The first signs of pregnancy after conception: the truth or self-hypnosis?

September 23, 2011

 the first signs of pregnancy after conception
 Every woman wants to know about her pregnancy as soon as possible. For some, it is anticipated joy, and pregnancies have to radically change your lifestyle. And for someone to unwanted pregnancy, and not be late for an abortion. But how to determine pregnancy even before the anticipated monthly or delay? This question is complicated and a clear answer to it is not. But there are a number of signs, the earliest of which can assume a pregnancy immediately or almost immediately after conception. Although these signs and sensations of pregnancy is highly subjective and depend on the health, lifestyle and temperament woman.

 The first signs of pregnancy after conception: the truth or self-hypnosis?

Conception happens, then what?

After the meeting in the fallopian tube egg and sperm fertilization .  A further task of the zygote (fertilized egg) to move to the area of ​​the uterus, where it needs to successfully attach and grow .  In the process of movement of the zygote, it actively shares (every 12-15 hours), gradually increasing conglomeration of cells that make up, turning into a morula .  From morula due to ongoing mitotic divisions, forms a blastocyst .  Blastocyst in its composition has about one hundred cells and produce human chorionic gonadotropin, which prevents melt luteum .  The corpus luteum plays an important role in the first trimester of pregnancy, it produces the hormone progesterone, which supports pregnancy .  In the first place, progesterone relaxes the sphincter of the fallopian tube, the fertilized egg to freely got into the uterus .  Upon reaching the uterus, the blastocyst begins to actively take root (implant) in a juicy, prepared endometrium .  From this point on we can speak of an accomplished pregnancy .

 The first signs of pregnancy after conception: the truth or self-hypnosis?

The first signs of pregnancy

All the signs of pregnancy are divided into three groups: tentative (doubtful), probable and reliable. The first signs of pregnancy that occur immediately after conception, are questionable and may be a manifestation of a condition or disease.

  • Minor bleeding

Minor bleeding may be (but not always), six to twelve days after conception. This is due to the implantation of the egg, when the embryo is a few "breaks" endometrium at the point where going to be attached. Spotting may be in the form of spotting for one day or a few drops of bleeding. Often spotting arise from the existing cervical erosion Cervical erosion - almost without symptoms, but with consequences  Cervical erosion - almost without symptoms, but with consequences
 That is associated with increased blood supply to the cervix during pregnancy. There may be contact bleeding Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology

  • Increased basal body temperature

Schedule basal body temperature suggests pregnancy due to the so-called sticking of implantation. The essence of this phenomenon is the sharp drop in basal body temperature for one day after fertilization. This is due to the fact that the synthesis of progesterone, which provides a temperature rise begins to weaken in the second phase, and after conception resurged. On the other hand, at the time of conception release estrogen, which also reduces the temperature. After implantation, the basal temperature is elevated (greater than 37 degrees) to 16 weeks.

  • The feeling of malaise

Progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum of pregnancy soon after conception, affects thermoregulation center. It manifests a slight rise in body temperature (37, 2-37, 4 degrees) that shows weakness, fatigue, fatigue. Furthermore, progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   a depressing effect on the psyche, which affects the emotional state of a woman (irritability, tearfulness, apathy).

  • Changing the breast

One of the early signs of pregnancy Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?  Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?
   - Is to increase the sensitivity of the breast. The woman says bloating and breast tenderness, heaviness or pain to any touch to the chest. Others, on the contrary, regular chest pains that occur before menstruation disappear.

  • Early toxicosis

Nausea, vomiting and drooling are classic signs of pregnancy, and can occur at different stages. Often, early toxicosis occurs immediately after conception, which is associated with neuroendocrine reorganization of an organism resulting from pregnancy.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • the first signs of pregnancy

The first days of pregnancy - taking care of the kid from the first minute

March 18, 2010

  • The first days of pregnancy - taking care of the kid from the first minute
  • Pain
  • self care

 the first days of pregnancy
 You know that pregnancy officially begins on the first day of your last (before pregnancy) monthly? In the medical environment, considered the beginning of pregnancy it is this day, because it is usually not possible to determine on which day occurred fertilization.

In the early days of pregnancy you will, of course, do not know they are pregnant, but maybe, intuition tells you that something is seriously changed. Many women say that almost immediately after conception, they have a kind of special feeling. Science can not prove it, for that matter, to refute. So listen to yourself - and try to be objective.

 The first days of pregnancy - taking care of the kid from the first minute

Date of birth

Thus, the expected date of delivery is determined by just 40 weeks from the start of your last menstrual period. Perhaps that is why even in time give birth only 5-10% of the women.

After the egg is released from the ovary and fallopian tubes into the uterus descends, she is ready to conceive, but your body is preparing for the possibility of the onset of pregnancy - produces progesterone, the endometrium thickens. Fertilization can occur only within 12-24 hours after ovulation has occurred Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 Since only at this time ovum remains viable. If it does not, the endometrium and peels off after a few days removed from the body along with some blood, and in one of the ovaries starts to mature another egg - is once again ready for a possible pregnancy.

When fertilization occurs, the egg, which is now properly called fetal egg, a few days later embedded in the uterine wall. This process is called implantation embryo - and only if the pregnancy is real. Experts believe that every woman for life there very early miscarriages; as it is impossible to say - perhaps more than a dozen. This occurs when the egg is fertilized, implantation but for some reason does not occur. In most cases, a woman of such abortions are not known; only sign, there may be a somewhat more intense than normal menstruation.

The fertilized egg is most often occurs on the third week of the menstrual cycle, implantation - on the fourth (as you remember, "officially" by the time you are pregnant for 4 weeks). It will take only 265 days from the moment of fertilization, and the light will be a new man.

Already in the early days may appear signs of pregnancy such as bloating, abdominal cramps, breast tenderness and mood swings - but all of this can easily be mistaken for signs of approaching menstruation.

 The first days of pregnancy - taking care of the kid from the first minute

What happens in the body during the first days of pregnancy?

Immediately after fertilization begins to produce human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - a hormone of pregnancy. It, as well as estrogen and progesterone Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   are beginning to prepare the body for the upcoming motherhood.

Domestic express pregnancy tests hCG react to it.

In the early days of pregnancy its level is usually still not high enough to test could give relevant results, but you can try. If the result is negative, try again in a few days; if positive, make an appointment to the gynecologist.

In the first days of pregnancy begins to develop another important hormone - relaxin. It helps to relax the muscles and ligaments. Thus the body is preparing in advance a place where the child will grow - thanks to this hormone the uterus and the skin will be stretched with relative ease.

To ensure the future of the baby with oxygen and nutrients in the body of a pregnant woman's blood volume increases. A peculiar side effect of this phenomenon is blooming mums.

One of the earliest signs of pregnancy Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?  Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?
   is unwarranted fatigue. This is due to the increasing load on the heart, and nausea, which is a common companion pregnancy. In addition, recently, scientists have found that progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   It has a sedative effect. Because its output is increased immediately after pregnancy, you may be sleepy, frequent urge to lie down and take a nap, lethargy. When the body adapts to the hormonal changes, this symptom will manifest weaker.

Nevertheless, despite the fact that in the first days of pregnancy in the body such changes occur, this term few people know what happened.
