Obstetric pregnancy calendar: what trimesters

December 26th, 2010

 maternity pregnancy calendar
 Many women can not understand why their own count of pregnancy does not coincide with a period set by obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation. But this is not surprising, since the calculation of the pregnancy goes to different landmarks, so the result is different.


What is obstetric pregnancy calendar

Obstetric pregnancy calendar as a starting point (or pregnancy) takes the first day of the last menstrual period of women. Of course, in this day conception can not occur, since the egg is only beginning to ripen. Ripen it in the middle of the menstrual cycle, after two weeks (usually it is, but in some women menstruation more or less). At this time ovulation occurs Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   (release of an egg from the ovary) and its sperm fertilization (conception). Therefore, the true duration of pregnancy (also called the embryonic period) usually occurs after obstetric period of two weeks.

All obstetric pregnancy calendar is divided into weeks, months and trimesters. Week - is 7 days, 4 weeks or a month of 28 days, the entire pregnancy lasts 40 weeks or 10 obstetric months. For the convenience of monitoring the pregnant woman the whole pregnancy is divided into three segments, or trimester: I trimester - the first 12 weeks, II trimester - 13-24 weeks, III trimester - 25-40 weeks. Each trimester has its own characteristics that distinguish it from the other trimesters.


I trimester of pregnancy (0-12 weeks)

This term is marked by hormonal changes a woman. In a woman's body produces a large number of the female sex hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 That prepares the uterus for pregnancy and tries to keep this pregnancy by inhibiting the contraction of the muscles of the uterus. Since smooth muscle is not only in the uterus, and in other internal organs, their physical activity is also inhibited. This is particularly reflected in the gastrointestinal tract: a delayed evacuation of food from the stomach can cause nausea and vomiting, and decreased motor activity of the intestine - constipation. The appearance of these unpleasant events also contributes to increased vagal tone - a long nerve that extends from the brain and also inhibits movement of muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that a woman's body has not yet formed the placenta, which will protect it from unnecessary stress on the part of the metabolism of the fetus. All unpleasant symptoms I trimester called toxemia of pregnancy early. Usually, it is not terrible - all the phenomena of toxicity are after the placenta is formed.

A pregnant woman is better in the first few weeks to register - it may allow time to identify such complications as ectopic pregnancy. In addition, a woman must go through the necessary research, whose main task - to identify and treat all potential complications (infections, hormonal disorders, and so on).


II trimester (13-24 weeks)

II trimester of pregnancy is the calm and pleasant for the woman. It has already formed the placenta, and completely disappeared all signs of early toxicity, but are no dyspnea and severity of the subsequent months of pregnancy. Woman prettier, and is engaged in the affairs, it looks even better than before pregnancy.

In this trimester also conducted a survey on hormones and ultrasound examination of the fetus, amniotic fluid, fetal membranes, placenta and the uterine wall. During this period, pregnancy examination reveals all the possible malformations of the fetus, as well as the possible chromosomal (eg, Down syndrome), and hereditary diseases.

Complications of this trimester of pregnancy: miscarriage Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?  Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?
   (late miscarriage), bleeding (usually a reason - placenta previa), iron deficiency anemia, lack of oxygen (hypoxia) of the fetus. The fruit is very responsive to the lack of oxygen: it changes the nature of the movements, the frequency and heart rate.

All this is revealed in the survey and, if necessary, treatment of women appointed and a special breathing exercises. It is important that in the second trimester, the fetus is well supplied with oxygen, because in this period is very rapidly developing brain.

In this trimester, it's best to be trained in the school of mothers, it is best to do it with her husband, because it is possible that he will help his wife in the first stage of labor. And even some men are present at birth.


III Plus (25-40 weeks)

Start of the III trimester quiet. But as the child grows, a big belly starts to prop up the bodies of the thoracic and abdominal cavities. There are problems such as acid reflux (stomach acid into the esophagus), constipation, shortness of breath (compressed lungs and heart), varicose veins, hemorrhoids. Almost every woman these effects to a greater or lesser extent are present. Zoom can be only through proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   and high motor activity, which need to be alternated with frequent rest.

But the term has come to give birth. The most important thing at this stage - to calm down, gather your strength and go to the hospital.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • development of pregnancy

8 weeks of pregnancy: signs of recognizable

May 26, 2013

 8 weeks of pregnancy symptoms
 The eighth week of pregnancy - is another milestone on the long stage, carrying a child. Many women in this period as primiparous and multiparous already aware of his condition, which is not surprising. When already 8 weeks of pregnancy, signs of its pronounced and leave no doubt that very soon (time flies imperceptibly), a woman becomes a mother. At this stage of pregnancy, the time has come, if it has not been done before, to visit a doctor and get registered in the antenatal clinic. It is worth thinking about vitamins, review the diet, and even a few new wardrobe (in terms of underwear).

 8 weeks of pregnancy: signs of recognizable

The development of the fetus at the eighth week of pregnancy

The eighth week of the development of the unborn child is abroad during its development. The final stage of organogenesis (ie embryonic stage) and start a new round - the fetal period. It is from this period, the embryo already has a proud name "fruit."

In the eighth week of pregnancy, the fetus reaches a body length of four centimeters and weighs about four grams. The little man covered with fuzz, and looks like a kiwi. The embryo has finally turned into a fruit, the tail was gone, the body is formed, continue to develop the fingers, which has seen the beginnings of polish disappearing interdigital partitions appear rudiments of milk teeth Milk teeth - how they are formed?  Milk teeth - how they are formed?
 . Continues to develop the brain, the cerebral cortex appears, stand apart hemisphere. Fetus begins to form a diaphragm. The kidneys are functioning actively, producing urine. In the stomach, the gastric juice begins to be synthesized. Fruit is actively moving, able to push off from the wall of the uterus, thumb-sucking, bending and extending the legs.

 8 weeks of pregnancy: signs of recognizable

Signs of the eighth week of pregnancy

Manifestations inherent in the eighth week of pregnancy, similar to the earlier signs, but will join the new changes:

  • The increase in body weight of women

At this stage of pregnancy the body weight decreased slightly, the maximum weight gain is less than half a kilo. Exceptions are those women who are at the heart of two or even three children. Of course, to increase the weight and influence of early toxicity symptoms (loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting). But worry about it should not be. The body is still time to make up for all the lost time.

It would be desirable for future mothers, but visible changes (to others) are not yet available. The only evidence of pregnancy may serve only to increase the waist in the volume, so that pregnant women at this stage to be stirring by buttons on skirts and trousers.

  • Changes in the mammary glands

Hypersensitivity, bloating, breast tenderness and itching of the nipples take more pronounced. In addition, the mammary glands start to prepare for lactation therein expands glandular and fatty tissue, which may lead to an increase in bust and require a change to a larger size of the bra. It is likely, and absolutely normal nipple discharge (clear or unclear). This is due to the secretion of colostrum (first milk). In hygienic purposes can be purchased in a pharmacy special chest pads. Also in the peripapillary region there are so-called Montgomery tubercles (bumps in the areola).

  • The increase in uterine

During a pelvic exam Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health  Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health
   palpation of the uterus is determined by its texture (soft) and dimensions. In the eighth week of pregnancy, the uterus, doctors compared to the size of a goose egg or female fist.

  • Pain in the abdomen

In the first weeks of pregnancy, in particular, and on the eighth, there may be pulling or tingling pain in the abdomen Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?  Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?
 . In the event of such pain is not anything dangerous, they just show a higher blood filling the uterus and its tension. If the pain became intense, moving to cramping, and even accompanied by a bloody discharge Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   of the genital tract, you should consult your doctor immediately. Firstly, it may indicate a threatening miscarriage or start, and, secondly, evidence of previously undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy. That's why doctors warn pregnant women to limit heavy lifting and exercise.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • signs of pregnancy
