Signs of Pregnancy: Week 5 - new sensation

May 15, 2013

 signs of pregnancy in the fifth week
 5th week of pregnancy - it's a great time and it's time to pay a visit to the gynecologist if a woman did it before. Only after the doctor's visit, you can easily sort out their feelings and to perform the necessary recommendations. 5th week of pregnancy is characterized by pronounced signs that say even those women who they had previously lacked. It is time, long past time to review your daily routine and diet and start taking vitamins. But should also bear in mind the possible complications, which can, and often appear in this stage of pregnancy.

 Signs of Pregnancy: Week 5 - new sensation

As the fetus develops in the fifth week

The embryo in the fifth week of pregnancy weight has reached 3, 5 grams, and visually presented rolled in an arc tube, the length of which is equal to four to seven millimeters. In this period can be seen in the embryo the beginnings of arms and legs, fingers, eyes, ears, mouth and nasal appears the gap. Because the neural tube begins to form the spine and spinal cord. The brain continues to develop, which defines the hemisphere. Actively developing eye machine. In the eyes of the lens are formed, the retina and cornea. Formed pharynx, esophagus and stomach, liver and pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
   are actively growing and functioning. The respiratory system begins to form the trachea. It increases blood circulation in the placenta and its continuing growth. In the fifth week of pregnancy appear the rudiments of sexual organs and you can see the sex of the fetus. At the heart of the embryo are formed atrium, large blood vessels are formed.

 Signs of Pregnancy: Week 5 - new sensation


  • Amenorrhea

If before the pregnant woman will not come in time menstruation refers to the banal delay and disruption of the cycle, then the fifth week amenorrhea leaves no doubt about life originated.

  • Early toxicosis

All are intense manifestations of early toxicity. Nausea disturbs not only in the mornings, but throughout the day. Often nausea joins vomiting. If vomiting more than ten times a day - it is an occasion to see a doctor. Enhanced salivation. Pregnant woman every day more and more tired. Changes appetite, often alternated with periods of overeating indifference to food. There are new taste preferences, the desire to eat something inedible (chalk, lime, soap). In this feature should pay particular attention to body signals about the lack of any trace elements and vitamins.

  • Increased urination

Many pregnant in the fifth week notice frequent urination. Firstly, it is due to the action of progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 Which relaxes smooth muscles, including the bladder and urethra, and secondly, the growing uterus begins to squeeze the bladder more, accompanied by a frequent urge to urinate.

  • Changes in body weight

The fifth week of pregnancy is characterized by a small weight gain, about half a kilogram. However, when expressed early toxicosis and intense vomiting weight, on the contrary, decreases, which is another reason for the appeal to the gynecologist.

  • Changes in the mammary glands

With each day of pregnancy the breasts become more sensitive or painful. Appears irritation and itching of the nipples, they become "superfluous" in the body. The chest is filled, a slight increase in size and rounded.

  • Itching of the skin

Often pregnant women complain of unbearable itching of the skin in different places. Itching may alternate (first scratched his stomach, then his legs, then his head, and so on).

  • The changing nature of discharge

By the fifth week of pregnancy, vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge: normal or disease?  Vaginal discharge: normal or disease?
   become abundant. They often milky color and consistency of liquid sour cream. The smell of sour secretions during pregnancy. Pregnant women should be treated with special attention to the vaginal belyam Beli: abnormal discharge  Beli: abnormal discharge
 . Against the background of the suppression of the body's defenses, especially in the first few weeks, there are often a variety of vaginal infections, especially yeast. When cheesy, pus or green discharge should immediately consult a doctor.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • first trimester of pregnancy

The earliest signs of pregnancy: believe it or not?

October 3, 2011

 the earliest signs of pregnancy
 The earliest signs of pregnancy manifested in different ways: someone they are visible at once, but there are women who do not see their first pregnancy before fetal movements. In most cases, the first signs are not too intense, and you can see them, but carefully watching their condition.

 The earliest signs of pregnancy: believe it or not?

What happens in a woman's body after conception

After conception, a woman's body there are numerous very serious changes, first at the level of the central nervous system (CNS), and then on the humoral level and in the internal organs.

Once in the central nervous system is signaled that fertilization took place, it greatly reduces the excitation processes, mainly dominated braking processes. The cerebral cortex forms the dominant center of pregnancy, which allows the central nervous system to constantly monitor the state and development of the fetus and the pregnancy as a whole. At the same time signals of the pregnancy comes from the cerebral cortex to the subcortical region in the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the condition of the entire endocrine system. The hypothalamus in turn instructs the pituitary gland (the main endocrine glands, which is also located in the brain), and the signals from the pituitary gland and the ovaries go to other endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenal).

Profound changes are taking place in the endocrine system. The main hormone of the first month of pregnancy is progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 That is allocated by the corpus luteum of the ovary (a temporary endocrine gland formed on the spot ruptured follicle from which came out mature egg). To stimulate its production starting another pregnancy hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which begins to produce shell embedded in the uterine wall of the embryo in the second week of pregnancy. During the first months of pregnancy the amount of HCG is constantly growing, resulting in a yellow body grows and begins to intensively produce the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone.

During pregnancy, the influence on the body of the vagus nerve (long nerve that runs from the brain and supplies the organs of the neck, chest and abdomen). This is especially noticeable at the very beginning of pregnancy, when the woman suddenly changed the taste, she begins to perceive differently the different smells, feels frequent dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Nausea, sometimes - vomiting and profuse salivation.

As a result of the coordinated work of the entire endocrine system fully hormonal changes a woman, and under the influence of hormone changes, all its internal organs and systems. All this is shown next to the earliest signs of pregnancy.

 The earliest signs of pregnancy: believe it or not?

The earliest signs of pregnancy, what are they?

Since during pregnancy in the central nervous system inhibitory processes dominate the very first sign of pregnancy The first signs of pregnancy to delay: Eyes on intuition?  The first signs of pregnancy to delay: Eyes on intuition?
   to lethargy, drowsiness and decreased disability. Drowsiness may be so severe and unexpected at the same time (especially if the woman before pregnancy was mobile and energetic) that it is not able to cope with this condition and sometimes falls asleep on the job.

Another early sign - bouts of nausea in the form of dizziness, which most often appear in a stuffy room. Most often attacks of dizziness are associated with a decrease in blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
 , Which in turn depends on the extension and spasm of blood vessel walls. It controls the reduction of blood vessel walls autonomic nervous system, which has not yet adapted to the new state, so that blood pressure may increase, then decrease. Bouts of nausea can be accompanied by nausea.

Hormonal shifts act on the sense organs, which react in the early stages of pregnancy. The changes affect mainly organs of taste and smell. Changes in taste can be very peculiar. In the first place there is usually a metallic taste in the mouth, making changes and taste of all dishes. It was a metallic taste often causes a woman to give up favorite foods. Different women have their eating habits: someone wants something sharp little or smoked, and someone - sweet. This taste can vary significantly.

Changes of smell also occur every woman differently. Some women literally chase odors. Because of this, they can not travel on public transport (smells strange perfume, sweat, tobacco smoke), go to the grocery store (there also can meet different smells unpleasant for pregnant women) and even be in your own kitchen (where odors can be totally intolerable).

Finally, under the influence of estrogens in women is increased and breast tenderness.

The earliest signs of pregnancy talk about significant changes in women

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • the first signs of pregnancy
