Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus? - 21-30 Week

December 12, 2011

  • Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?
  • 5-10 Week
  • 11-20 Week
  • 21-30 Week
  • 31-40 Week

21 weeks

Child: fruit steadily gaining fat to keep warm. Growth is slowing down a bit.

Expectant mother: you become harder to walk. If you need to pick something up, sit down and lift out of this situation in order to more weight pressed on his feet, not on your back.

Tip of the week: start to attend classes for expectant mothers, if not started yet.

 21-30 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

22 Week

Child: muscles of the fetus to grow stronger every week, formed eyelids and eyebrows. The baby moves a lot, reacts to sounds, rhythms and melodies. Try to sing to him and talk to him. When he was born, these sounds will calm him.

Expectant mother: the abdomen is steadily increasing, but you feel pretty good - no more sickness, and to other changes in the body, you got used to.

Tip of the Week: If leg cramps continue, eat more foods high in calcium and potassium.

 21-30 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

23 Week

The child: the body of the fetus becomes more like the body of a newborn, but the skin is still very wrinkled, as the child will gain a lot of weight.

Expectant mother by this time the weight of pregnant women increased by an average of 6-7 kg. Vaginal discharge becomes more abundant, they have white or golden color. If the color is changed or there is a smell, talk to your doctor, as this may be a sign of infection.

Tip of the Week: because the skin is stretched more and more, there may be dryness and itching. Each time after a shower and anoint the body moisturizing lotion.

 21-30 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

24 Week

Child: in the body of the fetus begins to produce white blood cells, primarily for fighting disease and infection. The child may respond to the touch of the abdomen.

Expectant mother: this week can be as much as 0.5 to dial directly kg. In the twenty-fourth and twenty-eighth weeks were screened for glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   to detect gestational diabetes.

Tip of the week: the future pope can hear the baby's heartbeat, put your ear to your stomach.

 21-30 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

25 Week

Child: fetal skin becomes dull, but it still lies in folds, as the weight of the baby is not big enough.

Expectant mother: you can often more often suffer from constipation, indigestion or heartburn.

Tip of the Week: drink more water and eat fiber to alleviate these symptoms.

 21-30 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

26 Week

Baby: a baby can move in time to the music; in reactions to the sound of his pulse quickens. Light is not yet fully mature and continue to evolve.

Expectant mother: now you will gain an average of 0.5 kg of body weight per week. From time to time may occur pain in the ribs, as the growing baby presses on the chest. You may not be easy to find a comfortable position to sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and recreation.

 21-30 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

27 Week

Child: baby actively moves his arms. He can suck your thumb - it's not only calms him, but also strengthens the muscles of the cheeks and jaw. The child may already crying.

Expectant mother: in the abdomen may appear noticeable stretch. You may become harder to maintain balance and mobility of the former because the volume and heavy belly.

Tip of the week: talk to your doctor about childbirth. Let him how to tell you more about the signs of approaching childbirth and about how to conduct themselves while.

 21-30 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

28 Week

Child: a child recorded REM sleep - it means that he is dreaming. The eyes have opened. Light is not yet fully developed, but so that the child has a good chance of survival in the case of premature birth.

Expectant mother: swollen legs stronger, possible sleep disorders Violation of sleep - severe consequences of the usual disorders  Violation of sleep - severe consequences of the usual disorders
   and shortness of breath. There may be Braxton Hicks contractions. Because the uterus is more pressure on the bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 , Urination may become even more frequent.

Tip of the Week: now is the time to decide whether your partner is present at birth. If so, he should be trained.

 21-30 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

29 Week

Child: this time his eyes almost all the children have a blue color; they can through the wall of the uterus and abdominal cavity to distinguish bright daylight from artificial light. The child is less turns, as he is getting closer, but still often pushed kicking and stretching.

Expectant mother: your weight has increased by 8-11 kg. As with every week the possibility of premature birth of your baby becomes less dangerous, you feel calmer. In many cases, premature labor can be stopped with the help of special medicines; often require hospitalization.

Tip of the week: high blood pressure in this stage of pregnancy is normal, but with the appearance of symptoms such as swelling of the limbs, severe headaches, or sudden loss of vision, seek immediate medical attention. These symptoms may indicate preeclampsia, characterized by a sharp rise in blood pressure and high levels of protein in the urine of pregnant women.

 21-30 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

30 Week

Child: body length of the child at this stage of pregnancy is an average of 43 cm, weight - 1.3 kg. The child becomes more puffy and his body begins itself to control its temperature. Eyebrows and eyelashes fully formed, his hair becomes thicker. The proportions of the body quite like a newborn.

Expectant mother: belly so big that it seems strange that even before the birth as much as 10 weeks. Discomfort in the pelvis and abdomen is becoming stronger.
