Signs of pregnancy to delay monthly ten signs that you are expecting a baby

December 11, 2011

 signs of pregnancy
 Many of the signs of pregnancy appear at about the same time, when you notice that the periods do not begin at the time, and some - even earlier. If you do not watch your menstrual cycle or if it does not differ regularly, you may realize that you have a delay, rather late. But finding at some of the symptoms listed below, you can safely buy a pregnancy test.


Abdominal distention

Of course, the stomach begins to rise so early. The hormonal changes that start soon after conception, causing a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, which is before the start of menstruation. That's why you may find that clothes became too tight in the waist, although the uterus is still quite small.


Increased sensitivity to odors

If you recently got pregnant, you should not be surprised that the smell of hot sandwich with cheese or morning coffee seems disgusting. The exact cause of these reactions has not been established, but it is expected that it may be a side effect of rapidly rising levels of estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   in the body. Because of this, not only smells, but also a favorite food can cause you retching.


Nausea and vomiting

Some "morning sickness" begins only after a month or two after conception, someone faced with this symptom in the first week of pregnancy. By the way, nausea may overtake you, not only in the morning - they may appear before, after, or instead of meals at any time of the day. Some lucky future moms really avoid it, but they are few. But half of the women nausea stops to start the second trimester of pregnancy.


Frequent urination

Shortly after pregnancy increase the level of hormones in the body gives the start of this chain reaction of changes that begin to occur in your body. Because of this, the volume of blood that passes through the kidney increases. As a result, the bladder is filled quickly and you have to go to the toilet more often. This feature appears for about the sixth week of pregnancy, sometimes - before. As the pregnancy urination will become even more frequent. At a later date it will also occur due to the fact that the uterus becomes more and more pressure on your bladder.



We started to get tired faster? To say the least? Some women in early pregnancy in the middle of the day feel almost exhausted. Experts can not say exactly what causes severe fatigue in pregnant women, but perhaps the reason is the rapid rise in progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   in the blood that can cause insomnia. Of course, the nausea and the need to go to the toilet several times a night do not add too cheerfulness.

By the second trimester, most pregnant women start to feel better. In later pregnancy, feeling of constant fatigue can come back because of the great weight that women now have to carry on themselves, but also because of sleep disorders Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 That may appear at this time.


Very sensitive and swollen breasts

One of the earliest signs of pregnancy Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?  Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?
   - Hypersensitivity and even breast tenderness, which is also due to hormonal changes. The discomfort is significantly reduced or entirely pass by the end of the first trimester, as your body adjusts to the hormonal fluctuations.


Delayed menstruation

If until now you have started month as scheduled, you'll notice a delay, and you do not need the presence of any signs yet to do a pregnancy test. However, if delays occurred before you, pay special attention to any changes that occur in your body that can talk about the pregnancy.


Implantation bleeding

At a very early stage of pregnancy, before the appearance of any symptoms within 1-2 days, you can go easy, smearing bleeding. While it is impossible to say for sure what it is most likely that it begins at a time when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall. This is called the implantation embryo occurs 6-12 days after fertilization.


Increased basal temperature

If you measure the basal body temperature and noticed that it remains above the norm for at least eighteen days in a row, you're probably pregnant.


Proof positive pregnancy test

Whatever was written on the packages, most pregnancy tests are not sensitive enough to reliably determine you are pregnant or not, if the delay is less than a week. If you can not wait to do the test ahead of time - do; in the case of a negative result after a few days, try again.

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  • signs of pregnancy
