Pregnancy with twins: pronounced symptoms

May 24, 2013

 signs of pregnancy with twins
 When a twin pregnancy symptoms tend to be more pronounced, and the doctor after the first pelvic exam may suggest the presence of multiple pregnancy. But all expectant mothers should be aware that pregnancy with twins is not just a double pleasure, but also a dual responsibility, so treat your condition should be a special (double) attention.

Pregnancy is probably the most joyful event in the life of the woman, and say nothing about pregnancy double or triple? Undoubtedly, there are many features that are probable and suspicious groups and on the basis of which we can assume the existence of life originated from the first days. Multiple pregnancy is no exception to this rule, but it is considered likely, confirmation.

What is a pregnancy with twins

About multiple pregnancy, or pregnancy with twins, triplets and so on, are lit when the mother's body at the same time developing more than one child. Multiple pregnancies can occur in two situations: either two at a time ripe eggs that were fertilized, or a fertilized egg into force any circumstances be divided into several.

The exact causes of multiple pregnancy have been identified. It is believed that heredity plays a role (if the family were twins), the woman's age (over 35 years) and a variety of medical intervention (stimulation of ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 , In vitro fertilization).

Signs of pregnancy with twins

Signs of pregnancy with twins at the very beginning of its development are more pronounced, and the twins can be reliably confirmed at a later date. The signs of pregnancy with twins are:

  • First half of pregnancy toxemia

The manifestations of toxicity, if not trite as it sounds, in the early stages of pregnancy with twins expressed twice. More intense nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
   and frequent vomiting may notice a woman who already had a history of, or were pregnant. Often, early toxicosis is so pronounced that it becomes indomitable vomiting that leads to a complete depletion of the women expressed dehydration and lack of minerals and vitamins. It is understandable that such a serious condition that requires treatment in a hospital.

  • Intensive weight gain and increased appetite

In pregnant women, especially in the beginning, often there is a growing appetite, and stomach if the mother does not live alone, and two children, apatite becomes a "brutal." This feature indirectly affects the body weight of women. Furthermore, in pregnant increases the amount of circulating blood that contributes to weight gain. If a pregnant one fruit for the entire period of the first trimester, gaining 1-1, 5 kg, the pregnant woman with twins in the first 14 weeks add 2-4 kg of body weight.

  • Severe fatigue and tiredness

It does not turn gray that early pregnancy contribute to the rapid development of fatigue and exhaustion. This feature is particularly pronounced in the pregnancy with twins. Woman tired just from the most basic movements and simple intellectual pursuits (for example, a pregnant woman with twins labor overcomes a few steps when climbing stairs or can not remember the multiplication table).

  • Pregnancy test and the level of HCG

Tests conducted in the early stages of pregnancy with twins, shows pronounced bright red and thick line, whereas singleton pregnancies line can be mild (pale) or absent altogether. Also, when a blood test for HCG A blood test for HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) pregnancy test  A blood test for HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) pregnancy test
   a pregnant with twins have higher its performance and growth spurts ahead of HCG hormone standards in singleton pregnancies.

  • Gynecological examination

During a pelvic exam Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health  Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health
   palpation of the uterus physician determines that the size of the latter does not correspond to the period of delay of menstruation (the uterus is a great position value).

  • Pelvic ultrasound

Well, of course, to dispel all doubts and to confirm the presence of twins in the uterus help to ultrasound. The most accurate ultrasound is one that will be held on dates for more than ten weeks.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy by week - following the development of the baby

January 11, 2009

  • Pregnancy by week - following the development of the baby
  • US
  • Symptoms
  • Weight of the child
  • Food
  • Trimesters

 Pregnancy by week
 Pregnancy for every woman is a very important period. It is especially difficult to describe the emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 Who experience both spouses in anticipation of the birth of the baby. To prevent a timely development of serious complications, it is necessary that a pregnant woman regularly visited the gynecologist at the antenatal clinic, and paid attention to any changes in their health status. The doctor will be able to assess how developing pregnancy by weeks, if necessary, appoint an additional examination and treatment.


What should I pay special attention to early pregnancy

Since the end of a woman's next menstrual period her body begins to prepare for the process of conception. If you make the count from the first day, then 14-16 days after the onset of menstruation come complex physiological changes that will continue to contribute to the maturation of the egg and pregnancy. These days, equal to the first two weeks of pregnancy. After the process of fertilization ovum moves into the uterus and attached there in the wall of the uterus. This process is called implantation, and it largely determines the subsequent development of pregnancy. For pregnancy is a critical period, because only with a successful implantation of the pregnancy develops and progresses.

Usually at the end of the third week, the beginning of the fourth week, a woman can get confirmation of the pregnancy - urinary test will be conducted already positive .  The first four weeks of this first two weeks of life of a child, and in this period its dimensions are only 2 to 5 mm .  At an early embryonic period, the embryo is most susceptible to the adverse effects of unfavorable factors, so their impact on a woman's body should be minimal .  For pregnant women, it is important to organize your diet to maximize received more nutrients to the developing fetus .  From the moment when the fertilized egg implanted in the uterine wall, all of the nutrients the fetus receives through the circulatory system of the mother's body .  You do not need to overeat, you should eat "for two, but not for two" .  As much as possible should include eating fresh fruits, vegetables, taking into account individual tolerance, so as not to cause the symptoms of food allergy .

The lack of an embryo of a certain group of vitamins and minerals can lead to a breach of bookmarks separate organs and systems. During the fifth week of pregnancy are actively developing nervous system from the neural tube in the following sections formed the brain and spinal cord. On this term for a pregnant woman it is very important to take prophylactic folic acid, which is effective in preventing the development of various malformations. The recommended daily dose is 800 micrograms. Also in this term begins to be laid one of the most important glands of the body's thyroid gland The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
 . If the expectant mother stocks of iodine is insufficient, it can lead to spontaneous abortion, the formation of varying degrees of severity defects or abnormalities in the fetus. In some cases, the baby after birth may lag in mental development, which also relates to the consequences of iodine deficiency during pregnancy.



In some cases, during early pregnancy is complicated by the phenomena of toxicity. This occurs most often in the period of 6-9 weeks. A woman complains of nausea, intolerance of certain smells, foods that cause vomiting in her appearance. It may change the general state of health, which is manifested excessive weakness, drowsiness, loss of appetite. In this situation, the most important thing is not to resort to self-medication, which is unacceptable for a pregnant woman, and in some cases even dangerous.

With symptoms of toxicity should be encouraged to eat food chilled in small portions. Good to eat little but often up to six times a day. More should eat fruit and drink juice. As much as possible you need to walk, to be in the fresh air and ventilate the room. If the appeal does not stop at the pregnant tend to progression, it is necessary to hospitalize pregnant and carry out a course of treatment in a specialized department of the maternity hospital.

Embryonic or early fetal period ends at the eighth week. Pregnancy proceeds safely, but can be complicated by the threat of interruption. If a pregnant woman complains about the appearance of pronounced pain in the lower back and abdomen, dark brown discharge Brown allocation - what do they say?  Brown allocation - what do they say?
   (they are called "smearing"), it is a clinical sign of the presence of complications and require medical assistance .  No need to be engaged in treatment at home, you should listen to the doctor's recommendations about the need for hospital treatment in the event of the threat of termination .  As a preventive measure you can take in this term of magnesium, which is an important mineral that regulates the process of transmission of neuromuscular excitations .  Due to this tone of the uterus is not elevated, and thus, it is possible to prevent the risk of threats .  Magnesium also improves the emotional state .  It ends the first trimester of the twelfth week .  The fetus is developing and actively growing, while the woman is normal, fade signs of toxicity .  By the end of the first third of pregnancy becomes noticeable growth of the uterus, the bottom of which can be determined above the vagina .


What changes occur with increasing life

Further development of the fetus leads to significant hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. After the thirteenth week of the fruit begins to produce hormones, particularly testosterone. This is especially important for pregnant women who have pre-pregnancy hormonal balance has been broken, and against this background there was a conception. Depending on the available evidence the woman should be examined in order to determine the blood levels of hormones. At 13-14 weeks shall be blood tests for hormonal examination, appointed by hormonal therapy in case of deviations.

Hormonal changes the body of a pregnant woman is a risk factor for metabolic disorders or metabolic disorders. Metabolism is experiencing increasing pressure, especially should pay attention to those pregnant women who are overweight. A woman should always keep in mind the rational approach to his diet and not overeat, as obesity contributes to the unfavorable course of pregnancy and childbirth. The fetus continues to develop, and continue to occur hormonal changes. If a pregnant woman has no contraindications, pregnancy is uncomplicated, with the period of 17 weeks is recommended to start to make a special set of exercises designed to prepare for the upcoming birth. The exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum. Also in the complex include breathing exercises, knowledge of which is useful in the process of childbirth.

At the twentieth week draws to a close the first half of pregnancy and begin the second trimester. During this period it is important to be aware of the possible risk of the following complications:

  • toxemia, which often develops in the second half after 22 weeks. This condition not only leads to complications in the fetus, as well as a direct cause of maternal deaths. It should pay particular attention to the appearance of a woman of edema, changes in laboratory parameters urinalysis (presence of protein) and blood pressure numbers, which become elevated. Assess the condition of the pregnant woman can only be a doctor, so you should see your doctor regularly and take timely clinical analyzes. When the diagnosis of late toxicosis pregnant woman should be promptly hospitalized for complex therapeutic interventions
  • anemia, in most cases due to iron deficiency. Antianemic therapy (appointment of iron and vitamin B complex) prevents the development of premature birth, the second half of toxicosis, infectious complications in the fetus
  • complications associated with infringement of production of amniotic fluid - polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios. The presence of this complication can be determined on the basis of an objective examination of the woman (size mismatch height of uterine fundus certain gestational age) and instrumental ultrasound. Most often it can be identified during the passage of another study ultrasound 22-24 weeks of gestation
  • after 26 weeks of pregnancy is a significant increase in the load on the kidneys, therefore the clinical picture may develop pyelonephritis or inflammation of the kidneys. When frequent and painful urination, pain in the lumbar region, fever should see a doctor, as it may harm the health of the fetus and the expectant mother
  • at time of 27-28 weeks is probable violations complex FPC (or "mother-placenta-fetus"), which is the cause of placental insufficiency Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm  Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm
 . As a consequence, it may cause fetal suffering with the formation delay its development. This condition requires an integrated course of metabolic therapy, and preferably in a hospital

By the end of the second trimester and at the beginning of the third hearth fully formed all systems and organs, it is gaining weight, growing. That women can fully devote themselves to preparing for the upcoming childbirth, working women 30 weeks of providing prenatal leave. He just needs to relax when there is an opportunity to sleep more walk in the fresh air. It is not necessary at this time to try to redo all the accumulated work at home as a strong fatigue adversely affects the overall well-being.

After a period of 33-34 weeks the fetus in the uterus takes its basic position - head and legs down. To save establish the correct fetal position should be remembered wearing a bandage that supports the abdominal wall and maintains the physiological position of the spine. It is important to wear a bandage - wear it only in the supine position, and before you get out of bed, you must first lie on your side, and then stand up.

At 34 weeks the fetus reaches the point of that at birth he can breathe on his own, his pulmonary system is fully developed. At this period to judge the development of the fetus, his cardiac condition and possibly using a special method of investigation - CTG. During the study, there is a record of heart rate on the basis of which we can conclude about the state of the baby. From this survey of pregnant should not be abandoned, because it is absolutely safe for the woman and the fetus. Pregnancy comes to an end, and probably felt a sense of fatigue.

At week 35 as high as possible is the bottom of the uterus and makes it harder to breathe. After fundus falls before delivery occurs relief and it becomes easier to breathe (this occurs after 36 weeks). When it's 38 weeks of pregnancy, it can be considered a full-term baby, he was fully prepared for the process of childbirth. It is difficult to determine with certainty the date of birth, as it depends on the individual woman. For pregnant, it is important to watch for signs of the onset of labor, which are expressed in the development of regular contractions of the uterus (or labor) or discharge of amniotic fluid. 38-40 weeks is the period of the long-awaited birth of the child.
