The first day of pregnancy - signs: maybe it's just a fantasy?

August 22, 2011

 the first day of pregnancy symptoms
 Of course, the first day of pregnancy does not appear in any way. Although there are particularly sensitive women who claim to have felt that the pregnancy almost immediately after intercourse, then she confirmed. But it happens, and so that a woman thinks she has become pregnant, then this is not confirmed.


So can a woman feel pregnancy from the first day or not?

As we know, women being more sensitive than men. And to say that studied everything that happens in their bodies during pregnancy impossible.

The fact that the pregnancy (as, indeed, all the work of female genital mutilation) is carried out under the influence and with the active involvement of the central nervous system. It is possible that the cortex receives information about conception in the first day, and it is particularly sensitive woman trapped.

But here you need to consider two factors. The first factor - is that pregnancy does not always occur immediately after intercourse. Sometimes it can occur over the next three days, it all depends on what day of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
   sexual intercourse took place, and as close to that time, was the date of ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   (release of the egg from the ovary).

The second factor will conclude that fertilization occurs outside the uterus (usually in the fallopian tubes), and the first week of the embryo with the body of the uterus can not connected, it exists completely autonomous and fed nutrients accumulated in the egg. Meanwhile he getting on the fallopian tube to the uterus, and a week later implemented in its mucosa. In place of introduction gradually begins to form a common circulation of mother and fetus, through which a fetus begins to flow oxygen and nutrients. The introduction of the embryo causes the uterus to increase in size and it is quite possible to feel at the intuitive level.

Yet no one can argue that women are the cerebral cortex has no information about that at the moment the egg is fertilized by sperm, because without the involvement of the nervous system in the body there is no absolutely nothing.


What woman can feel the first day of pregnancy

Most likely, this is some vague feeling of something new. As a rule, no clear signs of pregnancy in the first day there, all the sensations are only the part of the nervous system. Some women say that they feel even the process of conception. Is it so? It is difficult to answer, it is possible that someone is feeling. But in most cases from the waiting process of conception just starts fantasy woman. And as the results of the process can only be a two part comes true feelings, and some - not.

Confirm pregnancy in its first day of nothing is impossible. Uterus second half of the menstrual cycle (namely, in this period, conception can occur because there ovum) is always slightly loosened regardless of whether or not there was a conception. Therefore, even a gynecologist during the inspection can not confirm pregnancy. The uterus will respond only in a week when the egg becomes embedded in its mucosa.

No tests and laboratory tests also confirm pregnancy, since all the hormones of pregnancy related begin produced only after the introduction of the embryo into the uterus. At the same time begin to produce human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is also called the pregnancy hormone. HCG stimulates the secretion of another hormone - progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 That the entire pregnancy protects the fetus from a possible miscarriage.


How to behave if you are sure you are pregnant

In this case, from the first day to take care of the child. First of all, quit smoking, do not drink alcohol (even beer) and medicines. As already mentioned, in the first week of pregnancy women blood circulation is not related to the embryo, so no toxic substances from the body it can not enter the body of a child. But a week (of course, if you feel that you are pregnant) should be used to adapt to the new conditions. After quitting smoking, for example, it is not so simple, and some pills also can not be canceled immediately.

In addition, a woman must adjust ourselves to the fact that now it needs proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
 Regular walks in the fresh air and the possibility - no stress. Set yourself on the right healthy lifestyle - this is exactly what you want a woman as soon as she felt her pregnancy. If this happens on the first day, it means that she will be given one week to adapt to his new condition.

Women's intuition - that's unexplored area, and if a woman says about her pregnancy on the following day, it is not the fact that it is not right.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • the first signs of pregnancy

The development of the fetus during pregnancy: important trimesters

August 25, 2012

 fetal development during pregnancy
 Pregnancy - is a miracle, because a woman's body is developing future life. Therefore, the period of gestation of the child is considered to be the most important and crucial stage in a woman's life. How will the child grow and develop, depends on behavior, nutrition, conditions of work and rest the expectant mother. In order for the development of the fetus during pregnancy proceeded correctly, no abnormalities, the woman should be seen regularly by a doctor and perform all of its recommendations.

 The development of the fetus during pregnancy: important trimesters

First trimester of pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy corresponds to the gap from first to thirteenth week. The entire first trimester of pregnancy may be called critical period, at this stage there is a bookmark all internal organs and systems of the fetus. After fertilization, ovum moves into the uterus, where it attaches to the mucosa (approximately seven days). After this begins to form the future placenta, whose role is to protect the embryo from harmful substances and maintenance of its power and oxygen. On the fourth week, the embryo is formed by the heart, there are outgrowths (future limb) and laid authorities. During the fifth - sixth week begin to form teeth, developed stomach, intestines, pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
 , Urogenital system. The ninth - tenth week of the child uzhu developed liver and kidney function, urine is released into the amniotic fluid. The face of the embryo is already well discernible. By the eleventh week of the unborn baby's bones are formed first. The first movement embryo begins to make the twelfth week, but they have not caught a woman. By the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus reaches a length of 8-9 cm, and weighs about 7 grams.

 The development of the fetus during pregnancy: important trimesters

The second trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester is the period from the fourteenth to the twenty-fourth week. Continued growth and development of the placenta, rapidly formed bone system. At the fourteenth week, the embryo is already possible to determine the blood group Blood groups - what do you know yours?  Blood groups - what do you know yours?
   and Rh factor. The work includes the organs of the gastrointestinal tract: stomach, intestines and gall bladder. Begins the formation of the central nervous system (cerebral cortex is formed with sulci and gyri). Around the eighteenth-twentieth week, the woman begins to feel fetal movements clearly. Unborn baby in the second trimester of pregnancy is already able to feel, to feel, to express emotion Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
   (a grimace). In addition, the baby picks up the mood of the expectant mother and with her sad or glad.

In the fifth month of pregnancy continues to grow nervous and endocrine systems. The work includes almost all of the endocrine glands: pituitary, pineal, thyroid The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
 Adrenals, gonads. Spleen begins to perform the function of hematopoiesis. Leather baby in the second trimester of pregnancy is covered with vernix, which is formed by sebum and particles of the epidermis. Fetal weight by the end of the second trimester of pregnancy up to 100 grams.

 The development of the fetus during pregnancy: important trimesters

The third trimester of pregnancy

Third trimester of pregnancy begins with the twenty-fifth week of the fortieth ends. Of course, not all births take place exactly forty weeks of pregnancy, it is wise to talk about the third trimester of pregnancy, as the last sixteen weeks. In the seventh month, the fetus is practically formed the senses, he is able to distinguish between some smells, tastes, has a visual perception (reacts to bright light), catches and distinguish sounds, both internal (the pulsation of the umbilical cord, reducing the intestine) and external. It was in the third trimester, doctors recommend expectant mother listening to soft music, read stories, conduct conversations with the child.

Completes formation of the cerebral cortex. The child can feel pain, and actively respond to it. Fetus begins to synthesize many biologically active substances (hormones, enzymes). The internal organs continue to develop, accumulated subcutaneous fat. By the ninth month of the baby's skin becomes smooth on it are vellus hair. By the end of the third trimester, the fetus reaches about three kilograms and its length is 50-54 cm.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • development of pregnancy
