Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus? - 5-10 Week

December 12, 2011

  • Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?
  • 5-10 Week
  • 11-20 Week
  • 21-30 Week
  • 31-40 Week

5 weeks

Child: it has to grow and grow - is now the length of its body is less than 1 cm. Begin to form the heart, spinal cord, muscles and bones. The placenta and amniotic sac also still in the process of development.

Expectant mother: perhaps you still do not notice in your body big changes, though sometimes already at this early stage of nausea, pain and breast tenderness and tingling sensation in the nipples. More frequent urination and fatigue can also be a sign of pregnancy.

Tip of the week: if a pregnancy test was positive, it's time to see a doctor.

 5-10 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

6 weeks

Child: embryo begins to resemble a tadpole. Begin to form eyes and limbs. With very sensitive equipment it is already possible to listen to the baby's heartbeat. This is a very important period of development, since between 17 and 56 days of pregnancy, the fetus is particularly vulnerable to the effects of factors that may impede its normal growth.

Expectant mother by this time you may have added 1-2 kg, but if you are plagued by nausea and vomiting, may lose weight at the same rate. You begin to notice the changes that are occurring with your body: the breasts become more closely clothing in the chest and waist, fastened favorite jeans is not as easy as before. The doctor at the time of the survey can already see an increase in the size of the uterus.

Tip of the Week: If you have not already, start taking prenatal vitamins, as well as quit smoking and drinking alcohol.

 5-10 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

Week 7

Child: by the end of this week, the child grows up to 1.3 cm, ie up to the size of a small raspberry. At the ends of the arms and legs of the future appear plates, which then form the fingers. The heart, lungs, nostrils, intestines and appendix become more developed. Because neural tube grow brain and spinal cord.

Expectant mother: the abdomen have not noticed, but now you really feel that the body is changing. Nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
   It has not yet passed, and touching the breasts can be very unpleasant.

Tip of the Week: If you have an upset stomach, eat small meals every 2-3 hours. To prevent the lowering of blood sugar level Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
 , Eat proteins and carbohydrates, such as cheese and crackers.

 5-10 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

Week 8

The child: the length of the embryo reaches 2 cm. Formed eyelids and ears, tip of the nose becomes noticeable. Hands are extended and begin to bend at the elbows.

Expectant mother: your uterus has reached the size of a grapefruit, and if you are very slim, stomach can start to bulge slightly. You may feel pain and cramping moderate force in the lower abdomen. This is because the uterus is growing. However, if the pain accompanied by vaginal bleeding, see your doctor.

Tip of the Week: buy a supportive bra. It is necessary not only for comfort, but also to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. In addition, perform exercises that strengthen the muscles of the chest.

 5-10 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

Week 9

The child: the length of the embryo already reaches 2.5-3 cm. They began to form the fingers, neck, becoming more visible. The child has to move the body and limbs, and this can be seen with ultrasound, but you still do not feel.

Expectant mother: waist size continues to increase, but to others it is not noticeable. You may have an aversion to certain foods and craving for others, heartburn, indigestion, nausea and vomiting. It happens mood swings Mood swings in women - bad character or a disease?  Mood swings in women - bad character or a disease?
   and bouts of irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper

Tip of the Week: Eat foods high in calcium - now it is particularly important, as a child begin to form teeth and bones.

 5-10 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

10 Week

Child: Now the embryo can be "officially" called fruit. They are reminiscent of mid-size shrimp; the length of its body reaches 4.2 cm, and weight - less than 5.5, the most important and dangerous stage of development passed - most of the disability, if they appear, are developed before the tenth week. However, all other development processes associated with mental abilities and behavioral installations will continue throughout the pregnancy. Eyes closed until the skin, which later forms the eyelids.

Expectant mother: You've probably already started to wear a loose-fitting clothing and watch stores clothes for pregnant women, although they are yet, and you do not need. Fatigue and irritability still being felt, but we have some good news: a few weeks, these symptoms disappear.

Tip of the Week: If you are going to do chorionic villus sampling, a prenatal test that is used to detect birth defects in the fetus, it is best to do it between the tenth and twelfth weeks.

Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus? - 11-20 Week

December 12, 2011

  • Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?
  • 5-10 Week
  • 11-20 Week
  • 21-30 Week
  • 31-40 Week

11 Week

Child: fruit size close to 6 cm, weight - 8.5 g to Appear nails and external genital organs; the child already knows how to swallow.

Expectant mother: the uterus has become so big that you feel it in your lower abdomen. There may be some changes related to hair, skin and nails.

 11-20 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

12 Week

Child: the fruit is fully formed, from the teeth to the toenails, but he is still very small and now will grow and become stronger. As a critical phase of development passed, the chance of miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
   this week is already much less than before.

Mom-nausea passes, and strength returned. Occasionally you may experience headaches, dizziness, and weakness due to hormonal fluctuations, but the overall condition is normalized. If this is your first pregnancy, the stomach is not very noticeable, but if you already have children, perhaps your position is already becoming noticeable to others.

Tip of the week: the majority of women after giving birth to her stomach, chest and Berdakh are stretching. They will not disappear, only a few will pale over time. To reduce the likelihood of their occurrence, avoid overeating to gain weight gradually. But mostly the appearance of stretch marks depends on the elasticity of your skin and heredity. Get rid of them only by means of special cosmetic procedures.

 11-20 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

13 Week

The child: the length of the body already formed fetus reaches 7.8 cm, weight - 14-18, the head is still disproportionately large, but soon smoothed out the difference. At this time, the baby is growing very rapidly. The face is starting to look more like a human.

Expectant mother: the uterus becomes more and feels like a soft ball in the stomach. If until now you have not gained weight due to nausea, now you begin to add weight, as it will become to feel much better.

Tip of the Week: your partner may feel abandoned, when you are absorbed in the changes occurring in your body. He can not, but I want to feel what you feel. To tell him about it and go together to the survey, so that he could hear the beating heart of a child.

 11-20 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

14 Week

The child: the length of the body of the fetus is almost 10 cm and weighs about '30 The child appeared pattern on the fingertips - one that makes it unique prints, as well as any other person. He begins to respond to external stimuli.

Expectant mother: skin and muscles stretch more under the pressure of increasing uterus. Since pregnancy hormones slow digestion, from time to time you may happen constipation.

Tip of the week: to cope with constipation Exercise moderately, drink more water and eat fruits and vegetables, preferably fresh.

 11-20 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

15 Week

Child: fetal body length of 10 to 11.5 cm, weight 50 g, it is covered with thin hairs - lanugo that fall after delivery. Begin to grow eyebrows and the hair on his head. At this time, the child may even suck his thumb. His bones become harder.

Expectant mother: the stomach becomes more noticeable. For the next five weeks, you may be asked to undergo a quadruple prenatal screening, which measures blood levels of four chemicals: alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), inhibin A, which are produced by the placenta. This is a very accurate test to detect congenital disorders such as Down syndrome. To pass this test is recommended for women over age 35, and if the results of other tests caused suspicion.

Tip of the Week: learn to sleep on your left side, as this provides a better blood flow to the fetus. For added convenience, place a pillow between your legs.

 11-20 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

16 Week

Child: body length unborn baby is already about 12 cm nails almost formed, he moves his arms and legs. The nervous system is functioning, and the muscles respond to signals from the brain.

Expectant mother: you can start to feel something like a slight tickle in the stomach - a movement of your child, even though they recognize is quite difficult. The volume of blood in the body increases, which is why at times can start nosebleeds.

Tip of the Week: If the veins in the legs grow and become very visible, wear special stockings. During the rest try to lift your feet higher - on a stool or the couch.

 11-20 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

17 Week

Child: the fetus begins to form a fatty layer that helps it to maintain body temperature and contributes to normal metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . Lungs start to exhale amniotic fluid, cardiovascular and urinary systems are working.

Expectant mother: by the time you gain about 4.5 kg of body weight, appetite becomes much stronger.

Tip of the week: to avoid dizziness and fainting, change body position slowly, especially when you get up. If you feel dizzy, sit down and lower your head down, or sit for 5-10 minutes.

 11-20 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

18 Week

Child: baby can already yawn, stretch and even frown. Develop the taste buds; they can already distinguish between the bitter sweet. Retina became sensitive to light, so if you shine a bright light on the stomach, the child can close his eyes.

Expectant mother: your uterus has reached an average size of a melon. You can feel the movement of the child, especially if it is your second pregnancy. When ultrasound is already possible to determine the sex of the baby. The load on your heart is increased by 40-50%.

Tip of the Week: I ask your partner to go along for an ultrasound. He could see his first child and at the same time to take photos to show friends and the very future of the child.

 11-20 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

19 Week

Child: the fruit skin is transparent and appears red because of the blood vessels show through. Begins to form the membranes that will protect the child in the later stages of pregnancy.

Expectant mother: from time to time there may be abdominal pain, dizziness, heartburn, constipation, leg cramps, swelling of the extremities and back pain. Dilation of blood vessels may form a small temporary "star" on the face, shoulders and arms.

Tip of the week: Try not too tired, because the growing baby increases the load on your heart, lungs and kidneys.

 11-20 Week | Pregnancy by week: signs - like the developing fetus?

20 Week

Child: fetal body length ranges from 14 to 16.2 cm, weight - up to 255, the kid can hear the sounds - your voice, heartbeat, stomach rumbling, as well as the sounds of the outside world. If you hear a loud noise close, he can close his ears or "jump" on the spot. He moves a lot - is rotated, pushed and kicked.

Expectant mother: waist you almost can not see, but it is, of course, temporary. The risk of urinary tract infections because their muscles are relaxed. Breathing becomes deeper, and you are sweating more than usual because of the overactive thyroid The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones

Tip of the week: to reduce back pain, keep good posture. Do not spend too much time on their feet during sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   put a pillow under your lower back.
