How to increase the chance of pregnancy - remains optimistic - Ovulation

June 24, 2007

  • How to increase the chance of pregnancy - remains optimistic
  • Ovulation

 the probability of pregnancy and ovulation

The probability of pregnancy and ovulation

Most women get pregnant without any problems, even against their will. Others are trying to get pregnant for many years and are making for this great effort. Many women feel guilty if they can not get pregnant quickly, and often suspect at infertility. Nevertheless, women are quite capable to raise their level of fertility, and thus increase the likelihood of pregnancy.


Remains optimistic

Studies have shown that the physical health of the woman is not playing a major role in the ability to conceive a child. A positive attitude towards life and the problems encountered could radically change the situation. Negative thoughts often interfere with getting pregnant. The more stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 That a woman is going through, the lower the fertility rate falls. Try not to worry too much because of the inability to get pregnant quickly. Find your busy schedule time to relax. Every woman has their own methods of relaxation, so use the ones that are suitable for you.

Some women to relax enough to take a warm aromatic bath at candles. Others need special atmosphere and help a loved one. Aromatherapy massage and reflexology have a calming effect, help to relieve stress and get rid of heavy thoughts. Aromatherapy also helps restore menstrual irregularities.

Just a pastime in the company of a loved one - this is a proven means of relaxation Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!  Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!
   and restore peace of mind. Try to do what he likes with, go to the cinema or theater, to spend time in nature. The main thing - you both have fun and relax. This alone can bond your relationship, you have to pull together and relieve stress that inevitably accompanies attempts to conceive a child.



We know that acupuncture is a beneficial effect on the fertility of women, particularly when combined with IVF (in vitro fertilization). Research on the effect of acupuncture on the ability to conceive, not yet completed, but short-term studies suggest a positive effect of acupuncture.

Acupuncture is used by Chinese doctors for the past 5,000 years. This therapy helps to cure many different diseases, but the healing effect of acupuncture has received official recognition of only a few decades ago.

If you want to try acupuncture, refer only to the proven, qualified acupuncturist.



The probability of pregnancy to a large extent depends on the woman's menstrual cycle and its regularity. Ovulation (release of an egg from the ovary) usually occurs on day 12-18 of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
 . At this time, fertility is increased, and the probability of conception is maximized.

It is believed that ovulation occurs on day 14 of the cycle (it is a regular twenty-eight day menstrual cycle). To determine the probable day of ovulation is sufficient to solve a simple math problem: subtract 14 from the total duration of the individual menstrual cycle. For example, if you have a twenty-eight day cycle, subtract twenty eight fourteen - and get maximum fertility date (in this case the most favorable for conception is a 14 day cycle). However, the menstrual cycle - a phenomenon especially individual, ovulation can therefore take place both on the thirteenth, and the fifteenth day.

To determine the time of ovulation can also take advantage of special tests that can be purchased at the pharmacy. Sure, sex during ovulation also increases the chance of pregnancy, but couples seeking to conceive should have sex at least three times a week. Female body conceals many mysteries, so ovulation does not always happen in due time. Regular sex not only strengthens the relationship, but it ensures that you do not miss ovulation, thereby increasing the chances of conceiving a child.

After sexual intercourse, try for a while (at least twenty minutes) to stay in bed, not moving, to prevent leakage of sperm from the vagina - this will increase the chances of getting pregnant.


Nutrition and diet

A good balanced diet and a healthy diet is also effective to improve the ability to become pregnant. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables, foods containing protein bread flour from whole grains and foods rich in fiber (wholemeal bread, rice and pasta).

Also, the probability of conception increases certain nutrients and vitamins contained in food products, including:

  • Leafy green vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, lettuce and spinach, contain large amounts of folic acid - vitamin of great importance to the health of mother and child. Folic acid is useful for the development of the fetus, it helps prevent the development of defects, including spina bifida. Furthermore, folic acid Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate  Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate
   It is also very important for reproductive and general health of the woman. Sources of folic acid - bread, cereal and nutritional supplements.
  • Lean meat and beans contain large amounts of protein and iron. These important nutrients help maintain high levels of iron in the body. Low iron content in the blood might affect the overall condition of the ovaries and break mechanism ovulation.
  • Dairy products - an excellent source of calcium needed to maintain healthy bones and teeth. If you are trying to get pregnant, be sure to include in the diet of a sufficient number of foods containing calcium, to create reserves for the development of the fetus.

Women, unsuccessfully trying to conceive for a year or more often prone to depression, which does not increase their chances of getting pregnant. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor and discuss with him all the problems, including the difficulty of psychological properties.

Article Tags:
  • how to get pregnant

Pregnancy by week - following the development of the baby - Trimesters

January 11, 2009

  • Pregnancy by week - following the development of the baby
  • US
  • Symptoms
  • Weight of the child
  • Food
  • Trimesters

 trimester of pregnancy

Pregnancy trimesters

What happens in a woman's body during pregnancy, as the baby grows and develops - all these issues are interested in any woman. It is so interesting to know what is growing inside you a little man, and every day to listen to your feelings, imagining how the baby.


How long does a normal pregnancy

A normal pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, plus or minus two weeks. These 40 weeks gynecologists are divided into three trimesters: I trimester - up to 12 weeks, II - 12-24 weeks, III - from 24 weeks before birth.


What happens in the I trimester of pregnancy (12 weeks)

The egg reaches the uterus about four days after fertilization. During this period, it is divided into a plurality of times (up to about 120 cells) and represents a bowl filled with liquid. On the fourth week, is the introduction of a fertilized egg in the uterine wall - implantation.

By the beginning of 7 weeks the fetus begins to acquire human characteristics. When ultrasound is already discernible head, torso and limbs. Bowel loops may still remain outside the abdominal cavity and are adjacent to the vessels of the umbilical cord. This state is called the physiological umbilical hernia Umbilical hernia: When the weakened abdominal muscles  Umbilical hernia: When the weakened abdominal muscles
   is a norm to 12 weeks gestation. The heart rate increases from 120 beats / min at the 6th week of pregnancy up to 160 beats / min at 9-11 weeks. Detection of the fetus at 9-11 weeks of pregnancy the heart rate less than 90 beats / min is an unfavorable sign in terms of carrying a pregnancy.

By the end of the twelfth week ends to form the circulatory system. The main body of hematopoiesis in the fetus before the twentieth week of pregnancy is the liver. By this time, the muscles begin to function, and the fruit makes the first movement: moving arms and legs compresses cams, opens his mouth. From 9 to 12 week formed genitalia. It ends with the formation of the placenta.


What happens in the II trimester of pregnancy (c 12 to 24 weeks)

At this stage of pregnancy becomes noticeable to others. The uterus has greatly increased in size, it increases the volume of the abdominal cavity. There may be pink or reddish stripes on the abdomen and thighs - stretching, appear yellowish discharge from the nipple (colostrum), due to the pressure of the uterus in women can be constipation, appear milky white vaginal discharge with a mild odor that is associated with hormonal changes in the body. During pregnancy, women often complain of symptoms of thrush. Elevated levels of estrogen in the blood can cause swelling because of the ability of estrogens to bind and retain the body fluid. But there is also a pleasant change: approximately the twentieth week, the woman begins to feel fetal movements.

By the seventeenth week ends with the formation of the fruit buds, they occupy their normal position and are included in the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 Highlighting the urine. Starts the gastrointestinal tract, the intestine is filled first content consisting of bile, which is called meconium. By week's 16-17 start working the endocrine glands, producing hormones. With the twentieth week of the fetus begins to receive immunoglobulins from mother to ensure the child a passive (already finished) immunity. Intensively divided nerve cells, their number is constantly growing. Ends with the formation of the cerebral cortex, gyrus and sulcus appear. At 24-28 weeks is the formation of the higher parts of the cerebral cortex, which affects the development of the senses (the twentieth week ends formed body balance, formed in 20-24 weeks auditory and visual function), intellectual development. During this period it is important to walk more, listen to music, to experience positive emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code


What happens in the III trimester of pregnancy (24 weeks before childbirth)

In the third trimester begins during the formation of the sense organs of the fetus. From this age it is possible to engage in the development of the baby: give it to listen to music, talk to him. The fruit is very sensitive to the mother's heartbeat. While it is smooth and rhythmic, baby feels safe. It is believed that the fetus differentiates between low sounds better, so his father's voice. Throughout the pregnancy, the fetus is closely linked to maternal organism under the laws of a complex system called "mother-placenta-fetus". By the end of pregnancy, the fetus is not entirely dependent on the mother, many biochemical substances and hormones it produces itself.

For the thirty-fourth week, the fetus is still active, but its movements are already more rational character. Your baby has grown, it was crowded, and he does not change his position so often. By this time, the fruit must be in the correct position - head down, back to the left. At this stage, it continued rapid growth of all organs, especially the brain. During this period also increases subcutaneous fat layer, smoother skin. Actively developing the lungs, in the alveoli accumulated surfactant - a substance that prevents the alveoli law decay after the first breath.


Incipient birth

Incipient birth: the child is sinking deeper into the pelvis, sinking to the bottom of the uterus, the woman becomes easier to breathe, it can be to lose weight. The cervix begins to soften, there may be spotting Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   and discharge of mucus from the reproductive tract. Appetite may be increased, and the chair is slightly liquefied.

Article Tags:
  • development of pregnancy
