reveal a slight curvature of the spine, shoulder girdle slight asymmetry and shoulder blades. Slouch at this stage of the disease is usually not.

At 2 degrees of scoliosis in children (an arc of 11 to 30˚) appears stoop and clearer asymmetric changes. But the main difference is the appearance of twisting (torsion) of the individual vertebrae, located on the top of the arc.

If the child is not receiving adequate treatment, then there is a risk of transition of the initial stages of the disease with functional changes in the stage, accompanied by structural changes and changes in the shape of the vertebrae of the chest and pelvis. These steps are accompanied by disturbances of the internal organs, particularly the cardiovascular system and the lungs.

Scoliosis in children able to progress rapidly, while, the younger the child, which was first identified scoliosis, the faster the disease progresses.


Diagnosis of scoliosis in children

If parents notice the curvature of the spine, or asymmetry of the body of the child, they should refer to the children's orthopedist-traumatologist. After examination of the child doctor will prescribe examination. Primarily, this X-ray of the spine in two projections. The pictures will be clearly visible location, shape and size of curvature of the spine, as well as changes in the vertebrae.

Sometimes for diagnosis appoint an additional examination (this is usually done in cases of suspected infringement of the spinal cord or spinal nerves) in the form of computer or magnetic resonance imaging.


Treatment of scoliosis in children

The body of the child is very flexible, therefore not yet formed skeletal system, it is possible to cure even advanced forms of scoliosis. For the treatment of scoliosis in children of 1-2 degrees are only conservative methods. Appointed complex treatment, which is a major component of physiotherapy (physical therapy) for scoliosis in children is the dosage load on the muscles that hold the spine in the correct position, it gives the best results. Exercises for scoliosis in children under 2 degrees curvature includes exercises for the correction of spinal deformity. Therapeutic exercises for scoliosis is effective only for children with long-term regular performance.

At the same time prescribe classes of therapeutic massage (also to strengthen back muscles) and physiotherapy. Hardware treatment of scoliosis Scoliosis: treatment and prevention  Scoliosis: treatment and prevention
   children includes magnetic therapy, electrophoresis with calcium, electrical stimulation of muscles of the back and other physical therapy procedures. Conservative treatment of scoliosis in adolescents is carried out on the same principle.

Surgical treatment of scoliosis in children apply only in the case of the rapid progression of the disease or of complications of the internal organs.


Prevention of scoliosis in children

Prevention of scoliosis in children is a healthy and active lifestyle, proper nutrition, proper arrangement of bed on a flat surface (better if it is an orthopedic mattress). Once a child starts school, you should pick up his desk and chair, corresponding to its growth (both at home and at school). During cooking lessons should take breaks with a light warm-up of sports (fizkultpauzy).

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • scoliosis

Stomatitis in children - how to protect children's delicate mouth?

April 4, 2010

  • Stomatitis in children - how to protect children's delicate mouth?
  • Features of the development of stomatitis in children of different ages

 stomatitis children
 Stomatitis - an inflammation of the oral mucosa, which can affect the cheeks, lips, tongue and palate. The word "stomatitis" literally means inflammation of the mouth. Usually it is a painful condition that causes redness, swelling, and sometimes bleeding lesions. The cause of inflammation may be poor hygiene, burns from hot food or beverage, in different disturbances affecting the entire body, such as allergic reactions or infections.

In children, the most common herpetic stomatitis, herpes simplex virus, and aphthous stomatitis.

Depending on its cause, disease can be contagious or not. For example, herpetic stomatitis is considered infectious. It can be transmitted to children with physical contact with people who have been active phase of infection caused by herpes.

Herpetic stomatitis most often occurs in children aged six months to five years, with the majority of cases occur in the age between the first and second years of life. Mouth disease usually develops in children older than ten years. It caused ulcers occur more frequently in girls than in boys. Children living in families with high socioeconomic status, may be more susceptible to this disease than children belonging to the poorer sections of the population.

 Stomatitis in children - how to protect children's delicate mouth?


The development of stomatitis can affect different factors. For example, braces, or cheek biting habit can cause constant irritation of the oral mucosa. Constant mouth breathing due to nasal congestion or other reasons may cause dryness and irritation of the mouth tissues. The direct cause of herpes sores are herpes simplex virus Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
 . The cause canker sores is unknown, but it is assumed that it can be caused by several factors. For example, a child may have a genetic predisposition to the formation of ulcers or problems with the immune system. In addition, the alleged trigger canker sores include: emotional stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , Lack of iron, folic acid or vitamin B12, food allergies or viral infections, as well as monthly.

 Stomatitis in children - how to protect children's delicate mouth?


Stomatitis characterized by the appearance in the child pain, discomfort and open sores in the mouth. Symptoms of herpetic stomatitis:

Fever, sometimes 38.3-40S, which may appear a day or two before the formation of vesicles and ulcers in the mouth.

  • Irritability and anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
  • The presence of bubbles in the mouth, often - the language, cheeks and palate, which then burst to form ulcers. Typically, small ulcer sizes - from 1 to 5 mm in diameter.
  • Gum disease, sometimes - bleeding gums How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules  How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules
  • Pain in the oral cavity.
  • Increased salivation.
  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • Bad breath.

 Stomatitis in children - how to protect children's delicate mouth?

The symptoms of canker sores

Burning and tingling in the mouth shortly before the appearance of other symptoms.

The appearance of red spots and swelling in the mouth; after a while they become open sores. Their diameter of the pair of millimeters to one centimeter. Ulcers may be single, or gathered in clusters. In the center of the ulcer white or yellowish, and the edges - red.

If the child can not swallow normally, if he has a fever, he was very irritable and / or symptoms persist for three days, consult your doctor. If signs of dehydration need to call an ambulance. Signs of dehydration are; dry mouth, crying without tears, no urination for eight hours or more, or very dark urine.

 Stomatitis in children - how to protect children's delicate mouth?


Usually, a doctor can diagnose stomatitis in children appearance of ulcers in the mouth. Ulcers appear when herpes and thrush, are different from each other. Laboratory tests are rare, but in some cases they are needed to rule out other diseases.
