Implantation bleeding - signs and intensity discharge

August 17, 2012

 implantation bleeding symptoms
 All women who desperately want to have a child with anxiety and hope to listen to your body after intercourse that occurred in the auspicious days. And as strange as it does not sound, there are the first, the earliest signs of the ensuing pregnancy, which can be determined before the test will show the coveted two strips. For one of the first manifestations of these is implantation bleeding. Of course, this bleeding is not all women and to determine its own is difficult, so every expectant mother should be able to recognize the signs of implantation bleeding.


As fertilization occurs

Once ripened egg is released from the ruptured follicle into the abdominal cavity, it enters the fallopian tube. In favorable circumstances it into the fallopian tube is already "waiting" sperm. Thus, fertilization occurs in this location. Then the fertilized egg tends to get into the uterus to firmly to gain a foothold there. This process is called implantation. After implantation of an egg has occurred can be called an embryo.

At the time of the introduction of the egg into the thickness of the functional layer of the endometrium, which had already been prepared for implantation, occurring microscopic vascular injury. The blood that poured from the broken vessel is called implantation bleeding. In addition, another mechanism in the occurrence of bleeding is the formation of joint vessels - bridges between the egg and the uterine wall.


How to recognize

Recognize the signs of implantation bleeding is quite a difficult task. And yet, there are a number of specific manifestations:

  • Time of bleeding

The duration of movement of the fertilized egg along the way: the fallopian tubes - the uterus is about six to twelve days. That is, implantation bleeding should appear within the time interval after intercourse (given that conception occurred at the time of ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   or right field it). On average, signs of implantation bleeding occur seven days before the estimated monthly. In some instances, bleeding associated with implantation occurs before (in the menstrual cycle).

  • Intensity

In itself, implantation bleeding and bleeding is not called. It is so minimal that sometimes goes unnoticed future mother. This generally one or two drops of blood onto the laundry. Sometimes it can be pink or scanty allocation of mucus Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman  Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman
   streaked with blood. Often for implantation bleeding women take contact spotting Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   after intercourse. Such allocation associated with the pathology of the cervix (erosion, cervicitis), they are more pronounced and have a bright red color. Recurrent bleeding after intercourse and cleaning the woman should alert about the state of the cervix.

  • General discomfort

At the time of the introduction of the egg into the interior lining of the uterus, some women feel bursting, pulling or light cramps in the abdomen. If a woman feels intense pain - this is the first sign of gynecological diseases.

  • Implantation retraction on the graph of basal temperature

Characteristic changes in rectal temperature schedule may identify only those women who regularly for a long time its measurement was performed. As you know, normally, the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the temperature stays below 37 degrees, and the second (luteal) phase, it increases and the corresponding figure 37, 2-37, 5 degrees. Since the mid-luteal phase of a gradual decrease in progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 Respectively, reduction occurs basal temperature. The sharp drop in temperature on a single day at the time of implantation is called implantation retraction. This phenomenon is due to the drop in the level of progesterone and estrogen production beginning. Once an embryo attach to the uterine wall, the formation of progesterone resumes, and basal temperature stays above 37 degrees.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • Implantation bleeding

How to calculate gestational age and date of birth: correct calculation

April 14, 2012

 calculate gestational age birth date
 Gestational age, or the age of the child during pregnancy is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period, followed by pregnancy, and pregnancy is the same. Since the exact date of conception almost always unknown, it is the first day of the last menstrual period is used to determine the age of the child.

 How to calculate gestational age and date of birth: correct calculation

How to calculate gestational age?

  • Last menstrual period: If the monthly come regularly and can safely be called the start date of the last menstrual period, from this date, you can calculate the gestational age of the child (and, accordingly, the period of pregnancy). Age of the child during pregnancy is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period, and not from the date of conception.
  • Ultrasound: if monthly arrive irregularly or the date of the last menstrual period, you simply do not remember, to determine the age of the child in the womb is suitable ultrasonic method. To determine gestational age using ultrasound can be in the very early stages of pregnancy - from the fifth to the sixth week after the last menstrual period. This method is best applied in early pregnancy - about the eighth to the eighteenth week of pregnancy. With the help of ultrasound determines the size of the fetus and then, if they deviate from normal values ​​at a certain stage of pregnancy.

 How to calculate gestational age and date of birth: correct calculation

How to calculate the date of conception?

  • If the pregnancy is normal: with regular menstrual cycle Menstrual cycle and its characteristics  Menstrual cycle and its characteristics
   Conception usually occurs eleven-twenty-one days after the first day of the last menstrual period. However, in most cases, the exact date of conception Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child  Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
   determine, it is usually impossible.
  • In special cases: the exact date of conception is known in special cases - for example, by artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization.

 How to calculate gestational age and date of birth: correct calculation

How to determine when labor begins?

Estimated delivery date is calculated from the date of the last menstrual period: labor begins at a mean of forty weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period. However, these calculations rely not: according to statistics, only five percent of the deliveries begin in due time.

Article Tags:
  • signs of pregnancy
